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The Goon Thread

If they win nothing this year AND finish behind us, especially if we finish in the top 4, there will be MASS SUICIDES taking place amongst Arsenal.

They will not be able to handle it[-o<

Remember what happened last year with our 4th place..and that team that *won* the Champions league ? Could lightning strike twice on the exact same spot?
Remember what happened last year with our 4th place..and that team that *won* the Champions league ? Could lightning strike twice on the exact same spot?

50 to 1 against it happening, which is about 90,0000000,000000000 times too short, in my traumatized view.

Jokes about Arsenal winning the CL are not a good idea, for the same reason that standing atop a hill on a dark, stormy day, tying a kite to your dong and screaming 'electrostatic discharges can suck my balls!' is not a good idea.
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They have no chance of winning the CL, no chance...

Even though Chelbrick were massively lucky they had a far better team than Arsenal have now and also Arsenal havent sold their soul to the devil for success like the rentboys have
if we finish 4th and the arse finish below us it's an absolute guarantee that they will win the CL

we're spurs remember, the universe has been fudging us in arse forever
They have no chance of winning the CL, no chance...

Even though Chelbrick were massively lucky they had a far better team than Arsenal have now and also Arsenal havent sold their soul to the devil for success like the rentboys have

After last season, I would never make such a prediction.

Chelsea were massively inferior to both Barca and Bayern. The attempts for and against in those three games - not to mention the possession stats - were overwhelmingly in favour of Barca and Bayern. But both clubs were extraordinarily and uncharacteristically wasteful, time and time again.

No matter how inconsistent Arsenal might now be, there's always the chance that lightning will strike twice and that their opponents will let them off the hook as Chelsea's did last season.

Christ, just imagine if we do finish 4th and Arsenal somehow make it through to the CL final..................*shudders*.
Surely nobody is going to make the same mistake again? I for one will only rule out Arsenal winning the CL when they are actually out.
It could be as soon as a few weeks, Bayern are playing as good as anyone right now, but as last season proved,that means naff all when it has a bearing on THFC.
BM owe us a performance after the CL final, but it doesnt necessarily mean we will get one
You'd like to think Bayern are a more focused and motivated group given their recent frustrating experiences in CL play. They love to call Dortmund Meister der Schmerzen (Masters of Pain) in Germany, but two CL finals and two losses are pushing Bayern into contention. Even moreso when you look back at how they lost to ManU in Barcelona. Their form this season suggests they're in a mood to put all that behind them, especially knowing Pep is coming in next year. They have the skill and the tactical smarts to properly set up and frustrate Arsenal, whose fans will be expecting champagne football and goals galore. And likely turning quite sour when they don't see that, worsening when Bayern hammer them on the counter.

You just know Wenger will be hounding his Arsenal players to spend every ounce of energy preparing for and playing to win this. Which sets up an interesting scenario in league play the following Saturday when they host a rested and ready-to-revive Aston Villa who, despite their current place in the table, are under relatively no pressure going into this match.

Beat Bayern and the mood might brighten enough to lift Arsenal over Villa, who might well be content with an away draw. Lose and the Emirates will be a tub full of sour-faced lemon suckers. Villa might find the bitter atmosphere an asset and lift all three points.

A win for us at Upton Park - not easy at all - would leave Arsenal under enormous pressure heading into the NLD.

Not saying this, that or anything will happen. And certainly not laughing. Just pointing out some interesting subplots
After last season, I would never make such a prediction.

Chelsea were massively inferior to both Barca and Bayern. The attempts for and against in those three games - not to mention the possession stats - were overwhelmingly in favour of Barca and Bayern. But both clubs were extraordinarily and uncharacteristically wasteful, time and time again.

No matter how inconsistent Arsenal might now be, there's always the chance that lightning will strike twice and that their opponents will let them off the hook as Chelsea's did last season.

Christ, just imagine if we do finish 4th and Arsenal somehow make it through to the CL final..................*shudders*.

I agree Jimmy.

My head says they have no chance of beating Bayern, who are the 2nd best team in Europe on current form. They would then have to get past the likes of Real Madrid, Dortmund, Man United, Barca, Milan etc who are all better teams. And as lucky as Chelsea were last season, they defended very well at the Nou Camp. Bottom line, you can't win the Champions League if you can't defend.

Having said all that, I won't assume anything until they are out.
I agree Jimmy.

My head says they have no chance of beating Bayern, who are the 2nd best team in Europe on current form. They would then have to get past the likes of Real Madrid, Dortmund, Man United, Barca, Milan etc who are all better teams. And as lucky as Chelsea were last season, they defended very well at the Nou Camp. Bottom line, you can't win the Champions League if you can't defend.

Having said all that, I won't assume anything until they are out.[/QUOTE]

After last season, it has to be this
I didn't really get any great pleasure when I saw the Blackburn result, it's a setback for them but how many times have they have brick loads of setbacks and the media closing in and the fans getting irrate etc etc and they still finish above us.

What will give me pleasure is if Spurs lift a trophy as that's what the game is about. But also to be fair finishing above them wouldn't be too bad.