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Hugo Lloris

Am I the only one who thinks De Gea is slightly overrated? Don't get me wrong, he's the best shot stopper in the league, but that's a given for most keepers they should all make great saves. The rest of his game is still a bit suspect in places.
Well we have not said yes for 7 years, and from what has been said Utd offered more for Bale then Madrid so someone said no.

As galeforce said, the offer from United for Bale came in very late in the day when terms had pretty much been agreed with Madrid.

Sheringham, Carrick and Berbatov... Like I said, I'm hopeful that Levy will knock United back like he did with Chelsea but I remain unconvinced.
fudge it, sell him to the highest bidder, if we can't match what another PL club can offer him in wages and continental competition then we are not really competing with them anyway

the smart move is picking our battles
As galeforce said, the offer from United for Bale came in very late in the day when terms had pretty much been agreed with Madrid.

Sheringham, Carrick and Berbatov... Like I said, I'm hopeful that Levy will knock United back like he did with Chelsea but I remain unconvinced.

iirc Utd had made their offer earlier in the summer, they were desperate to sign him....it was that massive offer, close to 100 mill, that Levy was using as leverage in his negotiations with Real. That's how he managed to get 80 mill from Real
iirc Utd had made their offer earlier in the summer, they were desperate to sign him....it was that massive offer, close to 100 mill, that Levy was using as leverage in his negotiations with Real. That's how he managed to get 80 mill from Real

That's how I heard it go down as well.
fudge it, sell him to the highest bidder, if we can't match what another PL club can offer him in wages and continental competition then we are not really competing with them anyway

the smart move is picking our battles

so you say we should sell Kane, sell Lloris, i suppose Bentaleb is disposable too........anyone else?:)
so you say we should sell Kane, sell Lloris, i suppose Bentaleb is disposable too........anyone else?:)

If the silly money is right then yes.

It doesn't allow us to build in some ways but the glass ceiling isn't player retention. Yes we got more wrong than right with the Bale money so far but that doesn't mean we shouldn't continue with the same overall strategy. £50m for Kane would allow us to buy an upgrade (no guarantees) on where we were 12 months ago. £30m for Lloris opens up almost every other keeper out there plus big change - he is good but not THAT good. Bentaleb is a bit like Kane - one season wonders so far. Could have second season syndrome and end up being written off by all and sundry, could break a leg and never recover. Silly money is exactly that. We aren't one of the big boys, probably won't be for a while even with a new stadium - this is our game and strategy at the moment and has worked rather well if not exceptionally. We may stand still again relative to the leaders but it won't be regression.
so you say we should sell Kane, sell Lloris, i suppose Bentaleb is disposable too........anyone else?:)

anyone we get an offer for which is more than they are worth, then we replace them with someone available for less than they are worth

pretty sure thats the conclusion they reached in Soccernomics