Mr Gogolak
John Scales
I don't think the two situations are the same as we are now in the process of a restructure, the season is not over yet and then there is a period of leave to consider, its not like Nuno although I understand that people have wounds from his appointment and its their go to place. In addition I don't think managers really care about the who came before or rumours because unlike fans who are in the dark they will know more about the industry they are involved in than we do and be ok with it, its the nature of the game, they will have their reps trying to get them foots in doors where there is an interesting job regardless of who is linked to said job. I don't think it works against them per say, it might do with the fans because they believe it all and then any manager who joins now looks a plan C or D and that crosshair is on their back, but I would say thats for the fans to adjust their mindset than anyone else.
Call me crazy but I will judge the manager process by who we appoint and how they perform...
Yeah but in this case, the problem is not you or me or anyone else on this board. It's a) how the story will be told in the press and what the mood will be like in the stadium. Like or not, the whole Nuno debacle did happen and it set a very poor precedent. On a personal note, I won't even judge the manager process on a name but on the first 15-20 games of the season... if he lasts that long. I don't living in England so I can't tell what the mood's like among regular fans, but I really don't think having a dozen names doing the rounds for three months is going to put the next guy in a strong position.
And then, there's the players. Some are professionals but we saw with Nuno or Gross that others have strong opinions on who deserves to manage them. They read the papers too...
Again, if Levy wants to go with Rodgers, I'm willing to give him or anyone else bar Lumplard a chance but don't expect people to be thrilled if you give them a Leicester reject after they got their hopes sky-high for three months.