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Nacer Chadli

Oh, and this. How Milner didn't get a second yellow for that tackle on Rose is beyond my imagination - let alone a bloody free kick. Incredibly poor refereeing.
I think your second question answers your first.... Had the ref given a free kick then he would've had to have sent Milner off... Hence him not even giving the free kick.
Very few of our players are pussies (some may be weak in tackle or on ball) when in comes to staying down or faking injuries. As a general rule if any of our players in down for more than a few seconds, I tend to worry as it's usually significant.

Sucks re Chadli, our midfield depth is disappearing fast ...
I'm pretty sure a big black fella like Sakho jumped with him and landed with his bum on Chadli's ankle?

Thought the same thing but my mate was right in front and actually took a phot as it was corner. It was Milner and then Lucas . Sakhalin kinda followed up and fell after
First time I've seen the TV add for Football Manager with Chadli in it. Thought he did well, I felt sorry for him when he said fans in England haven't really made a chant up for him....is that true?!
First time I've seen the TV add for Football Manager with Chadli in it. Thought he did well, I felt sorry for him when he said fans in England haven't really made a chant up for him....is that true?!

Most of our fans are too busy slagging him off.
Yeah I can see that happening.
I'm not so sure. Chadli does certainly have a goal scorers instinct around the box but his runs in behind are rare and his hold up play is nowhere near good enough, especially considering his size. He has been tried there (as a striker) already a few times to little effect. I just don't see it working myself.
Hopefully there is a glimmer of him playing in Qarabag. Be great to have him back fit and raring just as we hit the WBA-Monaco-Saudi Sportswashing Machine run.
I just do not think long term he has the speed to play in a poch team on the left, his work rate and speed are not good enough

I think Chadli actually has a deceptive turn of pace.. The issue is his defensive commitment leaves a lot to be desired at times, also his defensive positioning isn't great. If he wasn't so lazy I don't think you'd be concerned about his 'speed' or lack thereof.
I think Chadli actually has a deceptive turn of pace.. The issue is his defensive commitment leaves a lot to be desired at times, also his defensive positioning isn't great. If he wasn't so lazy I don't think you'd be concerned about his 'speed' or lack thereof.
Agree, Chadli is quick. Maybe because of his physique he looks like he isn't going particularly quick, but he definitely has a turn of pace.....