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Next Manager?

Re-reading his tweet, its says "Paulo Fonseca’s camp felt there was a big difference...."

It doesnt say that this is why we moved on from Fonseca, just that Levy and Paratici have different views

The tax explanation is believeable to me given how financial stretched we are

Reads more to me that he turned us down because of a lack of a clear direction.
Which begs the question, which of the three reasons being quoted is it?
All at once?:eek:


It's a shame we didn't get Lopetgui as i think he was the most intriguing of those we've been linked with and was a very good 'front foot' candidate too. It was reported that issues of his close family etc not being able to travel back and forth freely was the nail in the coffin..:(
Why would his close family not have been able to travel back and forth freely?
That's not really how the world works though is it, every journo wants max exposure so they hit every story and if they hit one that is not so widely covered then that gives them greater exposure and more clicks and more money

Lets also remember that we have seen stories made up on forums actually get into news stories, that is how little your average sports journo or twitterati cares about the source these days

I'm not denying some of that, just trying to put into perspective that there isn't a particularly urgent/special need to go out of your way to make up rumours about Spurs any more than there is any other club right now given there's enough going on elsewhere in football. For example, why not make some crazy rumours about Arsenal going for players x or y and being hopelessly and publically rejected, especially given they are out of Europe any European competition for the first time in a generation?
So why aren't they, after all these should all be bigger stories than spurs?
Except they aren't, because they are non stories.
Other than Eriksen that happened last week.
Who have city, utd, Chelsea or Liverpool been linked with? Realistically, who?
The first real euro story is tonight.
Watch spurs disappear if England lose, disaster. Very unlikely that will happen imho.
If they win the focus moves onto who England can get in the next round.

I get some of that, but as i said just to another poster, there's enough news on the Euros to not have to go out of your way to conjure up additional stories about us and not do the same about player x or y rejecting Arsenal because they are out of Europe for the first time in a generation. Or why not have more circus stories about Everton's search or a manager?

These stories about Spurs don't have to be written (at least not more about us than about Arsenal, Everton etc)
So, if we've binned off the fonz just as we are about to sign him and he is bewildered about it all, why isn't he saying anything?
In fact as it was reported to be the same with Conte, why the silence?
I think we would all agree that is pretty shameful behaviour, right?
So Where's the stories from the managers, their agents, teams or representatives laying into Levy?
I mean surely all these well connected sources must have something?

Because they might be looking to be employed by us in the future and don't want to saboatge that potential opportunity by publically bad mouthing us to all and sundry?

The question which might also be posed is, if the club's reputation is being undermined by scurrlious rumour-mongering, why don't we issue a clear statement to rebutt the stories and clear up any misunderstandings in the press about our process? No detail needs to be given, but a carefully worded announcement would kill much of the speculation.

I believe we do have a PR Department - although quite what they are doing at the moment is anyone's guess.
I get some of that, but as i said just to another poster, there's enough news on the Euros to not have to go out of your way to conjure up additional stories about us and not do the same about player x or y rejecting Arsenal because they are out of Europe for the first time in a generation. Or why not have more circus stories about Everton's search or a manager?

These stories about Spurs don't have to be written (at least not more about us than about Arsenal, Everton etc)

I have seen Everton stories about 4 managerial links and I don't pay that much attention to Everton stories or see any of the tacoterstorms that it generates but there is stuff out there for sure.


(very quick google search shows that they are casting their net as widely as we are! What a surprise. Is that because they are equally professional or equally a joke club as us?
Because they might be looking to be employed by us in the future and don't want to saboatge that potential opportunity by publically bad mouthing us to all and sundry?

The question which might also be posed is, if the club's reputation is being undermined by scurrlious rumour-mongering, why don't we issue a clear statement to rebutt the stories and clear up any misunderstandings in the press about our process? No detail needs to be given, but a carefully worded announcement would kill much of the speculation.

I believe we do have a PR Department - although quite what they are doing at the moment is anyone's guess.

Really?? Conte is keeping schtum because he doesn't want to jeopardize a move to Spurs in 2029? behave.
Really?? Conte is keeping schtum because he doesn't want to jeopardize a move to Spurs in 2029? behave.

Someday he will be looking a job and might have come down to our level (see Mourinho). It's not out of the question. And I'm sure top managers have discreet talks with clubs all of the time about employment opportuinites. It's not going to look good to potential employers if they gain a reputation for running to the press on such matters.

Anyhow, more clickbait from that renowned peddlar of untruths David Hynter, at that libellous and unreliable rag The Guardian.

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The manager would likely have a number of contracts. Some with sponsors, potentially also some media work. With a two year contract as 'head coach' he could absolutely be considered to be a consultant as opposed to an employee surely?

I belive if you set up a company and agree the contract that way then you're saying the club has hired the company and not the manager and therefore the company could send someone else in to manage on any particulary day which obviously doesn't wash so HMRC would consider you an employee.

See the Linker case - https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...ical-tweets-could-help-him-avoid-49m-tax-bill
Or maybe because the Fiorentina job suddenly became available and Fonseca would prefer to stay in Italy. Seems a bit coincidental that this all happened at the same time.

Yeah, I'm playing devil's advocate.
Contradictory stories from the same sources, but we should believe everything they tell us.
I have seen Everton stories about 4 managerial links and I don't pay that much attention to Everton stories or see any of the tacoterstorms that it generates but there is stuff out there for sure.


(very quick google search shows that they are casting their net as widely as we are! What a surprise. Is that because they are equally professional or equally a joke club as us?

I'd suggest they are just getting started,. given their manager only left in the last 7-10 days. Meanwhile, at Spurs....