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*** Official Film Thread ***

Liam Neeson would have been good but im sure the are plenty of middle aged men who could get into reasonable shape and can act who should have been in it ahead of cruise.

My mate said that yesterday.

Im seriously considering whether you are my mate. fudging weirdos the fudgein lot of you.
Do you not rate ROTK in the same bracket as the first two Jurgen?

Booked in to see the Hobbit tomorrow, looking forward to it

criminal that the scouring of the shire was left out... could have done away with the 4 other goodbyes and spent some time on that..also, the fight scene between Saruman and Gandalf was just brick..almost as bad as Yoda fudging flipping around like a green malformed turd with hair..

not a spoiler as there is a fudging book but Riddles in the Dark is fudging brilliant.
RE: Reacher.

I've been a massive fan of Lee Child since the 2nd or 3rd book came out and I am willing to give Cruise a chance.

I may regret this once seen but I won't judge until I have seen it.
RE: Reacher.

I've been a massive fan of Lee Child since the 2nd or 3rd book came out and I am willing to give Cruise a chance.

I may regret this once seen but I won't judge until I have seen it.

I am sure the only reason Cruise is in there is that he will attract more of the crowds than a Leeson or a Vin Diesel etc... lets be honest Vin Diesel is not on the level of cruise etc.

I think Jason Statham would have been good - love the transporter movies and he is a hunk of a man.
Who ACTUALLY looks like Reacher though?

He's got to look dangerous FFS

How about Dallaglio. At 6'4" he's probably a couple of inches too short. But at least he's 17 stones of muscle

Hugh Jackman officially joins the cast of 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

A few weeks ago, director Bryan Singer confirmed that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan would be returning to the X-Men series in the next installment, Days of Future Past, which features a time travel plotline guaranteed to make the franchise’s already-tangled continuity totally not confusing whatsoever. Now, Singer has announced via tweet that an even bigger X-Men power player will join the Future Past squad. “I would officially like to welcome @RealHughJackman to the cast of #Xmen Days of Future Past. Very excited! More to come…” said Singer.

It’s not clear just how involved Jackman will be in the prequel-sequel.

Let me know what you think of the 3D. As I mentioned before, the 3D version is shot at 48 frames per second, twice as fast as films are normally shot so I'd be interested to get your thoughts on that too. Takes a little getting used to at the start I have to say.

Thought visually it was spectacular, nothing too blatant about the 3d, all fairly subtle, not sure I'd have noticed the difference with 48fpsif you hadn't said to be honest, I don't think I have the best eye for that kind of thing, thought the colouring of the film was great, very warm. The dwarves looked boss.

As for the film as a whole, really enjoyed it. Didn't think it was too long as a few mates had said, my only issue was getting comfy in the seat but that was more of a cinema issue than the film, being 6 foot 5 doesn't help, limbs everywhere...

I think the difference with these and the LOTR films is that I can get behind Bilbo a bit more as I don't find him as annoying as Frodo. Thought it was a bit odd that Gandalf looked older whereas Galadriel/elrond/figwit ;) all looked younger.

As for it's relevance to the book, I haven't read in since I was 13/14 so my memory's fairly hazy, they've obviously embelished upon some bits but none of it seemed out of place. Can't wait for the next film, must say I'm happy they've split it in to 3, I'm normally sinnacle about those kind of moves but I'm very much looking forward to both of them.
I am sure the only reason Cruise is in there is that he will attract more of the crowds than a Leeson or a Vin Diesel etc... lets be honest Vin Diesel is not on the level of cruise etc.

I think Jason Statham would have been good - love the transporter movies and he is a hunk of a man.

I thought the only reason Cruise got the role was because his own production company bought the rights.
Hugh Jackman officially joins the cast of 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

A few weeks ago, director Bryan Singer confirmed that Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan would be returning to the X-Men series in the next installment, Days of Future Past, which features a time travel plotline guaranteed to make the franchise’s already-tangled continuity totally not confusing whatsoever. Now, Singer has announced via tweet that an even bigger X-Men power player will join the Future Past squad. “I would officially like to welcome @RealHughJackman to the cast of #Xmen Days of Future Past. Very excited! More to come…” said Singer.

It’s not clear just how involved Jackman will be in the prequel-sequel.


He was brilliant in X-Men: First Class
Today has been a film day

Rocky 3
Rocky 4
St George's Day

Currently watching Dredd with The Baytown Outlaws and Flight to come later
Dredd and The Raid: Redemption are both excellent movies with similar plot lines. One has kung fu, the other has fancy bullets. Enjoyed both of them a lot though
Bad Santa on tonight

One of the best christmas movies alongside National Lampoons and Home Alone
haha I agree DHSF. I can't wait for Bad Santa. I laugh at it EVERYTIME! Great stuff, will record it too.