GTA 5 is looking tasty indeed! Not long ago i bought GTA 4 on PC just to play with some of the mods... The graphics mods make it look like GTA 6 and thats no exaggeration! Plus real car mods so you can boot it round Liberty City in a nice shiny R8 or Lambo
You do need a fairly meety PC to run some of these graphic enhancing mods tho thats the only problem.
If you haven't played Mafia 2 yet and are a GTA fan I recommend giving this one a go... Graphics are nice, set inbetween 40's and 60's i believe? It's taken bits from all the best gangster films too like Goodfellas, Casino, Bronx Tale, etc. Driving mechanic feels a bit crap at times and some of the hand to hand set pieces are a little frustrating but other than that it's a brilliant game. Alot more linear than GTA but the story is excellent and has some great twists plus you still have a huge city you can free-roam inbetween missions. Can get this one pretty cheap now as it's been out for a while.
Skyrim is just brilliant! Again if your not online this game is ideal. Will cost you a few hrs of your social life but it's a game you can keep going back to! I often play this if im having a 'mare on BF3 just to change the pace... So many side missions too that you can never really get stuck! Absolutely recommend this to anyone.
Games im looking forward to this year are GTA 5, Mass Effect 3, Hitman, Diablo 3 and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.... Thats all i can think of at the mo
EDIT: was on my phone so didn't see the embedded videos posted on this thread. So to add to that list Max Payne 3!! And There's a standalone add on for Shogun Total War 2 (meaning you don't need original game to play it) call Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai... Anyone who see the film Last Samurai with Tom Cruise, well this is based on the same era as the film. Could almost say it's a game of the film? SO definately looking forward to that!
How could you not have played the sequel yet, knowing how the first one ended!? lol
Dead Space 2 is amazing, you should thoroughly enjoy it... I love how the game producer uses sound alone to create this horrific ambience which makes me crap my pants!
Yeah I know what you mean and will have to play Dead Space through again to relive the drama as I played it when it first came out on Xbox then sold my Xbox before getting Dead Space 2, hence why I hadn't gotten round to it yet... But at ?ú6.50 for the pair I could not turn that down!!
Been jamming GT5 quite a bit lately. Anyone play on here?
I don't quite understand the B-Spec events - are you some kind of a coach? After creating a driver every race goes horribly wrong. Am I missing something?
This game along with GHod of War 3 and Killzone 2 & 3 were the reasons I bought a PS3 (Back in 2010). I loved GT5 and I played B-Spec for a little bit, purely to unlock more cars and cash. It is a strange mode, kind of like a driver manager I spose, but once you get the hang of it and your driver levels up and starts winning races (the right car is also crucial as AI doesn't handle the car aswel as you can) it is quite a rewarding mode. Not just for the cars and cash either. Of course had to sell my PS3 aswel as my Xbox (was in financial bother at the time and a pothole had cost me ?ú200 in new alloy wheel+tyre) so never got to finish this one either. Also gutted I never finished Uncharted 2 (got right to the end) or got to play Uncharted 3 as I loved these games!
But I'm a PC gamer now and very much doubt I'll go back to consoles again. PC's may be expensive from the offset but PC gaming in general is so cheap. Never pay more than ?ú15 a game unless it's a must have blockbuster (Battlefield 3 and Skyrim) which means I now have a huge digital catalogue of some of the best games ever released
EDIT EDIT: sorry for the huge posts