Not in his first season, at least. He brought in Verts, Dempsey, Dembele and Lloris, but he barely played Lloris until December. The other three were good players, but really, it was AVB who unlocked the potential of one of the players already at our club and used him to propel us onward, something Poch has tried to do less spectacularly (i.e, raising Bale from good to bloody phenomenal) but with a wider spread of players (players going from average to good/ very good under him). There's a reason that Bale just chuckles and refuses to answer when asked why his daughter has the initials A.V.B, after all.

His second season..well, let's not go there, but suffice it to say that the 'established' players we brought in turned out to be ones he really didn't want.
My point was that AVB also did good work, doing a few of the things Poch is now doing and achieving better results than what we all remember him to have achieved (with dominant performances, if not 'whallopings', against United home and away, Arsenal at home and City at home). We shouldn't underestimate him in our rush to acclaim our current manager for achieving similar results, although
@thfcsteff often classes Poch in a different category altogether when it comes to off-the-field work.