Frank De Boer sniffing around Everton. Could be in the running for the job I thought might get if Pochettino f#cks off
I was thinking a bit higher; I figure Mourinho would be pretty tinkled off if the job went to someone else after all this time spent angling for it. And backstabbed by his 'friend', Ferguson, to boot.
I wonder if he'd be down for a one-off bit of revenge. Take over Spurs, win everything, and then sod off on a grand tour somewhere else while laughing at Poch-led United for having the temerity to turn him down.
Thinking about it, that would be the ultimate 'burn it all down' option. We'd have no youth team players left, because they'd all sod off due to Mou's refusal to play them. We'd have the concrete-filled, half-finished foundations of a new stadium as our only testament to that project, since Mourinho would spend all of the money allocated to the NDP on a bunch of insanely expensive defensive midfielders and c*nts like Costa. Alli would become a leering thug of an anchor man, all elbows and spite. John Terry would parade around in a Spurs shirt while the crowd watched in horror, Ledley grimly contemplated suicide and Verts sobbed on the bench.
We'd lose everything we had now, but we'd be left with the PL, CL and every other conceivable trophy to look at after Mourinho smugly trotted off, his job accomplished. Look at while we slide towards relegation, of course, because his second or third season would quickly become a disaster as it usually does.
The Samson Option for THFC. Let's go for it if Poch leaves.