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Hugo Lloris

Exactly what's the point of being in the champions league if your not going to do well in it, such an overrated competition now it's only on bt sport I wonder if sky will push it so much?

No point it giving it all the hype anymore for them, they will just go on telling us that the Prem is the best Lge in the world.
Can understand if Lloris joins other clubs in order to play in CL. But won't forgive him if he joins another English club, especially ManU. He can easily find big clubs outside England. Also there is no logic in joining other English clubs when all of them have been shyte in Europe in recent years.

I would imagine that one of the appeals of joining ManU is that they are one of the highest paying clubs in the world. If players were just desperate to play Champions League football then the biggest clubs in smaller leagues would find it easier to attract and hold onto top players.
I feel the only reason Levy would be prepared to allow Lloris join Man Utd is if he was sure he had a top level replacement lined up. I know its highly unlikely, but just putting it out there, what if we have asked Peter Cech if he would like to join us and he has said yes. He has won everything at Chelski, he would like to stay in London, Wenger as usual is interested but would rather stick with what he has got. Chelski wont stand in Cech's way of wanting to join Spurs because of all he has done for the club

Lloris out for 25-30 mill, Cech in for 6-8 mill???
Spurs' Facebook page updated the cover photo a few minutes ago. It now shows Hugo in the new kit - make of that what you want...


This comes down to Poch and what he wants. If he wants Hugo, then we really need to keep him. If he feels that, say, 20 million for Hugo plus Victor Valdes would be a good deal, or 35 and get Begovic for 15, then we should do it. I genuinely think Hugo will be here for one more season minimum...but it HAS to be Poch's call...
This comes down to Poch and what he wants. If he wants Hugo, then we really need to keep him. If he feels that, say, 20 million for Hugo plus Victor Valdes would be a good deal, or 35 and get Begovic for 15, then we should do it. I genuinely think Hugo will be here for one more season minimum...but it HAS to be Poch's call...

Begovic would be good. I'm resigned to Lloris leaving. Whenever these kind of stories start appearing, it is never a good thing for us.
I'm more on the side that aren't hugely fussed if he leaves, as long as the money is good (like really good.)

I like the guy, but I think for at least the second half of the season he didn't appear to be the superman sweeper we all think he is, and the amount of times there's been a question mark on his shot stopping, especially at near post. To be fair there's only so much he can do, and clearly there were problems this season that wouldn't be solved by any goalkeeper.
I think Lloris is going to stay another season, although if he does leave then it has to be Begovic as his replacement, he's one of the best in the league. Don't think Cech would be an option.
Think Stoke would be happy to sell too as they've got Butland ready to step up.
Danny Murphy told Talksport he's heard Lloris wants out.
Yea but he's probably just heard what the papers are saying.
The other day he said he heard Arsenal were after Vidal, probably because that's what's in the papers.
If he does leave I would not blame Lloris, but I would blame Levy, all he has to do is say NO, end of story.

That's a very naive way of looking at it.

Levy says no and then what happens? We have a disgruntled GK who could cost us points far easier than an outfield player can.
That's a very naive way of looking at it.

Levy says no and then what happens? We have a disgruntled GK who could cost us points far easier than an outfield player can.

This is the same thing that comes up everytime a player wants to leave 'If Levy says no we'll have a disgruntled player who won't perform'. It's nonsense, if Lloris is told no, he has two options in order to get his wish of a move to a 'big' club.

1. Perform well next season in the hope that a 'big club' comes in with an even bigger offer that Levy cannot refuse

2. Perform well every season until his contract runs out, refuse to sign another one and leave on free.

Either way, he still has to perform well. In the same way that Modric had to continue to perform to get his move to Madrid after we turned down Chelsea.