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Tim Sherwood…gone \o/

Do you want Tim Sherwood to stay as manager?

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Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

No. Just that Timmeh got schooled by man most people on here consider a disaster zone.

He didn't get schooled, behave!

If Soldado and Chadli had managed to put the ball into the net from 3 yards out, we'd have scored twice. And if our comedy defending hadn't arrived (like it did a few times under Andre I might point out) we'd have left the place with at least a point.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Really disappointed with Tim today. He is not getting to grips with the team's defensive shape. We concede far too many chances even against Saudi Sportswashing Machine. We look disorganised at the back, not one player is putting in good defensive performances. I really want him to succeed but he has to make our defence better.

I think they key sits with Rose and Dawson. Both have to be replace. Rose was once again negligent to say the least, charging around like Danny Alves sans the nous, while Daws is a ricket a game if we're lucky (and keeps on making the same mistakes when he plays)…I think we absolutely need some quality and class back there. We can get away with Kaboul and Vertonghen (although I was disappointed by Verts attitude in Dnipro, looked to me like he was ****ed off about it all) left-back I don't know, but we must replace these players if we want to push on should we somehow scrape the top 4...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Vertonghen's attitude throughout was a giveaway.
On his day he's brilliant and he knows it. He feels he can sleep through games he has no interest in and pop up and make tackles when called upon.
He left everything to Dawson today and took no responsibility for anything.

Overall there was no one on the pitch willing to take the game to them.

Hopefully this is a once off.

A very fair point…but again, the mistake which has really cost us is Daws trying to win a ball so high up the pitch he's in the opposition's half! No need to be there in the 80th minute, no need...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The tie is very much still in our hands ..

That said, and even taking into consideration our players probably didn't want to be in a country where people are being killed, and the pitch was a **** show, TS has to take a bit of responsibility for a poor and seemingly disorganized performance.

Win against Norwich, and win the return leg 2-0, and no one will remember or give a **** ...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Sherwood has now lost all 3 Cup matches since he took over as manager. Surely, it has to be the worst ever Cup record for any Spurs manager.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I think they key sits with Rose and Dawson. Both have to be replace. Rose was once again negligent to say the least, charging around like Danny Alves sans the nous, while Daws is a ricket a game if we're lucky (and keeps on making the same mistakes when he plays)…I think we absolutely need some quality and class back there. We can get away with Kaboul and Vertonghen (although I was disappointed by Verts attitude in Dnipro, looked to me like he was ****ed off about it all) left-back I don't know, but we must replace these players if we want to push on should we somehow scrape the top 4...

Either way imo...

I don't really see Dawson as a first choice player and I'm fine with him being a backup/squad player although that depends on Kaboul's fitness and how Chiriches develops of course.

I like Rose and his attitude, he really seems desperate to succeed with us and he has some good attributes. He just seems a bit short of the quality we need, could change, but not sure how much patience we can realistically show here...
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

A very fair point…but again, the mistake which has really cost us is Daws trying to win a ball so high up the pitch he's in the opposition's half! No need to be there in the 80th minute, no need...

Yes he doesn't win the ball on halfway but the guy runs off him into the opposition half so Daws tracks him and tries to stop him getting turned. Not winning a tackle on half way should not constitute a clear goal/pen situation when you have other defenders in situ. No blame there for me.
He also won a phenomenal number of headers there last night and was generally decent.

Now trying very hard not to be biased towards Daws (which I am because I love the man) I will make a couple of criticisms.
He did make a couple of ricks - main one being playing everyone on side from that late free kick. He also doesn't back himself to jockey opponents effectively and instead gambles on winning the ball and sells himself. He did it in the 1st half and got away with it. Its a difficult call because when he's positive and wins the ball by going charging in it often results in us winning the ball high up the pitch and keeping the team on the attack. I would say he wins those duels around 70-75% of the time. But it is high risk and I think I've read that you think he's lost half a yard. You could well be right because I would say in the last few years he was winning more of those high risk duels. In which case I'd like to see him change his game and back himself to jockey players - he did it very effectively once against Konoplyanka (sp) in the 2nd half when the guy slipped past 3 of our midfielders and a full back before facing up Daws who backed off into the penalty area but didn't give enough room to go past, leaving him with the option to shoot which Daws blocked superbly. He clearly has it in his locker - I would like to see him use it a lot more.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Either way imo...

I don't really see Dawson as a first choice player and I'm fine with him being a backup/squad player although that depends on Kaboul's fitness and how Chiriches develops of course.

I like Rose and his attitude, he really seems desperate to succeed with us and he has some good attributes. He just seems a bit short of the quality we need, could change, but not sure how much patience we can realistically show here...

I wouldn't be that keen on his attitude myself. He was a bit mouthy to the press before and during his Sunderland excursion, and he really hasn't delivered the goods in a Spurs shirt to back it up. I also think his aggression is an Achilles heel rather than something he can tap into to motivate himself.

For me he is the weakest link in the team, which unfortunately is also in the position we have the least quality cover. I was surprised we didn't strengthen this spot during the Jan window and it may prove our undoing.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Vertonghen's attitude throughout was a giveaway.
On his day he's brilliant and he knows it. He feels he can sleep through games he has no interest in and pop up and make tackles when called upon.
He left everything to Dawson today and took no responsibility for anything.

Overall there was no one on the pitch willing to take the game to them.

Hopefully this is a once off.

Vertonghen often looks disinterested and annoyed it's something I've got used to over time, I don't really find myself questioning his attitude though. He looked bad last night but it didn't help with Rose to the left of him that struggles to keep the correct distances along the defensive line leaving gaping holes for the opposition wingers to cut inside when he doesn't pick up runs, and Dawson over committing. He was very isolated at times and the defense was all over the place which made us look very desperate at points during the game.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I wouldn't be that keen on his attitude myself. He was a bit mouthy to the press before and during his Sunderland excursion, and he really hasn't delivered the goods in a Spurs shirt to back it up. I also think his aggression is an Achilles heel rather than something he can tap into to motivate himself.

For me he is the weakest link in the team, which unfortunately is also in the position we have the least quality cover. I was surprised we didn't strengthen this spot during the Jan window and it may prove our undoing.

Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back our Benny A. E., A. E.,
Bring back,
Bring back,
Oh, bring back our Benny A. E.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Yes he doesn't win the ball on halfway but the guy runs off him into the opposition half so Daws tracks him and tries to stop him getting turned. Not winning a tackle on half way should not constitute a clear goal/pen situation when you have other defenders in situ. No blame there for me.
He also won a phenomenal number of headers there last night and was generally decent.

Now trying very hard not to be biased towards Daws (which I am because I love the man) I will make a couple of criticisms.
He did make a couple of ricks - main one being playing everyone on side from that late free kick. He also doesn't back himself to jockey opponents effectively and instead gambles on winning the ball and sells himself. He did it in the 1st half and got away with it. Its a difficult call because when he's positive and wins the ball by going charging in it often results in us winning the ball high up the pitch and keeping the team on the attack. I would say he wins those duels around 70-75% of the time. But it is high risk and I think I've read that you think he's lost half a yard. You could well be right because I would say in the last few years he was winning more of those high risk duels. In which case I'd like to see him change his game and back himself to jockey players - he did it very effectively once against Konoplyanka (sp) in the 2nd half when the guy slipped past 3 of our midfielders and a full back before facing up Daws who backed off into the penalty area but didn't give enough room to go past, leaving him with the option to shoot which Daws blocked superbly. He clearly has it in his locker - I would like to see him use it a lot more.

When we're organized at the back, no.

Against a counter attack when we're almost by definition unorganized then a player essentially taking himself out of the game will significantly increase the chances of our opponents scoring. If we could afford a player taking themselves out of the game when our opponents break against us we should obviously have pushed up another player when attacking (at least at 0-0).

Similarly to Lloris rushing out though some risk can and should be accepted in situations like these of course, getting one of these wrong isn't the end of the world in the long term if you're winning the vast majority of those situations. If Dawson is winning enough of those to warrant that kind of risk is the real question I suppose. I'm not convinced myself.

I wouldn't be that keen on his attitude myself. He was a bit mouthy to the press before and during his Sunderland excursion, and he really hasn't delivered the goods in a Spurs shirt to back it up. I also think his aggression is an Achilles heel rather than something he can tap into to motivate himself.

For me he is the weakest link in the team, which unfortunately is also in the position we have the least quality cover. I was surprised we didn't strengthen this spot during the Jan window and it may prove our undoing.

Confidence and a bit of mouthiness from a young player isn't necessarily a bad thing. He's let his aggression go to far on occasions, but such is life for a young player sometimes.

I agree that he's the weakest link and that we also lack cover. I wasn't as surprised that we didn't strengthen in January though as good left backs are fairly rare and the January market is limited for various reasons already.

Should be a priority for the summer though unless Rose steps it up big time for the rest of the season.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

When we're organized at the back, no.

Against a counter attack when we're almost by definition unorganized then a player essentially taking himself out of the game will significantly increase the chances of our opponents scoring. If we could afford a player taking themselves out of the game when our opponents break against us we should obviously have pushed up another player when attacking (at least at 0-0).

Similarly to Lloris rushing out though some risk can and should be accepted in situations like these of course, getting one of these wrong isn't the end of the world in the long term if you're winning the vast majority of those situations. If Dawson is winning enough of those to warrant that kind of risk is the real question I suppose. I'm not convinced myself.

Confidence and a bit of mouthiness from a young player isn't necessarily a bad thing. He's let his aggression go to far on occasions, but such is life for a young player sometimes.

I agree that he's the weakest link and that we also lack cover. I wasn't as surprised that we didn't strengthen in January though as good left backs are fairly rare and the January market is limited for various reasons already.

Should be a priority for the summer though unless Rose steps it up big time for the rest of the season.

Yes this is true. Trust in ones own ability is almost a prerequisite for these young men. It can come across as brashness or arrogance and I don't mind that if it doesn't go too far. Rose wanted out when he wasn't playing and let all and sundry know about it. This I don't like.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I wouldn't be that keen on his attitude myself. He was a bit mouthy to the press before and during his Sunderland excursion, and he really hasn't delivered the goods in a Spurs shirt to back it up. I also think his aggression is an Achilles heel rather than something he can tap into to motivate himself.

For me he is the weakest link in the team, which unfortunately is also in the position we have the least quality cover. I was surprised we didn't strengthen this spot during the Jan window and it may prove our undoing.

But who is out there that we're able to attract that will actually strengthen us?
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

But who is out there that we're able to attract that will actually strengthen us?

I don't know but we have a man who should in Baldini. At the very least we should have recalled BAE as specialist LB cover rather than putting round pegs in a square left back hole in the shape of Verts or Naughton.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I don't know but we have a man who should in Baldini. At the very least we should have recalled BAE as specialist LB cover rather than putting round pegs in a square left back hole in the shape of Verts or Naughton.

Seems to me we left BAE where he is for good reason. Don't think there's anyone available right now on our budget, so we're better off trying to develop the ones we've got.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

Seems to me we left BAE where he is for good reason. Don't think there's anyone available right now on our budget, so we're better off trying to develop the ones we've got.

It's true that BAE has not been playing well but I think we all know that is a motivation thing with Benny as he has good ability when his head is in the right place.

I am also a fan of giving our players a chance to prove themselves. More than one chance if need be, but I just don't see it with Rose. He has good and bad moments in every game but his good don't outweigh his bad IMO. I think if Baldini cannot identify at least one gettable LB better than Rose then he is not very good at his job.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

The defensive problems come from us giving the ball away time after time near the half way line. Its criminal. Teams always catch us on the break and we are not set up to defend properly. Moreover, as the attacking players are going forward beyond the ball this doesnt leave the numbers back to defend.

If we kept the ball better we wouldnt have half the trouble we do.
Re: Tim Sherwood - Head Coach

I think you misunderstand what PDO is - it's a fairly common misconception. I really do suggest reading James Grayson's blog - you'll learn a lot and if you read it properly it will change how you think about football.

I used to like James Grayson's football programme in the early 1990s. Really knows his stuff.
