Haven't played D3 in forever, simply too much other brick to play. They added the paragon levels now, correct?
Yeah, they're fairly slow going, I'm Lvl 4 or 5 at the moment. Worth it though... +3% GF/MF, +3 primary stat and 1 or 2 to the others per level.
Get back on Europe and I'll help you lvl up if you like.
I might do that, will have to start all the way at the bottom. Which class is the OP one again?
I had a monk and DH. Lots of people bitched about the monk after release, and my personal belief was that most those people sucked. However, the monk did have some useless skills and our secondaries required insane amounts of spirit (which doesn't regenerate over time without special items).
Not really sure now as they've nerfed so many skills and bumped others to try and even it out. I think Barb has always been the optimal with a lot of people also making Wizard builds (my main character is a wizard). You can defo solo with either of those classes, though it has taken me a while to get the gear to get my wizard into Act III inferno playing with the build that I like, probably my own fault as I had naff all HP and Belial kept one shotting me.
They've apparently seriously toughened up the Witch Doctor companions so they don't just die in inferno too now.
My Wiz is now (with buffs) 37k DPS / 8500 Armour / 27k HP / 500 - 600 Resists and I'm getting around Act III fine.
My monk had decent stats. Maybe 20k DPS max, but monks are weird because they can be spec'ed into performing any role. It's not unheard of to spend around a million on that kind of gear. The weapons have been the toughest items for me to find... spent so much time stalking in the AH trying to snag great deals. Literally had to get in there as soon as the auction goes up for the underpriced items lest someone get the jump on me. got some great items for maybe a 1/4 of what they would actually sell for.
Debating whether I have it in me to grind up again.
Interestingly, no mentions of Torchlight II in here, which actually got some pretty damn good reviews. I'll have to read some of them when I have time.
just completed Red Dead Redemption.
Just realized XCOM release is a week away. WTF?!?! Also just remembered that I pre-ordered it on Steam (got a free Civ 5 I can gift to one of my friends).
Definitely not going to play Diablo 3 in the near future, maybe in a month or so I'll be willing to make a new character.
I've gone for it on XBox as I can get away with playing XBox more than I can PC without the missus complainingPreordered as well, cannot wait. Glad I didn't go for the demo, it was a bit of a waste of time by all accounts and has put people off if anything.