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Other Clubs - Rumours and Discussion

suarez is a very very good player, but 40m, arsenal have gone mad, this has last throw of the dice written all over it

Wenger isn't signing a new contract imo
suarez is a very very good player, but 40m, arsenal have gone mad, this has last throw of the dice written all over it

Wenger isn't signing a new contract imo

It is all a bit weird like your happily married 60 yo uncle suddenly buying a wig and running off with a floosie.
exactly, I can only liken it to SAF buying RVP, which to be fair was a genius move in hindsight

Suarez would guarantee them top 4 again IMO, but not the title by a longshot, they'll need a new spine before threatening that again
exactly, I can only liken it to SAF buying RVP, which to be fair was a genius move in hindsight

Suarez would guarantee them top 4 again IMO, but not the title by a longshot, they'll need a new spine before threatening that again

I think Suarez would be a disasterous move for them...he will blow that club apart if he goes there IMO...it's as if Wenger's caught in the middle of a fight between two warring board factions...
I think Suarez would be a disasterous move for them...he will blow that club apart if he goes there IMO...it's as if Wenger's caught in the middle of a fight between two warring board factions...

They made a rod for their own back when they started shouting about how much money they had to spend at the beginning of the summer.
Arsenal will not pay £40m for a player

why have they bid 40 mill plus 1 pound for Suarez then. I too dont get it, unless its a behind the scenes job between both boards to make it look like Arse are bidding big when in reality they will never pay such a sum for a player, and for Liverpool to flush out Real Madrid and finally get rid of Suarez and use that money to get Soldado or whoever they really want
What's the story of the extra £1?

Any bid over 40mil means that Suarez has to be informed of the bid. It's not a release clause though. Pretty pointless, if the scum want Suarez to know they are bidding for him it's very easy for him to be informed.
why have they bid 40 mill plus 1 pound for Suarez then. I too dont get it, unless its a behind the scenes job between both boards to make it look like Arse are bidding big when in reality they will never pay such a sum for a player, and for Liverpool to flush out Real Madrid and finally get rid of Suarez and use that money to get Soldado or whoever they really want

False bid to appease the fans, they have zero chance of getting Suarez
Daily Mail: Arsene Wenger is under even greater pressure to land Luis Suarez or Wayne Rooney after top target Gonzalo Higuain snubbed his Barclays Premier League admirers and agreed a £32million move to Napoli.
Good player, but hopefully Chadli will be even better :)

one or two more creators in addition to Chadli is whats needed imo...football teams are now so well organised that it needs that extra bit of vision and creativity to open up tight defences. I still feel we dont have it