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Other Clubs - Rumours and Discussion

i can't believe that fella has the gall to post anything anymore

edit: tancredipalmeri that is, not KD ;)
if Arse were to call their transfer activity a day with the signing of Suarez - and we were to sign Soldado, how would we all feel about that?
if Arse were to call their transfer activity a day with the signing of Suarez - and we were to sign Soldado, how would we all feel about that?

Suarez and Soldado are not even in the same league. I genuinely feel Arsenal will finish at least 3rd with him and no other signing.
Suarez and Soldado are not even in the same league. I genuinely feel Arsenal will finish at least 3rd with him and no other signing.

yeah i wasn't particularly asking for a direct comparison of the two players - just would Arsenal (1 point ahead of us the past couple of seasons) improve more with only Suarez as an addition than we would with the 3 we have (Soldado as a hypothetical signing)
Suarez and Soldado are not even in the same league. I genuinely feel Arsenal will finish at least 3rd with him and no other signing.

Signing Suarez doesn't address the weaknesses in their team and he will miss at least a quarter of the season through suspension. If we sign Soldado on top of our other signings and don't lose any key players then we have a very well balanced side with good strength and depth.

It's foolish to make predictions in July though, let's judge our respective transfer activity at the end of the window and how well balanced the team is a few months into the season.
Suarez and Soldado are not even in the same league. I genuinely feel Arsenal will finish at least 3rd with him and no other signing.

different players but effective in their own ways. why are you so down on Soldado, i dont get it
They're not in the same league in terms of finishing either.

chance conversion rate

Suarez 12.3%
Soldado 24%
They're not in the same league in terms of finishing either.

chance conversion rate

Suarez 12.3%
Soldado 24%

You can post all the stats you want statsmaster. It's what people that have hardly seen things with their own eyes do, jump to google or wiki and post stats galore.
yeah i wasn't particularly asking for a direct comparison of the two players - just would Arsenal (1 point ahead of us the past couple of seasons) improve more with only Suarez as an addition than we would with the 3 we have (Soldado as a hypothetical signing)

different players but effective in their own ways. why are you so down on Soldado, i dont get it

yeh i'm not going to go into detail about what he lacks again so we'll just leave it until if/when he signs. That way people can see his game week in and week out and pass a judgement from what they see with their eyes.
You can post all the stats you want statsmaster. It's what people that have hardly seen things with their own eyes do, jump to google or wiki and post stats galore.

The thing with Suarez is that he does things in such VOLUME that people only see and remember the things that actually come off for him. He's a 12.3% finisher, a 33% dribbler and is 2nd in the entire league in both turnovers and amount of times dispossessed per game. He can try these audacious low % shots but unless it results in a goal it's a wasted motion. He's a horribly inefficient player.
The thing with Suarez is that he does things in such VOLUME that people only see and remember the things that actually come off for him. He's a 12.3% finisher, a 33% dribbler and is 2nd in the entire league in both turnovers and amount of times dispossessed per game. He can try these audacious low % shots but unless it results in a goal it's a wasted motion. He's a horribly inefficient player.

The thing with Suarez is that he does things in such VOLUME that people only see and remember the things that actually come off for him. He's a 12.3% finisher, a 33% dribbler and is 2nd in the entire league in both turnovers and amount of times dispossessed per game. He can try these audacious low % shots but unless it results in a goal it's a wasted motion. He's a horribly inefficient player.

He may only be a 12.3% finisher, however that's mostly because he creates many chances single handed, he's just crap at finishing them.

I don't quite know how dribble stats work, however he often loses the ball during a dribble but somehow manages to end up with it at the other end anyway. Which explains the turnovers and dispossession.
If Suarez takes 100 shots and scores 12 goals, no one is talking about him, fortunately for him, the average football fan just sees 23 goals scored and goes wooooooo. If he had Soldado's conversion rate he'd be on for 45 goals.