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Next Manager?

Even if the nonsense originates from the club, why do you presume it is always true? Is it only agents etc that can use the media to their own ends?

Oh I get they can play the game. But what does the club have to gain by making up a manager rumour though.

We are trying to attract a manager right now.

If say we were trying to get in Lopetegui why leak that we are talking to Conte/whoever?
So that the manager we really want can think he is second/third/fourth choice?
Oh I get they can play the game. But what does the club have to gain by making up a manager rumour though.

We are trying to attract a manager right now.

If say we were trying to get in Lopetegui why leak that we are talking to Conte/whoever?
So that the manager we really want can think he is second/third/fourth choice?

Say Fonseca is not willing to budge on us covering the 30% shortfall on what he thought he could get under the Italian tax system. The club release some spurious Gatusso rumour to create some leverage. You wrote "Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Just highlighting that you shouldn't trust anything that doesn't have a reported source or quotes.
So that's three managers that were 100% done deals, all reported by these journos, why would the club reward them with stories for printing bs?
And if it isn't bs where are the articles calling out Levy?

Did any of the journos that cover the club on a daily basis, say it was 100%. No they went as far as saying they were in talks.

No that is Fabrizio Romano. He is not getting briefed from the club. HGe doesnt follow Spurs as his job like Gold, Kilpatrick and Pitt Brook do.

You really need to seperate the sources in your head.
Sorry but you are placing way too much on the likes of Gold being 'club sources'. At best they get drip fed info that is not sensitive, they have been proven time and time again to be wrong about the managerial situation.

Yesterday with Ali Gold was a prime example. Saw in the morning he had an article about Fonseca tying up loose ends before joining. Then a couple of hours later it broke from Italy about Gattuso and guess what, within an hour he was tweeting about how Gattuso was close - but he did add the caveat of 'but it could change, because it's Spurs'. Yeah, that really sounds like he's closely connected when it comes to who our manager is......
This is what I think is happening, the twitterati all want to be able to have a published tweet in advance of someone joining so they can claim to be connected, they take a punt following an initial line of gossip and usually this would probably have a reasonable hit rate. When gossip fails the backtrack then needs to manufacture the reason for it not happening. Everton are being reported with different managers daily also being ready to sign on the dotted line too.

No doubt the process is taking longer than usual which is fanning the flames but I’m not convinced this is because there have been 5 or 6 occasions we have got as close to an agreement that the club have released the info to their trusted sources and then either pulled out or the manager had a change of heart.
Say Fonseca is not willing to budge on us covering the 30% shortfall on what he thought he could get under the Italian tax system. The club release some spurious Gatusso rumour to create some leverage. You wrote "Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Just highlighting that you shouldn't trust anything that doesn't have a reported source or quotes.

See, what I don't get with that is that we were paying Jose and poch way more, so if we really wanted the fonz we could make up the difference and still be up on the deal.
So either the fonz has pulled the plug because he has a sniff at fiorentina or it was all bs and this the journos excuse.
Did any of the journos that cover the club on a daily basis, say it was 100%. No they went as far as saying they were in talks.

No that is Fabrizio Romano. He is not getting briefed from the club. HGe doesnt follow Spurs as his job like Gold, Kilpatrick and Pitt Brook do.

You really need to seperate the sources in your head.

And it was him they were all quoting.
You are only as good as your source, and if you want quote idiots like Romano then you (the journo) are an idiot.
Sorry but you are placing way too much on the likes of Gold being 'club sources'. At best they get drip fed info that is not sensitive, they have been proven time and time again to be wrong about the managerial situation.

Yesterday with Ali Gold was a prime example. Saw in the morning he had an article about Fonseca tying up loose ends before joining. Then a couple of hours later it broke from Italy about Gattuso and guess what, within an hour he was tweeting about how Gattuso was close - but he did add the caveat of 'but it could change, because it's Spurs'. Yeah, that really sounds like he's closely connected when it comes to who our manager is......

I think you are confused by what journos do.
Gold knows fudge all. You are imagining he is boardroom meetings and in the whatsapp group with Levy, Hitchens and Paratici like some ITK of yore.
Gold gets a little on whatsapp from Spurs press guy.
When a story like Gattuso comes out he ask Spurs press guy is there any truth in this and what happened the Fonseca.
And he gets a reply because Gold needs to be kept onside right now to leak nonsense about the new Son contract etc.

Gold had no idea what has happened with Fonseca talks. He is not in that room. The loose ends thing was from watching Fonseca wife on Instagram talking about moving to London.

They are journos getting drip fed bits who can also be used by the club to deny things.

Through these journos the club confirmed they were in talks with Poch, Conte, Fonseca and not Gattuso(through Mendes).

If you can't accept that the club is that incompetent, you can put your head in the sand and deny it.
Oh I get they can play the game. But what does the club have to gain by making up a manager rumour though.

We are trying to attract a manager right now.

If say we were trying to get in Lopetegui why leak that we are talking to Conte/whoever?
So that the manager we really want can think he is second/third/fourth choice?
Broadly agree with your thinking here. I have a feeling the club could be leaking these names to condition us to accept whoever they end up deciding ie the bar is that low that they’ll then appoint Martinez.
And it was him they were all quoting.
You are only as good as your source, and if you want quote idiots like Romano then you (the journo) are an idiot.

I take it by quoting you mean retweeting here.

A lot of journos think their twitter account has to retweet all the Spurs 'news' in order to increase followers.
It is now part of their job to increase their twitter following to increase the clicks on their articles.
It is built in as part of their KPI now sadly.
If you can't accept that the club is that incompetent, you can put your head in the sand and deny it.

I think that it comes down to this, the search for a new manager has been as chaotic as it appears from the outside and Levy really doesn't have any idea about what he is looking for.
I genuinely think our next manager is going to be a stop gap until a bigger manager becomes available next summer. Do not be surprised if we get an interim and no real signings.
Levy really doesn't have any idea about what he is looking for.

I dont think think many people can believe this. There are clear commonalities between Rodgers, Poch, Nagelsmann, Gattuso, Fonseca

The only one which doesnt fit with that group is Conte
I take it by quoting you mean retweeting here.

A lot of journos think their twitter account has to retweet all the Spurs 'news' in order to increase followers.
It is now part of their job to increase their twitter following to increase the clicks on their articles.
It is built in as part of their KPI now sadly.

But they're not just retweeting, they are then commenting on it and confirming it.
As I've already said, how many times do you get to post bs before you get called on it?