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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

i said a while back, i'm becoming ambivalent to it nowadays. I don't like the Tories at all, but ultimately i'm not as affected as others from lower income and socio-economics.

If Turkeys want to vote for Christmas, crack on lads.
From a quick google, it was us who took it 'off the table' because of the NI customs union / backstop requirements that the EU were insisting on.
I suppose with the NI situation nothing could ever be truly off the shelf.

Whatever the history it's an absolute mess now.

The exit deal May rejected - because of N Ireland - is the one Boris went for! Then he renaged. You couldn't make it up!

You are correct all this crying from leavers re. Canada is a red herring, as the Canada-EU trade deal was never suitable for the UK. Or the EU. Losing free trade of financial services is not something the UK wants.
I thought we wanted Canada Plus? The Canada deal does still have tariffs on some goods, and doesn't include services?
Although that all seems so long ago now my memory may well be out.
That's how I remember it too (though it was a lifetime ago in Trump years). A Canada 'style' deal with lots of pluses - fin services, fishing, security, bouncy castles, etc. And the answer was nope.
The last four + years have been a total sham. It was always 'no deal'.
Totally agree but I suppose the EU wanted to pretend to negotiate. Would have been better to get on with it from the start, but if you remember the sore losers kept a bit like Trump demanding another vote.
His biases tend to be anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Think the country is still split by people who respect democracy and want to get on with things and those who constantly want to try to undermine democracy and moan.

No wonder so many in the Midlands and the North voted the way they did. This very thread has become an echo chamber of petrified federalists so entrenched in a view they cant see why with all their warnings or rather scare mongering people still voted resoundingly in a government who said they wanted to leave.
Think the country is still split by people who respect democracy and want to get on with things and those who constantly want to try to undermine democracy and moan.

No wonder so many in the Midlands and the North voted the way they did. This very thread has become an echo chamber of petrified federalists so entrenched in a view they cant see why with all their warnings or rather scare mongering people still voted resoundingly in a government who said they wanted to leave.

How did being in the EU cause you issues? What negative effects did it have on your day to day life? Or are you simply concerned with England's 'sovereignty'? Just trying to understand where your vehement opposition stems from.
Think the country is still split by people who respect democracy and want to get on with things and those who constantly want to try to undermine democracy and moan.

No wonder so many in the Midlands and the North voted the way they did. This very thread has become an echo chamber of petrified federalists so entrenched in a view they cant see why with all their warnings or rather scare mongering people still voted resoundingly in a government who said they wanted to leave.

Can you call a democracy valid if the information that informs it's direction is totally fabricated?
I think you're forgetting the bit when the EU did themselves point out that we could have a Canada style deal. They just didn't think we'd ever want that (standard arrogance and inability to look outside its borders).

I'm not arguing the case for Canada as a deal, I'm simply pointing out that one can't criticise the govt for claiming a deal was ready (it was, one had been offered) and then having it taken away from them.

A. You’re ‘forgetting’ that the UK has never wanted a Canada deal. Are you suggesting the government wanted us to sign a trade deal that excluded services as Canada have? Services accounted for 42% of the UK’s exports to the EU in 2019.

That’s why it’s so funny to see this excuse rolled out. Desperation to blame the EU even if it makes no sense.

B. You are claiming that this government are either naive, or tell mistruths? It has to be one.

You’re suggesting this government genuinely thought we had a ready deal in place!? That would be naive. Many warned trade deals are long and arduous.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
A. You’re ‘forgetting’ that the UK has never wanted a Canada deal. Are you suggesting the government wanted us to sign a trade deal that excluded services as Canada have? Services accounted for 42% of the UK’s exports to the EU in 2019.

That’s why it’s so funny to see this excuse rolled out. Desperation to blame the EU even if it makes no sense.

B. You are claiming that this government are either naive, or tell mistruths? It has to be one.

You’re suggesting this government genuinely thought we had a ready deal in place!? That would be naive. Many warned trade deals are long and arduous.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
I'm saying that there were a while range of deals that we were told were available to us when the statements about it being simple were made. When those statements were made, they were both accurate and truthful

Regardless of how good or bad you think those deals were, they were there (with a little tweaking) to be had.

They were suddenly and emphatically no longer available once the EU realised we were serious. That's their prerogative - being untruthful to the other party is a part of getting good deals. But you can't criticise the govt for claiming there were deals ready for us when they were told there were.
A question for all of you who know/care more about the fishing side of the deal than I do;

If we leave with no deal and the EU tariffs our fisherman out of the market, where does the EU get its fresh fish from?
I guess you could say that about anyone. You don't think he speaks sense?

I don't listen to him daily but when I have he comes across as arrogant/condescending who shuts down debate from callers that disagree with him that are intelligent enough to put forward an alternative viewpoint and seems to have a superiority complex over others.

But I can see why people who agree with his views would enjoy his show but even to this day he continues to dismiss anyone voting for Brexit as dumb which is ignorant at best.