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Hugo Lloris

This is the same thing that comes up everytime a player wants to leave 'If Levy says no we'll have a disgruntled player who won't perform'. It's nonsense, if Lloris is told no, he has two options in order to get his wish of a move to a 'big' club.

1. Perform well next season in the hope that a 'big club' comes in with an even bigger offer that Levy cannot refuse

2. Perform well every season until his contract runs out, refuse to sign another one and leave on free.

Either way, he still has to perform well. In the same way that Modric had to continue to perform to get his move to Madrid after we turned down Chelsea.

Which works well on paper, however having a player who is wandering around telling all the other players how awful the team and club is and they should all be somewhere better, wont exactly build spirit.

Yes players can then have a word, which in turn will push Lloris further to the fringes.

You need to look no further than this season about how a split in the dressing room can effect a squad, and performances
Something that is worth considering here also is that if we end up with a reputation of not letting players leave when very good offers come in then we are less likely to be attractive to the best young players who currently see us a 'stepping stone' sort of club, where they are put in the shop window at a pretty high level. We have to use that status sensibly like Athletico Madrid did to drag ourselves up to the next level. Of course that is even more difficult to achieve in our league than in Spain due to us having 2 financially doped clubs along with perhaps the biggest club in the World, but there are only so many players that those clubs can sign and there are a hell of a lot of very good football players in the World.
That's a very naive way of looking at it.

Levy says no and then what happens? We have a disgruntled GK who could cost us points far easier than an outfield player can.

Naive, I think not. He might sulk during the summer but once the season starts he will show his professionalism and play good football just as Luis Suarez did for Liverpool and Modric did for us. He is the captain of France and needs to have a good season.

Levy needs to show some balls and say no else we will not play CL more than maybe once every 20 years. It is typical Spurs sell our one world class player and then misspend the proceeds.

If Southampton had the balls to say no to us then why the feck can we not say no to a team that finished 1 place and 6 points above us? At least for one season anyway.

And when we eventually do sell Lloris it should not be to the team that finished 4th when we finished 5th. How the feck do we ever plan to finish in the top 4 if we sell our world class player to the team that finished 4th
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Which works well on paper, however having a player who is wandering around telling all the other players how awful the team and club is and they should all be somewhere better, wont exactly build spirit.

Yes players can then have a word, which in turn will push Lloris further to the fringes.

You need to look no further than this season about how a split in the dressing room can effect a squad, and performances

Which works well on paper, however having a player who is wandering around telling all the other players how awful the team and club is and they should all be somewhere better, wont exactly build spirit.

Yes players can then have a word, which in turn will push Lloris further to the fringes.

You need to look no further than this season about how a split in the dressing room can effect a squad, and performances

Again, it goes back to what Lloris wants. Thankfully it seems we finally have a manager with some balls. If Lloris wants his move but the club are not willing to give him it right now, then he has to be playing regularly to stand a chance of getting it in the near future.

From past experience he now knows that with Poch, if you split the dressing room you're dropped a la Ade, Kaboul, Capoue etc. So he can't afford to kick up a fuss.

Added to that, obviously Poch and Levy aren't going to just shout No and slam the door in his face. There will be a bit of ego stroking and back and forth to sweeten things up a bit.

I don't think he's the type to wander about telling all the other players how awful the club is, but if he is, we should be looking to get rid of him now rather than hold on to him.
GK is different to outfield positions, if your GKs mind is elsewhere it will be more damaging than anywhere else on the pitch.

not that that is why id want to sell him
He signed for 5 years last year, so is either very happy and willing to stay or an agreement has been reached where under certain circumstances he can leave.
I don't think he will leave for two reasons, one he is happy here and that is more important to him and his family. Two, he is a very good keeper for a club of our stature but not quite good enough in some areas for a really top club.
Also think Man U are still at best a 50/50 gamble to succeed under LVG.
I agree actually that he wont leave as i think he has hit his ceiling with us, we will push for a foreign sale however the obvious steps up for him are.

All of which would not be in for him for various reasons.

I do think he is one of the best keepers in the world but i think his options are limited, especially when you have Valdes and Cech floating around for free.
Why would Eriksen or Verts or any other decent player see us as a place to be for the long term when we consider selling our best players.

Kane may be one of our own but in 2 or 3 years even he would want to leave if we continue flogging off our top players.

Carrick, Berbatov and now Lloris, are we going to continue being their biatches?
Why would Eriksen or Verts or any other decent player see us as a place to be for the long term when we consider selling our best players.

Kane may be one of our own but in 2 or 3 years even he would want to leave if we continue flogging off our top players.

Carrick, Berbatov and now Lloris, are we going to continue being their biatches?

they wouldn't care as long as the team improves - just the same as they wouldn't care if we kept hold of Lloris but got worse as a team.
Why would Eriksen or Verts or any other decent player see us as a place to be for the long term when we consider selling our best players.

Kane may be one of our own but in 2 or 3 years even he would want to leave if we continue flogging off our top players.

Carrick, Berbatov and now Lloris, are we going to continue being their biatches?

Agreed, with Bale and Modric deal I did hope we'd evolved from that to insisting that players either stay or go abroad.

United haven't even been linked with any deffenders from what I can see. If they don't improve their defense I wouldn't consider it much of a step up at all because they're likely to have the same old problems again. Better the devil you know.
Why would Eriksen or Verts or any other decent player see us as a place to be for the long term when we consider selling our best players.

Kane may be one of our own but in 2 or 3 years even he would want to leave if we continue flogging off our top players.

Carrick, Berbatov and now Lloris, are we going to continue being their biatches?

HAs Verts ever seen Spurs as his long term home? The only reason he's still hear is because his phone has been deathly silent.
they wouldn't care as long as the team improves - just the same as they wouldn't care if we kept hold of Lloris but got worse as a team.

thats the thing, despite all those big sales we have improved an incredible amount, it's all part of progress
I think Lloris is going to stay another season, although if he does leave then it has to be Begovic as his replacement, he's one of the best in the league. Don't think Cech would be an option.
Think Stoke would be happy to sell too as they've got Butland ready to step up.

So just because we always roll over for Man Utd what makes you think Stoke would roll over for us? Southampton told us to offer silly money or get lost, what makes you think Stoke will not do the same? It is not like we can offer CL football
So just because we always roll over for Man Utd what makes you think Stoke would roll over for us? Southampton told us to offer silly money or get lost, what makes you think Stoke will not do the same? It is not like we can offer CL football

How would Stoke ever get anywhere if they sold their best player?
How would Stoke ever get anywhere if they sold their best player?

More importantly would the best players at Stoke find Spurs an attractive proposition? It is not like we have a history of regular CL football. Maybe after thrashing us 3:0 a few weeks ago they might think we are not all that.

Funny thing is though Southampton sold a load of their best players and it worked out well for them, I guess because they invested the money wisely unlike us.
they wouldn't care as long as the team improves - just the same as they wouldn't care if we kept hold of Lloris but got worse as a team.

The team maybe improving but we are still failing to make CL football and that seems to be what motivates players when they get to a certain level of financial security. Sure I do not expect him to join the Goons, but I do not expect Kane to stay loyal to us if CL qualification continues to elude us
The team maybe improving but we are still failing to make CL football and that seems to be what motivates players when they get to a certain level of financial security. Sure I do not expect him to join the Goons, but I do not expect Kane to stay loyal to us if CL qualification continues to elude us

your post which i replied to was saying 'what would Kane/Vertonghen etc think if we sold our players every year' and my point was that the players don't care about 'losing our best player' or what that portrays - they care about whether we are improving or not as a team.

improving is what's important, not keeping hold of certain players - and i think it's possible to replace Lloris and still improve the team - for example, replacing him with Begovic and adding 20m to our existing transfer budget, which could be the difference between signing our first choice targets and our second/third choice targets.