Vinnie Samways
Not for those that wanted out.
Look I agree with all your points more or less. But we need to get on with it now. Three things:
1) Leaving the EU is far from a done deal. Much to be negotiated and worked out.
2) Some change can be a good thing. Being stale is the worst condition. Shaking things up can be beneficial, whether in your own life or in a nations.
3) You are free. You can, for the moment at least, move to any country in Europe. Funny that Roy would like to move to Spaina vote to remain would allow anyone to flit between Spain and the UK. But its likely we'll still have some agreements with the EU, and be able to live and work there, not that much will change. I hope not anyway.
I'm not not getting on with it
I fear for the consequences and think that more needs to be made of certain aspects, I'm opining in a politics thread on a discussion forum