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Nacer Chadli

dont care. we play much better when hes not in the team

its because for the good work he can do in front of their goal he offers nothing to protect ours

he is still good player but he needs to be Pochitised properly so that he can do the car work as well as the glory work
dont care. we play much better when hes not in the team

I'd like him back, since one injury to Kane means no physicality up front for the next month and a half (at least), and quite possibly the derailing of our season as a result. At the moment, Chadli's the nearest like-for-like substitute we have for Kane, and thus having him back would be beneficial.
I'd like him back, since one injury to Kane means no physicality up front for the next month and a half (at least), and quite possibly the derailing of our season as a result. At the moment, Chadli's the nearest like-for-like substitute we have for Kane, and thus having him back would be beneficial.
Did you really mention Chadli and 'physicality' in the same paragraph? Chadli might be an absolutely magnificent specimen of a human being, but I have seen more physicality in a game of Connect 4 than Chadli offers Spurs on the pitch.
Did you really mention Chadli and 'physicality' in the same paragraph? Chadli might be an absolutely magnificent specimen of a human being, but I have seen more physicality in a game of Connect 4 than Chadli offers Spurs on the pitch.
A crisp packet offers more physically than him

He could impose himself like Dembele but simply doesn't impose himself at all
Did you really mention Chadli and 'physicality' in the same paragraph? Chadli might be an absolutely magnificent specimen of a human being, but I have seen more physicality in a game of Connect 4 than Chadli offers Spurs on the pitch.

He's bigger than N'Jie and Son: compared to our other options up front sans Kane, he's physical. :)
I never really seen Southampton under Poch, but I read about the use of lambert on one side making the shape a bit lopsided. Is it similar with chadli and lamella? Chadli doesn't go back and lamella always seemed to be chasing back.
Is chadli being asked to do this?
It's like the press, are we trying to force the ball into one area of the pitch that we have a player over? Cut out all the routes until it can only be punted or an area that we chadli lurking as an extra man. Of course now it's don who is doing it and he's quicker and more direct so if we are it works better.
Could/should really post this in tactics thread as well.
It was obvious that we played wonky last season with Chadli closer to Kane and Lamela working back.

I don't know if that's Poch's design, or just because that's what worked best for that pairing (whereas say Son might track back more, allowing Lamela more freedom)?

I like Chadli - he's different to our other AM options, and the most natural goalscorer of all them
I think some of the criticism for Chadli is a little unfair. For one he does score goals and that is a contribution. Secondly, look at the improvement players like Lamela and Dembele have had this season. Who's to say that the same cannot be the case for Chadli? He's a goalscoring midfielder and they are hardly easy to come by!

Honestly it's as if some people need to have someone they dislike in our squad......
Physically bigger but absent physically in matches. For someone that looks like he has the body of a superhero, he is disappointingly weak.

We don't need bruisers 1 to 11. Chadli just needs to up his work rate a little. Seeing how the team has performed whilst he's been out, I am sure that he does not need anyone to tell him that. He's got a real fight on if he wants to win his starting place back, let's hope he responds to the challenge like others have.
I think some of the criticism for Chadli is a little unfair. For one he does score goals and that is a contribution. Secondly, look at the improvement players like Lamela and Dembele have had this season. Who's to say that the same cannot be the case for Chadli? He's a goalscoring midfielder and they are hardly easy to come by!

Honestly it's as if some people need to have someone they dislike in our squad......

Yeah - Chadli was one of our best players last season. Started something like 35/38 league matches and scored 1 in 3. Son has been great, but Chadli still has a big role.
He brings goals, always a valuable thing ...

Chadli to me is hard to evaluate, because he has had pretty wild swings in form (based on his start for club, injuries and personal stuff).

If the real Chadli is close to the in form one .. lots of upside
It wouldn't surprise me if Poch thinks he can get Chadli to fill Kanes roll from time to time......it won't work that well for a couple of games (and much moaning will ensue) then all of a sudden it looks viable and Chadders seamlessly fills in when needed.
It wouldn't surprise me if Poch thinks he can get Chadli to fill Kanes roll from time to time......it won't work that well for a couple of games (and much moaning will ensue) then all of a sudden it looks viable and Chadders seamlessly fills in when needed.

But he would have to hold the ball up and close people down

There things he hasn't done well or at all to date

I can see Son covering more as he does the closing down as well as scoring