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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Are you still talking about religion here, or are you referring to those Spurs fans who put their blind faith in AVB and who still claim we were better under him than Sherwood, despite the evidence in front of their eyes?

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I haven't seen any posts mentioning (or even suggesting) blind faith in AVB. If you'd like to point me towards some I'll be glad to discuss them.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

for some time now?
HOw long have we NOT been a good defensive unit?

Quite a while in my opinion (and yes that includes AVB's tenure)

The issue is people keep picking on individual players, e.g.Dawson, Walker, Rose (I do at least), etc. and the only answer seems to be lets go buy an upgrade on that player. Yet I look at some of the "lesser" sides in the PL, with poorer quality defenders (players that would never be bought for Spurs), yet defensively they seem tighter, more organized, more difficult to break down. Example being we from time to time seem very vulnerable to diagonal ball over the top to a runner, something that should be basic for any English defense.

And I'm aware that a lot of those teams park the bus as a team and outside of the few tonkings, our defense has generally been statistically ok (I do think our GD gives the truth away), it seems we aren't that great a unit (certainly not better than the sum of a defense that includes Lloris, Walker, Vert, Kaboul, Vlad)
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

So many questions.
Why isnt he trying to play football "the spurs way" anymore?
Why a completely uncreative midfield?

Was the good football just a way to secure the job from Levy in the first place?
Is he now trying to grind out results? Why? Does he think he needs top four and this is his only way of getting there?

Has he lost the players?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I am not for or against Sherwood i was prepared to give him time and in some ways im not sure if even the 5 months in charge of us will tell if he is a good manager or not. But i have always favoured the route of getting someone who has worked there way up and actually managed before. For my mind Tottenham is the most important job in football and i want someone with experince.

People keep saying LVG and though im worried about someone who has never coached in England i will give him the same support as every other manager for a year. AVB had to go the guy was awful boring negative football and we were starting to look very dodgy defensively.

Sherwood I think is not right for us, he is a basic coach and i mean this in a nice way, i think he should stick to his favoured style of football and he will get better results, today he over loaded the midfield and again no attacking threat was almost like going back to the AVB style.

Sherwood should go take a job at Charlton or some where and build up his reputation. I never thought i would think Hughton was a good coach but he proved it at Saudi Sportswashing Machine and is doing ok with what he has at Norwich.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

So many questions.
Why isnt he trying to play football "the spurs way" anymore?
Why a completely uncreative midfield?

Was the good football just a way to secure the job from Levy in the first place?
Is he now trying to grind out results? Why? Does he think he needs top four and this is his only way of getting there?

Has he lost the players?

I think that he just wanted to stick with a team that did well against Saudi Sportswashing Machine. Capoue going off so early didn't help.

I agree that we were poor today, it reminded me a lot of how we were in the first half of the season. Adebayor was isolated and we kept running into congested areas.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

So many questions.
Why isnt he trying to play football "the spurs way" anymore?
Why a completely uncreative midfield?

Was the good football just a way to secure the job from Levy in the first place?
Is he now trying to grind out results? Why? Does he think he needs top four and this is his only way of getting there?

Has he lost the players?

These are the questions i'm wondering as well actually (except the last one, don't think that's an issue yet). Seems to have done a uturn to me compared to his early philosophy.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

It was really a Saudi Sportswashing Machine Ashley move to put him in charge. I was so shocked it happened. He's done much better than I anticipated, I just hope he bloods Eriksen and Lamela as much as he possibly can until the end of the season now.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Stunning decision to not play Eriksen.

We knew Norwich would be a tough nut to crack defensively so the solution is to play a bunch of uncreative lumps? We are lucky to have Eriksen but we don't play him. Bentaleb and Lennon are seemingly undroppable regardless of form and Chadli and Rose must have dodgy pictures of someone at the club because I have no other explanation to why they play but we ship out Ekotto and never play Lamela.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Honeymoon officially over ..

bad day at office, poor selection, poor tactics, unable to change game with subs ...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Stunning decision to not play Eriksen.

We knew Norwich would be a tough nut to crack defensively so the solution is to play a bunch of uncreative lumps? We are lucky to have Eriksen but we don't play him. Bentaleb and Lennon are seemingly undroppable regardless of form and Chadli and Rose must have dodgy pictures of someone at the club because I have no other explanation to why they play but we ship out Ekotto and never play Lamela.

agree with most except the lamela part, whenever he's been available for selection Tim's played him.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Exactly. We looked and played like AVB's teams but without AVB's system and philosophy.

I was hoping we would move away from that. We didn't set up to take the game to Norwich, there was no flair or creativity..I don't understand why Sherwood did that. I don't think Sherwood has any confidence in Soldado - but he has to get past that. (Play Eriksen as a second striker -or Dembele). Much as he needs to get past his fixation with Bentaleb, which is beginning to worry me.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I'm starting to wonder if the players are starting to feel that TS is just the stand in that many people think, want and hope.

Managers coming out and saying they have been contacted. It must be having an affect.

That said I believe that Sherwood has no real idea of how he wants the team to play. His system is now constantly changing as are the players positions. He did not test players properly on Thursday and so he got two bad performances.

He seems to feel like he cannot drop Benteleb but also he continues to play Paulinhio who is not performing and we have Eriksen on the bench who was playing well and has since been dropped.

Relying on Ade to do everything. Today he looked half injured this his lose touches. So with Ade not firing we lacked a Player to put it in the net for us.

We have been lucky in a lot of games now. It's a continuing trend. Bad first halves and a lack of real team structure.

I think Sherwood has a little too much of the Harry in him. In that he expects players to just go out and play.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I am not for or against Sherwood i was prepared to give him time and in some ways im not sure if even the 5 months in charge of us will tell if he is a good manager or not. But i have always favoured the route of getting someone who has worked there way up and actually managed before. For my mind Tottenham is the most important job in football and i want someone with experince.

People keep saying LVG and though im worried about someone who has never coached in England i will give him the same support as every other manager for a year. AVB had to go the guy was awful boring negative football and we were starting to look very dodgy defensively.

Sherwood I think is not right for us, he is a basic coach and i mean this in a nice way, i think he should stick to his favoured style of football and he will get better results, today he over loaded the midfield and again no attacking threat was almost like going back to the AVB style.

Sherwood should go take a job at Charlton or some where and build up his reputation. I never thought i would think Hughton was a good coach but he proved it at Saudi Sportswashing Machine and is doing ok with what he has at Norwich.

Good post
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I can't help but feel completely exacerbated at the lack of philosophy and tactics.

Its just been too long now; a good 18 months by my reckoning since we had a functioning mode of football.

It seems impossible to pick the bones out if it because its just such a mess. Levy needs to accept responsibility for this too.

So disappointed that we squandered a glorious chance to really push on the Summer with all that money. Its just unreal that we don't have centre backs, don't have a left back and yet have spent 100 million. 100 million!

I don't have any idea as to how we move forwards from here. 12 games to go. Lets see what we serve up between now and the end of the season. I don't know why, but I do increasingly have the feeling that Sherwood really is here until the Summer, regardless.

I guess a new manager in the Summer and a subsequent player overhaul. Again.