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The Society of Black Lawyers...

Try hard at school, get good grades, get a good job, work hard, some will earn enough to afford for their kids to go to uni. Just like the rest of us who have families that grew up with little or nothing.

You spend enough time in Random to know that many of us here started with nothing (or our parents did).

I'm not denying that at all. I hardly came from a silver spoon background myself, I came to this country as an asylum seeker. And I know that many people on this board are pretty self made. That I have nothing but the utmost respect for. But again, it isn't always as simple as that. As I said, some kids are coming out of schools effectively illiterate. And that isn't always because they're lazy or stupid, sometimes the teaching is simply that poor.

I want to reform the system so that these kids can fulfil their full potential, rather than having to slog their whole lives in something worse than they perhaps deserve based on natural ability.
Assuming again? I've read through the thread. So I'll ask again: the society of black lawyers-what do they do? What is there purpose?

No I'm not assuming again. You waded in insisting that the questions of what the SBL does and whether it allows non-Black members would be ignored on this forum. You seemingly missed the 2 page discussion that I had with 3 other members on those exact questions.

Exactly, its not only black people who face a daily struggle in life

Nobody said that. Don't build silly strawmen.

Hootnow kept going on about black kids not being given a chance coming out of brick areas and brick homes

Yes, how silly of me to talk about black kids in a thread about the Society of Black Lawyers while answering a question about what such an organisation may do.
Hoot I'm Egyptian my parents came as a Solicitor and Accountant both qualified... They didn't get jobs as yeah at that time there was racism. My dad ended up workin as a security guard then onto property setting up his own company etc. My parents suffered but they worked hard.

I wanted some nike trainers my dad got us nicks cos that's all he could afford. I went to school and worked hard went to college worked hard went to uni and worked hard and now professionally qualified.

Its called dedication - you show dedication and hard work and endeavour etc you will get a job.

You mention appalling schools - did you go to school in the 90s? They were utter fudgein brick. I worked hard and now successful. I know blacks asians etc who worked hard and got their rewards. I seriously don't think colour or religion or race plays a role for jobs or whatever. Its all about showin hard work.

So this constant ethnic minority malarky is only, as far as I'm concerned, propaganda. I'm not saying its 100 per cent propaganda but a lot of it is sensationalised by 'societies' such as the ASB

But again DHSF, I'm not 100% sure what your point is? I've never claimed that Britain is some kind of ridiculous racist society, I actually think we're one of the most tolerant countries in the world. And I think this is a great place to be a 'minority'.

You don't have to tell me about dedication DHSF. I came here with nothing and made a big success of myself. Same with my wife. And now I have more than enough money to go back to uni and do what has always been my dream. So hard work and determination gets you far. No-one has said otherwise. And this is true in the majority of cases.

But for me, to suggest that racism when it comes to jobs is almost 100% propaganda, is sticking your head in the sand big time. Not because it is happening all the time or because all minorities that get rejected get rejected because of their minority status and not because of whatever strawmen Marky and Roy will build up next. But because it does happen. And I've seen it happen. And both the statistics and studies bear this out.

Is that no I cannot ask, or no I don't vote fot the Liberals.

I had to ask, your post reminded me of fluffyness and cuteness, bunnies running around whilst little girls skipped in the sunlight.

Somewhat a world I imagine Liberals to live in.
Is that no I cannot ask, or no I don't vote fot the Liberals.

I had to ask, your post reminded me of fluffyness and cuteness, bunnies running around whilst little girls skipped in the sunlight.

Somewhat a world I imagine Liberals to live in.

A representative legal system is like bunnies to you?
I see the usual suspects Roy1983, markysimmo and others are again getting their knickers in a twist over the name and purpose of the 'Society of Black Lawyers'

Can I first of all say that the two people speaking out representing this group do seem like publicity-seeking bellends. Plus I think they are overly trying to make names for themselves by bringing up the 'Yiddo' issue. I bet most of the other lawyers would probably have distanced themselves from both the quickness of their police complaint in the clattenberg issue and their stance on the 'Yiddo'/Spurs issue.

However what I said in the Mark Clattenberg thread still stands: http://www.glory-glory.co.uk/showthread.php?2998-Mark-Clattenburg&p=236876&viewfull=1#post236876

Get a grip!

Hootnow I admire your energy you spend on some people, who clearly have axes to grind.
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I see the usual suspects Roy1983, markysimmo and others are again getting their knickers in a twist over the name and purpose of the 'Society of Black Lawyers'

Can I first of all say that the two people speaking out representing this group do seem like publicity-seeking bellends. Plus I think they are overly trying to make names for themselves by bringing up the 'Yiddo' issue. I bet most of the other lawyers would probably have distanced themselves from both the quickness of their police complaint in the clattenberg issue and their stance on the 'Yiddo'/Spurs issue.

However what I said in the Mark Clattenberg thread still stands: http://www.glory-glory.co.uk/showthread.php?2998-Mark-Clattenburg&p=236876&viewfull=1#post236876

Get a grip!

Hootnow I admire your energy you spend on some people, who clearly have axes to grind.

Couldn't put it better myself don't know why people get their knickers in a twist over things like this haven't read through the thread but did the old 'if got mobos can we have mowos as well please' classic line get pulled out?
But Herbert told BBC Sport: "Clearly Tottenham have a distance to travel before they learn of the offence that is being caused.

"If you had a group of Afro-Caribbean supporters using the 'N-word', even as a 'defence mechanism', it would clearly be completely unacceptable. There are young supporters present when the chants are used.

The N-word is accepted as being offensive by the vast majority of society.
The Y-word is not accepted as being offensive by the vast majority of society, at least not to the same degree. So it is not a good comparison to make.

"Use of the word, even in this way, could be seen by some as justifying other people using the term."
He has warned the north London club that unless they take action by 20 November, he will report "a racist incident" to the Metropolitan Police.

Go for it. And when the police fail to find a single person acting in a racially abusive manner, please then wait for our next home game and have another go. Then maybe you might find yourself up on a nice charge of wasting police time.

But Peter Herbert said this "wouldn't make sense to a six-year-old".

Good work Sherlock. Youve worked out that a six year old would not understand an argument on the subject of racism, and the different ways in which the same word is used by different members of society? Wow, you must be one of the cleverest lawyers around. Obi-Wan Mikel is so lucky to have you working on his watertight case.

Herbert is making this bunch look like a group of trouble makers trying to make a name for themselves. We have seen people like this before and they are not good people, they are divisive. It looks like Herbert also has some sort of vendetta against Spurs.... He is talking about making a complaint about something which has not yet happened. Why not go to the Police about a time "yid army" was shouted at out last home match?

He is pinning his colours to the Chelsea mast, when it is their fans who overtly racially abuse the Jewish people by making hissing noises. Their captain abuses black men. Herbert is a nasty piece if work, a trouble maker, who needs to be marginalised. For what it's worth I am what people would describe as a British Asian, I find it hard to accept that a Society of Black Lawyers needs to exist, and if they did I do not understand why they need to be actively sticking their noses into business that does not immediately concern them.
SBL is an umbrella group for all people of colour, not necessarily only those of afro-caribbean heritage. DHSF for example would be eligible to join if he were a lawyer.

So you do not have to be black andyou can join if you are white? Well why do they call themselves the SBL then?
But Herbert told BBC Sport: "Clearly Tottenham have a distance to travel before they learn of the offence that is being caused.

"If you had a group of Afro-Caribbean supporters using the 'N-word', even as a 'defence mechanism', it would clearly be completely unacceptable. There are young supporters present when the chants are used.

The N-word is accepted as being offensive by the vast majority of society.
The Y-word is not accepted as being offensive by the vast majority of society, at least not to the same degree. So it is not a good comparison to make.

"Use of the word, even in this way, could be seen by some as justifying other people using the term."
He has warned the north London club that unless they take action by 20 November, he will report "a racist incident" to the Metropolitan Police.

Go for it. And when the police fail to find a single person acting in a racially abusive manner, please then wait for our next home game and have another go. Then maybe you might find yourself up on a nice charge of wasting police time.

But Peter Herbert said this "wouldn't make sense to a six-year-old".

Good work Sherlock. Youve worked out that a six year old would not understand an argument on the subject of racism, and the different ways in which the same word is used by different members of society? Wow, you must be one of the cleverest lawyers around. Obi-Wan Mikel is so lucky to have you working on his watertight case.

Herbert is making this bunch look like a group of trouble makers trying to make a name for themselves. We have seen people like this before and they are not good people, they are divisive. It looks like Herbert also has some sort of vendetta against Spurs.... He is talking about making a complaint about something which has not yet happened. Why not go to the Police about a time "yid army" was shouted at out last home match?

He is pinning his colours to the Chelsea mast, when it is their fans who overtly racially abuse the Jewish people by making hissing noises. Their captain abuses black men. Herbert is a nasty piece if work, a trouble maker, who needs to be marginalised. For what it's worth I am what people would describe as a British Asian, I find it hard to accept that a Society of Black Lawyers needs to exist, and if they did I do not understand why they need to be actively sticking their noses into business that does not immediately concern them.

Actually if you go to the society's website it is a wider affiliation of blacka and asian lawyers. I wouldn't be surprised if Imran Khan, who represented the Lawrences, was a member.
Agree that Herbet is a bellend, is divisive and i really don't know why the Yiddo issue is being brought up.
However, i would defend the right of such an organisation to exisit for a minority group in the UK. In 25-30 years it's likely that such a group will be nothing more than a social club that organises yearly get togethers and parties 'for old times sake.'
Couldn't put it better myself don't know why people get their knickers in a twist over things like this haven't read through the thread but did the old 'if got mobos can we have mowos as well please' classic line get pulled out?

No it hasn't
So you do not have to be black andyou can join if you are white? Well why do they call themselves the SBL then?

Do you think there is a SBL in say, Nigeria?
Do you think that the existance of such a named group would be more or less likely than a group called 'European Lawyers society' or 'White Lawyers Society' in, say, Nigeria?
So you do not have to be black andyou can join if you are white? Well why do they call themselves the SBL then?

Such a policy would, I'm almost sure, be illegal. Being a society of lawyers, I'm confident they wouldn't fall into that trap.
Couldn't put it better myself don't know why people get their knickers in a twist over things like this haven't read through the thread but did the old 'if got mobos can we have mowos as well please' classic line get pulled out?

Not yet but give it time, its the Godwin's law of glory-glory racially themed topics.
Answer the question.

Ok, I'll say it slowly....

The 'Society of Black Lawyers' is an organisation for a minority group in the UK.
Just in the same way that you wont get a 'Society of White Lawyers' in the UK or another country in mainland Europe, North America or Australia/New Zealand, you also wont get a 'Society of Black Lawyers' in Nigeria, Jamaica, Ghana, Barbados etc.

I'm sure that is easy to understand, Yes?