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Harry Kane MBE

Wow!…. Comparing a result against one single club… If only being able to do well against one single team was enough to win trophies eh?

Also look at the difference between us and Bayern. They improve their defence with Min Jae and are probably going to sign Kane. We won’t even try for any player of similar repute.

we already have the only player at that level, would be a bit silly selling him then putting a bid in next day
On that, I think Madrid will get close to the CL this year, their team is young, talented and their midfield probably the best in Europe now (arguably). If they could afford a Kane (I know they wont) this year that a team where he has the most impact IMO.

I think people will underestimate Tuchels ability to pull down Bayerns season some how, its what he does

Agree, can’t see beyond Madrid or City
On that, I think Madrid will get close to the CL this year, their team is young, talented and their midfield probably the best in Europe now (arguably). If they could afford a Kane (I know they wont) this year that a team where he has the most impact IMO.

I think people will underestimate Tuchels ability to pull down Bayerns season some how, its what he does
All comes down to the draw and who plays city
On that, I think Madrid will get close to the CL this year, their team is young, talented and their midfield probably the best in Europe now (arguably). If they could afford a Kane (I know they wont) this year that a team where he has the most impact IMO.

I think people will underestimate Tuchels ability to pull down Bayerns season some how, its what he does
I wish we had a manger that could pull our season down to winning leagues, cups and the champions league...
But it’s your reference to winning the CL
Not mine
They will walk the league
Again, I’ll repeat, I’m not comparing Bayern to us. I’m comparing Bayern to the teams that will likely win the CL next season
What about comparing them to the other potential CL winners? (Though I think they compare reasonably well to Emirates Marketing Project anyway…. Especially if adding Min-Jae and Kane to their already high class bunch).
Bayern clearly had a moment of self harm last season, a self-harm moment that THFC tend to be the specialists in. Had they not chosen to disrupt their season by changing manager then they had a punchers chance of a CL win. With a new manager in place for the full season and the good players they have bought and seem likely to buy they will again likely be one of the main contenders for the CL.
Di Matteo had one moment, Tuchel won the CL, Super Cup, World club cup, and got them to a few domestic finals. He's far from Di Matteo.

I know I am being sarcastic for the sake of it, but I think his rep is hugely OTT. He also falls out badly everywhere he goes, follows him round so unless he is unlucky its him

But in fact I think he is the luckiest manager out there for me, reputation built round Klopp where any manager coming out of Dortmund is now looked at as the next Klopp and young up and coming was on trend, didn't break the hold there like Klopp did and win the league, got the PSG job which everyone said was an easy job when Poch had it and fell over the line at Bayern last year when the outstanding team in the league took a dump at home and they scored a last minute winner in the final game. The CL is an outstanding achievement but not like he backed it up in the league at Chelsea, they were dreadful. He isn't the elite powerhouse manager people make him out to be IMO, decent yeh, but you take PSG out and its patchy

Never anywhere long enough to do his thing in the league which is my major concern, seems spiky and seems to be able to fall out with himself in a phone box
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Think people underestimate what winning the Bundesliga might mean to Kane, it might be easy to win such a league but it isn't at all easy to build a career successful enough that you are in the position to take such a mantle and spearhead the attack of one of the top five most successful teams in Europe. It's a bit like when Chelsea or City win the league, for the players it doesn't feel like a cheat probably, just for everyone else.
What about comparing them to the other potential CL winners? (Though I think they compare reasonably well to Emirates Marketing Project anyway…. Especially if adding Min-Jae and Kane to their already high class bunch).
They are way behind city imo
And as I’d said earlier I’d back a prem team and the Spanish sides to give them
A run for their money
Stop making crap up, nobody was incredulous with you saying that Kane wants to go. Everybody knows he wants to go somewhere he can win trophies, especially after not getting his move to City. What posters had an issue with were you making out he was desperate to go and wouldn't be the same if he stayed. He's keeping his head down and won't sign a new contract because he knows if he stays another year he will have his pick of clubs next year.

And how what was handled last summer?
I think your reaction to my post is a bit over the top when you're accusing me of making crap up. It wasn't that long ago when I posted links about Bayern wanting Kane (with Kane wanting the move to happen), but the amount of pages you'd have to dig back would be numerous. That doesn't excuse you of the fact that people were indeed offended at the notion that I dared to suggest Kane was open to moving this summer, which was based on articles I believed had merit. I never said he was desperate to go and would sulk though. It's a bit hypocritical to accuse me of making crap up, and then doing so yourself in regards to my claims. Feel free to quote my post where I said he would down tools etc. AdamB was one of those posters who really thought Kane might stay beyond his contract ending, and you and Grays both had some issue with what I posted although again, it's too far back and I'm too lazy to dig it back up.

I meant two summers ago when he wanted to go to City. Not sure why I thought that was last summer.

Those that are asking that are the small few that seem to think anything outside the PL isn't worth much.

I think everyone hopes he stays and signs a new contract but realise that is unlikely. What Papaspur said about him wanting a move wasn't antagonistic, him making out that Kane is desperate for the move and would sulk for the next year was what set most off.

As for CB, we really should have one CB signed or close to being signed at this stage, with or without Kanes move.
Again, never said that. I urge you to heed your own words and not accuse others of making things up while doing so yourself.
I think your reaction to my post is a bit over the top when you're accusing me of making crap up. It wasn't that long ago when I posted links about Bayern wanting Kane (with Kane wanting the move to happen), but the amount of pages you'd have to dig back would be numerous. That doesn't excuse you of the fact that people were indeed offended at the notion that I dared to suggest Kane was open to moving this summer, which was based on articles I believed had merit. I never said he was desperate to go and would sulk though. It's a bit hypocritical to accuse me of making crap up, and then doing so yourself in regards to my claims. Feel free to quote my post where I said he would down tools etc. AdamB was one of those posters who really thought Kane might stay beyond his contract ending, and you and Grays both had some issue with what I posted although again, it's too far back and I'm too lazy to dig it back up.

I meant two summers ago when he wanted to go to City. Not sure why I thought that was last summer.

Again, never said that. I urge you to heed your own words and not accuse others of making things up while doing so yourself.

Which I was wrong about it seems and I admitted at time BTW

Just saying like
I think your reaction to my post is a bit over the top when you're accusing me of making crap up. It wasn't that long ago when I posted links about Bayern wanting Kane (with Kane wanting the move to happen), but the amount of pages you'd have to dig back would be numerous. That doesn't excuse you of the fact that people were indeed offended at the notion that I dared to suggest Kane was open to moving this summer, which was based on articles I believed had merit. I never said he was desperate to go and would sulk though. It's a bit hypocritical to accuse me of making crap up, and then doing so yourself in regards to my claims. Feel free to quote my post where I said he would down tools etc. AdamB was one of those posters who really thought Kane might stay beyond his contract ending, and you and Grays both had some issue with what I posted although again, it's too far back and I'm too lazy to dig it back up.

I meant two summers ago when he wanted to go to City. Not sure why I thought that was last summer.

Again, never said that. I urge you to heed your own words and not accuse others of making things up while doing so yourself.
Every player with any ambition should be open to a move
But.. every player should also respect the contract they have and the wages they are paid
Kane has done that on and off the pitch
The weird thing with football is it’s an environment that encourages leaches… sorry agents
People whose sole purpose is to sell on other people. It’s legitimised slave trading basically
Every player with any ambition should be open to a move
But.. every player should also respect the contract they have and the wages they are paid
Kane has done that on and off the pitch
The weird thing with football is it’s an environment that encourages leaches… sorry agents
People whose sole purpose is to sell on other people. It’s legitimised slave trading basically
A majority of agents serve their client’s best interests (for their client to make as much money from their career as possible).

Slave trading?…. What on earth?!?
Which I was wrong about it seems and I admitted at time BTW

Just saying like
I know, I simply wanted to try to set the record straight with DubSpur. Also, I hope I'm not giving the impression of me saying "I told you so" because honestly, I'm pretty sad about potentially seeing the best player I've personally ever seen at Spurs (and one of the best in the world) leaving for another club. Thing is, I do respect what most people on here have to say but when I'm told I'm making crap up, I guess that's an unfortunate side effect of posting on an internet forum with the added possibility of messages being misconstrued or simple miscommunication.
I know, I simply wanted to try to set the record straight with DubSpur. Also, I hope I'm not giving the impression of me saying "I told you so" because honestly, I'm pretty sad about potentially seeing the best player I've personally ever seen at Spurs (and one of the best in the world) leaving for another club. Thing is, I do respect what most people on here have to say but when I'm told I'm making crap up, I guess that's an unfortunate side effect of posting on an internet forum with the added possibility of messages being misconstrued or simple miscommunication.

Haha na I never read it as told you so, all good there pal

My question was more to the statements of Kane def wanted to leave more than him actually leaving which I thought he would, so probably a case of me picking holes on a bad day haha, happens alot