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Hugo Lloris

your post which i replied to was saying 'what would Kane/Vertonghen etc think if we sold our players every year' and my point was that the players don't care about 'losing our best player' or what that portrays - they care about whether we are improving or not as a team.

improving is what's important, not keeping hold of certain players - and i think it's possible to replace Lloris and still improve the team - for example, replacing him with Begovic and adding 20m to our existing transfer budget,
which could be the difference between signing our first choice targets and our second/third choice targets.

And I am saying even if we are improving, by selling Lloris to the lowest finishing team in the top we arein turn improving them. The result is that the teams above us continue to improve at a faster rate which is while we fail to make the top 4.

If we improve every season for 4 years, but each season continue to finish 5th because the teams above us also continue to improve while you may argue we were a better team after year 4 I would suggest in real terms we would not have improved.

While Begovic would be a good signing for us according to many, I see no reason why they would sell. I would anticipate them pulling a Southampton against us
And I am saying even if we are improving, by selling Lloris to the lowest finishing team in the top we arein turn improving them. The result is that the teams above us continue to improve at a faster rate which is while we fail to make the top 4.

If we improve every season for 4 years, but each season continue to finish 5th because the teams above us also continue to improve while you may argue we were a better team after year 4 I would suggest in real terms we would not have improved.

While Begovic would be a good signing for us according to many, I see no reason why they would sell. I would anticipate them pulling a Southampton against us

we'd lose the players regardless in that case - the over riding point is that losing Lloris isn't going to be what makes Kane and the rest want out - which is what you seemed to be getting at in the initial post i was replying to...

Stoke have Butland and it's possible a move for Begovic would be seen as a good opportunity to cash in and add money to their transfer budget, similar to how we might feel about selling Lloris.
we'd lose the players regardless in that case - the over riding point is that losing Lloris isn't going to be what makes Kane and the rest want out - which is what you seemed to be getting at in the initial post i was replying to...

Stoke have Butland and it's possible a move for Begovic would be seen as a good opportunity to cash in and add money to their transfer budget, similar to how we might feel about selling Lloris.

When Butland played at the end of last season when Begovic got injured he was poor. There is a gulf in class between the two players.

To be honest my biggest concern is not losing Lloris, rather it is strengthening Man Utd, the team that finished 6 points above us. I could easily cope with him going abroad, but of the 4 teams that finished above us I think Utd are the dodgiest so I do not want to strengthen them
I think that's a matter of opinion. I don't really rate De Gea. Saves a lot of long distance shots.

he was the best keeper in the league last season.

Still, they are both 2 of the best in the world, extremely close call. I dont think they would be any better/worse off with Lloris in goal instead of De Gea.
Ive just seen Forster is injured and out till early next year, i didn't realise.
Maybe that will knock a couple of million off his price tag!
When Butland played at the end of last season when Begovic got injured he was poor. There is a gulf in class between the two players.

To be honest my biggest concern is not losing Lloris, rather it is strengthening Man Utd, the team that finished 6 points above us. I could easily cope with him going abroad, but of the 4 teams that finished above us I think Utd are the dodgiest so I do not want to strengthen them

well, then that's a different argument entirely ;)
When Butland played at the end of last season when Begovic got injured he was poor. There is a gulf in class between the two players.

To be honest my biggest concern is not losing Lloris, rather it is strengthening Man Utd, the team that finished 6 points above us. I could easily cope with him going abroad, but of the 4 teams that finished above us I think Utd are the dodgiest so I do not want to strengthen them

Agreed. Bayern do this to Dortmund, Schalke and Monchengladbach on a regular basis. I would really like us to say no to United, Liverpool did the same when Arsenal came sniffing around Suarez. You have to send a message that you aren't strengthening your rivals.
he was the best keeper in the league last season.

Still, they are both 2 of the best in the world, extremely close call. I dont think they would be any better/worse off with Lloris in goal instead of De Gea.
I have to agree with that. He was as important to Utd's season as Kane was to ours. Much as I love Hugo, De Gea was the superior keeper last season.
Agreed. Bayern do this to Dortmund, Schalke and Monchengladbach on a regular basis. I would really like us to say no to United, Liverpool did the same when Arsenal came sniffing around Suarez. You have to send a message that you aren't strengthening your rivals.

You mean like we did with Modric when Chelski came sniffing?
This is the same thing that comes up everytime a player wants to leave 'If Levy says no we'll have a disgruntled player who won't perform'. It's nonsense, if Lloris is told no, he has two options in order to get his wish of a move to a 'big' club.

1. Perform well next season in the hope that a 'big club' comes in with an even bigger offer that Levy cannot refuse

2. Perform well every season until his contract runs out, refuse to sign another one and leave on free.

Either way, he still has to perform well. In the same way that Modric had to continue to perform to get his move to Madrid after we turned down Chelsea.
There is a 3rd option:

3. Perform very well, get your team mates to do the same, que qualify for the CL. Problem solved.
So do I, although whether or not we will improve Man Utd in an absolute sense if we sell them Lloris is probably less important than what it would do to our relative strengths. The real question, then, is whether the difference between De Gea and Lloris is greater or smaller than the difference between Lloris and the player we would replace him with. Since it can be shown that goals you don't concede are worth, on average, about 5% more, points-wise, than goals you score, you could argue that selling your star keeper (or defender) to a rival, unless you close the gap with his replacement, is even more idiotic than furnishing them with your best striker and hoping that Fraizer Campbell can fill his boots.