Simon Davies
Does that include the Eton boys who either work for daddy or one of his pals?
Oh yes, they work terribly hard, don't you know, sometimes upwards of what...six hours a week.
Does that include the Eton boys who either work for daddy or one of his pals?
We need a political Poch to come along.Well firstly, voting, political feeling, they are not rational. Its about what you feel, not logic. And democracy is to quote Churchill "a bad system, but the least bad anyone has come up with so far."
So who knows what will happen. We have left a world where we knew more or less what would happen, and have no national leader for the future, and no idea of how we will trade, or whether the UK will even exist. To answer your question, I have no idea.
They are issues that being part of the EU has brought, I fail to see how fishing quotas and human rights have fudgeed this country though...
Immigration? Well that has supported out basic industries such as farming and hospitality. Unemployment figures show immigration has not had that much of am impact as we were in full employment some months ago.
You said fudged the population, well some of the population work in fisheries
They are issues that being part of the EU has brought, I fail to see how fishing quotas and human rights have fudgeed this country though...
Immigration? Well that has supported out basic industries such as farming and hospitality. Unemployment figures show immigration has not had that much of am impact as we were in full employment some months ago.
Ok, so two observations I have from the mass hysteria that has ensued since Friday morning.
I. I have yet to hear any semblance of a plan and set of reasonable expectations for legislation and action by anyone voting leave
II. This leaves me to conclude that many people voted with their "finger in the sir' and were sold to by our current politics of PR, not but actual politics.
III. The issues that many voted on are not issues of the EU and are actually issues of the past 30 years of UK governance.
Thus the finger has been in the wrong direction and people have actually turned to the problem as the solution. As such, I have not heard any arguments as to how the whole of the UK will be BETTER off outside the UK.
( I voted Remain and was 60/40 on the issue. However, my view has always been that the country was not ready for this referendum and that mass political reform was needed in the UK first)
You said people voted leave as their jobs are all taken by immigrants......yet we're at full employment.
I don't believe you gave shown how the above has fudgeed the UK up...
These are merely things you don't agree with, which is fine, rather than catastrophic policies contributing to the apparent demise of the UK
There are circa 13,000 employed as fishermen in the UK.... hardly a significant amount. there will also be associated employment, granted. I agree the quotas mean they can't catch what they want, heck, it might not even be fair but they are working? they have jobs? if it was that bad we wouldn't have a fishing industry and we would just buy fish in. Life isn't fair.
The same justification can be labeled at the remain voters? You might not like the result, you may have to work harder but that was what your main message to the leave family was. Work harder because together we are better, well remain take note.
But anyway, we are out of the EU, our fishing quotas are lifted.. we catch what we want when we want... who buys our fish? Not the EU as they would be subject to a tariff. Iceland? they have brick loads of fish. Norway etc? they have fish too. USA? nope. So we catch all this fish but no place to sell it.
Russia and the US are huge customers of the UK fishing industry. I also don't agree with your tariff argument as the EU buys off non EU members, also the restriction on our waters would mean they would rely on more imports.
Im struggling to understand how EU policies have apparently brought this country to its knees...
I am not saying knees, far from it, but what if being in the EU is restricting the UK to hit its fullest potential, that is one thing the remain vote can't guarantee
I have shown examples of how sovereignty has been lost. I believe in sovereignty and don't believe that having it in itself fudges the country up.
Can i then ask you to tell me how voting Brexit and having the national Government accountable in all ways to do with running the country is catastrophic and will lead to the country' demise?
Well my observations of the past three days is that the dust has not even settled on the vote and the remain have and continue to make blanketed assumptions and judgement on those that voted leave. I find that amazing based on 17m people.
Some of the remain crowd really are super human
In the last hour on hear I have read in short that people who voted leave did so through non educated, lower waged and angry eyes. In my eyes thats just shameful
Im not sure it will, i just fail to see how we can vote on no facts, no plan and no agenda. Instead we have given up relative security to a long period of uncertainty. Uncertainty is not good for investment. I also don't believe being a member of the EU is as bad as people make out, i really fail to see how we have been fudgeed over by it. We may not like elements but its not all bad.
Now we are little old UK, a country split 55/45 down the middle with no leader and are on a rudderless ship. We are small fry in terms of the new globalised world full of powerhouses such as Russia, China, EU, USA, South America.
Ive said it before, if i was shown a decent plan and agenda for how Britain was going to survive outside the EU i may have voted to leave. The result is the result and fair enough, the people have spoken, or have been misguided at least. Better the Devil you know....
I could not agree more but in all honesty you, me, others who see the reasons the out MAJORITY won are wasting our time really in this thread.
It should be left to the remain side who because they did not win the vote are going to moan and bitch because they did not get their own way. Talk about bad losers who are just amazed that the MAJORITY did not agree with their selfish reasons and resort to the things you have suggested.
I would say the same as you and say they should be ashamed but as i say we are wasting our time, let them scream and scream how unfair a MAJORITY decision is.
Why are you so worried? You won, congratulations... Go have a beer.
Don't conflate Remain being tinkleed off with the Leave CAMPAIGN with Remain being tinkleed off with Leavers.
Leavers absolutely have their right and it was exercised.
I think the Leave CAMPAIGN was disgraceful. The two main pillars of their campaign, the ones that cut through the noise, are already being backtracked.
That's what a lot of people have an issue with.
Now we have no leader and seemingly no plan.
The decision to change is bigger than the decision to retain the status quo. Therefore the onus on the Leave campaign to have a plan was enormous.
I don't think Leave thought they'd ever win. It was an opportunity for Boris to begin manouevres and run for PM in a couple of years. Now they have won, they don't know what to do.