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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

Also, can I just say that if Poch goes to United, I hope to be the first to start the 'Welcome to Tottenham Hotspur, Ronald Koeman' thread, just to continue p*ssing off Saints to no end. Keep the cycle going. :D

Frank De Boer sniffing around Everton. Could be in the running for the job I thought might get if Pochettino f#cks off
gotta question the logic behind such a meeting at this time of the season even if it is innocent - can only be a distraction for the players to see their manager in the tabloids fueling these sorts of stories

He just bumped into him at lunch, nothing suspicious there whatsoever. Two Prem managers having a chin-wag over, I don't know, whatever it is Prem managers talk about. Champagne. Luxury tracksuits. Coaching licenses. That sort of thing.

And Jesus Perez just happened to be there as well. Fortuitous meeting of three wayward souls pulled together at whatever that restaurant was. Yup. Nothing suspicious at all. Don't know why anyone would be bothered.

I'm sure that Pochettino came out and told us that he had agreed a new contract so that things such as this story wouln't (or shouldn't) panic us. If he wasn't 100% intending to stay then t would've been easy for him to have kept quiet. That way he would also have a lot less egg on his face if he did leave.

He has always struck me as a man of integrity. I would be shocked if he did not sign now having said everything was agreed.
Frank De Boer sniffing around Everton. Could be in the running for the job I thought might get if Pochettino f#cks off

I was thinking a bit higher; I figure Mourinho would be pretty tinkled off if the job went to someone else after all this time spent angling for it. And backstabbed by his 'friend', Ferguson, to boot.

I wonder if he'd be down for a one-off bit of revenge. Take over Spurs, win everything, and then sod off on a grand tour somewhere else while laughing at Poch-led United for having the temerity to turn him down. :p

Thinking about it, that would be the ultimate 'burn it all down' option. We'd have no youth team players left, because they'd all sod off due to Mou's refusal to play them. We'd have the concrete-filled, half-finished foundations of a new stadium as our only testament to that project, since Mourinho would spend all of the money allocated to the NDP on a bunch of insanely expensive defensive midfielders and c*nts like Costa. Alli would become a leering thug of an anchor man, all elbows and spite. John Terry would parade around in a Spurs shirt while the crowd watched in horror, Ledley grimly contemplated suicide and Verts sobbed on the bench.

We'd lose everything we had now, but we'd be left with the PL, CL and every other conceivable trophy to look at after Mourinho smugly trotted off, his job accomplished. Look at while we slide towards relegation, of course, because his second or third season would quickly become a disaster as it usually does.

The Samson Option for THFC. Let's go for it if Poch leaves. :D
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It's an idiotic thing to do whether he considers leaving, plans on leaving or just wanted to have a nice lunch with a manager he admires. He should have known better. It will only cause speculation and unrest and that is the last thing we need. If he is staying, he needs to put pen to paper as soon as possible now in order to stop the speculation. If he does leave after saying only last week that he has agreed to sign a new contract, he would be nothing but a liar and I would lose all respect for the man.

Ferguson was probably the man who to phoned those photographs. That's the kind of thing he would do.
If anyone thinks there wasn't any tapping up at this meeting then you are being a bit naive. Innocent or not this is ill timed to say the least.

I can well believe there was tapping up, in fact I'm sure there would have been. Naive or not, what I can't (or don't want) to believe is that Poch will chuck in all that he is doing at Tottenham and all the potential he has spoken of, as well as the verbal agreement, to go to Utd right now. I would rather stick with my faith in him and trust in his integrity.

(But boy will I be gutted and disappointed in him (and my own judgement) if I am wrong).