Is anyone even a tiny bit surprised that
The long term cause of this has been blow back from Thatcherism. Couple this with the on-going austerity policies that the modern Tories have been implementing. Ordinary working class people have had enough and this was a perfect chance for them to stick the finger up the backsides of the elites. The other cause was Cameron's pitiful leadership. The only reason we had this vote was to placate the RWNJ in his party and UKIP.
I wondered how long it would take before thatcher got the blame. Absolute rubbish.
If anything it's politicians like Corbyn who are blame. It was obvious that he had no interest in a remain vote but rather than do the decent thing and campaign for what he believed in and possibly lose his lucrative promotion he kept his mouth shut. Now he can't even bring himself to resign, he's clinging on for hrs worth. For HIS gain not the country's. That's who the people are sticking their fingers up at, politicians who don't give s damm about anything but themselves.
Politicians aren't listening and anyone who thinks this vote will change is in for a terrible shock.