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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Fine but you still haven't articulated how or why it was troubling for you, day to day. Maybe you can't, maybe it's a hunch? I just find it fascinating.
I actually did. Maybe you cant read, but the reasons I listed were the reasons I dislike the EU and the reason I voted to leave. Day to day it is about the sort of the country I want to live in.

The reasons these conversations so often go round and round and it is why I have had 3 different leavers PM say they wont post in here anymore because although you guys say you want to understand you never really want to listen.

I have given my reasons here today and on here plenty of times. From what I can gauge it is the same reasons millions of people from the north and the millions voted tory for the first time in their lives.
There are a wide range of deals available to us now. None of them are as good as the deal we had. That is the rub. That is the crux of Brexit. Sold as a positive, when you finally strip back the BS and look at the trade reality, the promises evaporate, and you're left with suboptimal arrangement that leaves the UK worse off. That was the point.
As long as the agreement allows us to compete with them (and it seems as if that's going to be the case) then I'm confident that we can take a large share of the market by not suffering from the ever increasing costs that the EU does.
Being a Eurosceptic, which I am, doesn't mean I think we will be better off out. Simple thing alot of people haven't stomached. It's not binary. Staying within leads to more prosperity overall. It leads to more stability. What we have now is we will be worse with a bad deal and a lot worse with a no deal. That's a fact.

The silly thing is, most EU nations are Eurosceptic. It keeps a nice balance. The EU only gets laws through that have genuine use. That why it is so hard to get anyone to name an EU law that affects them negatively. Most of the laws are to allow trade, reduce pollution or improve peoples working rights.
I actually did. Maybe you cant read, but the reasons I listed were the reasons I dislike the EU and the reason I voted to leave. Day to day it is about the sort of the country I want to live in.

The reasons these conversations so often go round and round and it is why I have had 3 different leavers PM say they wont post in here anymore because although you guys say you want to understand you never really want to listen.

I have given my reasons here today and on here plenty of times. From what I can gauge it is the same reasons millions of people from the north and the millions voted tory for the first time in their lives.

I summarised your post and you've accused me of not being able to read? You couldn't tell me how being a member of the EU was creating a "creeping influence on every area of [your] life?" Or did I miss that?

There was something about immigration law and being able to trade with any country on the planet, but nothing about day to day concern.

I think you've illustrated quite succinctly why these discussions often go around in circles.
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As long as the agreement allows us to compete with them (and it seems as if that's going to be the case) then I'm confident that we can take a large share of the market by not suffering from the ever increasing costs that the EU does.

:) You've perfectly illustrated the deluded slightly arrogant mindset that got us into this mess.

So, you believe the EU will give us a trade deal that will allow us to take a large market share from them? What makes you believe this? Does it contain mind-altering substances, and can I have some!?
That's absolutely untrue.

Turning Kent into a car park would improve it significantly.

I spent some time in Sissinghurst earlier this year, it was really nice. Some decent wineries out that way too.

Edit: Have you ever actually been anywhere outside greater London?
:) You've perfectly illustrated the deluded slightly arrogant mindset that got us into this mess.

So, you believe the EU will give us a trade deal that will allow us to take a large market share from them? What makes you believe this? Does it contain mind-altering substances, and can I have some!?
No, I think that we are getting out of those restrictions deal or not.
So it is ok to tackle a person's appearance if you disagree with their politics?

Glad I got the message because I thought that was wrong. Good to know.

You would I believe prefer to see him in a pink two-piece skirt and jacket...;)

Speaking as someone who is also 'suitably' challenged in the sartorial elegance department.
Boris is a disgrace and brushing his hair would be a start.
My reasons for voting out and boy have I done this to death, but I dont think with you yo be fair, so here I go again.

Is not in any particular order but the first one is the one I do find most sinister.

I do not like the creeping influence the EU has on every area of life it worries when anyone country or group of countries seek to dominate another. Have often repeated if it were a trade club as it was originally meant to be I would have no issue in being a member.

Do not like the European convention of human rights which I perceive as giving criminals an easy ride. See the issues we had trying to deport the Islamic extremists (I know muslims, they were not true muslims)

Do not like how the EU are so protectionist, how they have persecuted African farmers is a point in proof. Again British fishermen, know of no other country that would be giving away a natural resource.

I'm an outwardly looking chap, which is why my last 7 holidays have been outside the EU area. I would rather be part of a country that traded and interacted with the whole world.

I know of tradespeople who were absolutely hurt as were some low paid people by mass immigration. I dont think it is racist to have some controls on immigration. Would not go as far as @awesome dawson and claim to make the process so tough as to deter "undesirables"

Perhaps after the worry of where the EU is headed the next most important reason for wanting to leave is that I like the idea of being able to kick out the government every 5 years. Would stake everything on the tories being rightfully kicked out at the next election. The EU employed Neil Kinnock for years.

I distrust government's in general, smaller government is for me. That is not the EU.

I like the idea of nationalising the railways and think some industries should be subsidised (water, electric) quite socialist in many ways am I. Was very fond of Corbyn and the is a reason why he spent his life criticising the EU, it's to big and to far reaching.

You might not believe this, I'm just some guy on the internet you have never met but I am actually fairly well off and the way my crypto is going I'm going to be more. So the negatives of us leaving, a slight short contraction to the economy I can more then withstand.

I’m not exactly sure why you decided to bring me into this debate but seeing as you have I’ll respond.

In your rambling diatribe you fail to answer the one question you were asked. Give one example of how the EU directly affects you. Do you have relatives that are African farmers or is nationalising the trains really that crucial to your trainspotter lifestyle.

You raise controlling immigration, which we all know is the real issue for the majority of leave voters. As we discovered a few weeks ago you could write what you know about Australia’s immigration rules on the back of a stamp, yet you continue to blame me for what the Australian government do in terms of police and health checks. Just to let you know I don’t have a say in these regulations but I do have to navigate my way through them in order for my fiancée to gain entry into this country.

As for you being so wealthy, congratulations, it’s a little bit pathetic to brag about one’s wealth but seeing as you have, how about spending some of that money on educating yourself?
Incidentally most EU nations have nationalised transportation, bit late to let people know you don’t have to leave the gang to have state owned transport [emoji23]

Re Africa, the EU has some of the most open trade agreements in place with poorer African nations allowing them free trade with the EU. Far far more accommodating than other large markets such as the US. Nations that have an economic partnership arrangement have no tariffs on exports to the EU


Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
My reasons for voting out and boy have I done this to death, but I dont think with you yo be fair, so here I go again.

Do not like the European convention of human rights which I perceive as giving criminals an easy ride. See the issues we had trying to deport the Islamic extremists (I know muslims, they were not true muslims)

Sorry to cut your post so short but re the above point that you mention, Brexit isn't going to impact that, is it? The European Convention on Human Rights is nothing to do with the EU?