Vivian Woodward
Seriously though. Of those who call the Iraq war illegal, what proportion know a single thing about any kind of law?
And what proportion are protester types that would jump on any old bandwagon that sticks it to "the man"?
In all the times this issue has been discussed on this forum only one legal expert has ever weighed in with his opinion and he came down firmly on the side of legal, without any qualification to his judgement whatsoever.
Was that the one who threw his toys out of the pram when several people disagreed with him and no longer posts here. As for the rest of your post i do understand the point you make. However Blair took us into a war on a lie and cost many lives ( a very good friend of mine lost his son and he is now a shell of the person he was).
I have not desire to go through the debate on the war again ( been there done that) but what i will say is that i have no love for any government but we elect them so have to abide by that. They have the power to put up/down wages, make stupid laws, protect there own interests etc, but they have no right to take us to war on a lie and they should be brought to task for doing so.