So much for Sarah Vine saying that Gove had Dacre's support
No, its Gove that sh@t all over his close friendship with Cameron by not only joining the leave campaign but actually taking the helm of it, practically going head to head with Cameron. He betrayed Cameron and now he has stabbed Johnson from all sides.
The man is two faced and ruthless
Surely Peter tatchell is long gone?Jesus what a mess, the last thing the country needs is another harpie swinging her handbag about.
long game, they won't waste the chance to show May on her summer holiday in swimwear before they turn on her
Her own report of the incident claimed that a common Jewish slur was used against her. In my book that's racially abused.
SexistJesus what a mess, the last thing the country needs is another harpie swinging her handbag about.
The suggestion is that a parliamentary vote is required to trigger Article 50.
They are not really concerning themselves with the outcome of the vote but since you bring it up. The referendum was advisory and not binding, the leave vote did not set out what leave would look like and there are competing visions of leave. I think that gives MPs plenty of scope for voting against if they think that the proposals are not in the country's interest. Voting against might not be a rejection of the referendum result and could instead be a back to the drawing board vote. In either circumstance, I think that it would be difficult to get through without a general election first.
Corbyn saying
“Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.”
at the launch of a report into antisemitism was incredibly crass and stupid too. which point we should recognize that having watched Cameron trumpet democracy, it needs to be fulfilled!!!! Otherwise, the Brexits will be legitimately tinkleed off. And that will cause major major problems...
.....I've even got Jewish friends......
Mr Wadsworth said afterwards: “Jeremy said something flim-flammy that he didn’t support abuse and people must be respectful. I thought he could have been more robust than that, and said that people have strong views and it’s about freedom of speech – and what about the Telegraph working hand in glove with that Labour MP Ruth Smeeth. That’s the sort of company they’re keeping, these MPs.
“I didn’t have a clue that Ruth Smeeth is Jewish. I’ve never been called anti-semitic in my life . I’ve fought against anti-semitism and racism. During the anti-apartheid struggle, I fought alongside the Jewish Board of Deputies. The Jewish people have an ally in me.”
I don't. A general election covers so much more than that one point it can't possibly make the intentions of the electorate clear on that one issue.If the Conservatives won that election, absolutely. If the election was won by a party/coalition standing on a non-Brexit manifesto won, I think that would over rule the referendum.
This is all very speculative though and currently it is difficult to know what is going to happen one day to the next, let alone months or years down the line.
It is an optimist at the moment who buys a newspaper in the morning to read over lunch.
I don't. A general election covers so much more than that one point it can't possibly make the intentions of the electorate clear on that one issue.
That's the whole point of a referendum.
The electorate decided that, whoever is in power, whoever delivers it, leave is what they want and it was shown in the most accurate way we can in a democratic system. Any attempts to override that with another vote (including an election) is simply acting like the EU that the public clearly want away from.
In the initial link, it was made clear that somebody else is alleged to have made the remarks, not Corbyn himself.
Sexist which point we should recognize that having watched Cameron trumpet democracy, it needs to be fulfilled!!!! Otherwise, the Brexits will be legitimately tinkleed off. And that will cause major major problems...
I don't. A general election covers so much more than that one point it can't possibly make the intentions of the electorate clear on that one issue.
That's the whole point of a referendum.
The electorate decided that, whoever is in power, whoever delivers it, leave is what they want and it was shown in the most accurate way we can in a democratic system. Any attempts to override that with another vote (including an election) is simply acting like the EU that the public clearly want away from.