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Gareth Bale

Re: Gareth Bale

Am I the only one who's glad Bale clapped the ref?

The guy is one of the most shocking referees I've ever seen and clearly has a massive anti-Spurs agenda. Someone needs to point it out to him, and I don't think the ball bag faced cvnt can hear me screaming at my tv.

It was risky but I understood why he did it. So no, you're not alone. But there are a lot of people today who 'play' football like a text-book, from the exact form and posture one must adopt when a foul/obstruction is perpetrated to the reactions one must have...apparently opposition payers are largely immune. I'm delighted to be cast as supporting a diver if it means Gareth Bale avoids injuries.

The bigger question is why so many defenders cannot tackle him properly? But, as is the way in our weird world, the onus now lies on Gareth Bale to 'fall properly' when fouled/obstructed/hacked/no attempt to play the ball against him is made...
Re: Gareth Bale


Nothing to do with him wanting to play for one of the biggest teams in the world then? So should we just condone his diving then? Ok then, so the next time someone dives against us and wins a penalty, we have no right at all to complain about it, fair enough?

if i have 'spurs specs' on mate, i would suggest that you have 'black and white' goggles...perhaps we should do a swap to see the other's perspective?!!

Re: Gareth Bale

It was risky but I understood why he did it. So no, you're not alone. But there are a lot of people today who 'play' football like a text-book, from the exact form and posture one must adopt when a foul/obstruction is perpetrated to the reactions one must have...apparently opposition payers are largely immune. I'm delighted to be cast as supporting a diver if it means Gareth Bale avoids injuries.
The bigger question is why so many defenders cannot tackle him properly? But, as is the way in our weird world, the onus now lies on Gareth Bale to 'fall properly' when fouled/obstructed/hacked/no attempt to play the ball against him is made...

Totally with you on this one Steff mate!
Re: Gareth Bale

Not the same I'm afraid to say. Your comment "why didnt he just put his right foot down" shows naievity in the extreme.

The players listed as divers Ronaldo, Suarez, Henry, Bale etc are all players that take opponents on at speed and as Phil Neville said on MOTD it only takes the smallest touch at that pace for the player to go down. Add to that a keen sense of self preservasion that these type of players have to develop to stop the likes of Adam ending their careers and you have your answer.

Ever seen Lennon go to ground like that? Just like Bale, Lennon has had lots of injury problems.
Re: Gareth Bale

The law says simulation - either feigning injury or pretending to have been fouled.


Why doesn't he just put down his right foot, then fall over?

Errr...his STRIDE is 'in synch'...physically, I do not see how much 'earlier' you expect his right foot to come down? It comes down as soon as it can. Watch it again. And again and again and again until you see it. Seriously mate, I think you're off-base on this one, and even the most fundamental knowledge of running will tell you his foot couldn't have come down any earlier. Let's also ignore the fact that Sidwell made no attempt to play the ball and all attempt to stop the man.
Re: Gareth Bale

Its funny because when a guy gets his shirt pulled at one of the corners or free kicks and the player falls down like a sack of spuds its a free kick or penalty. No one talks about theatrics there. Why? because its obvious whether the guy is having his shirt pulled even though a pulled shirt does not make a guy fall down like a sack of spuds with his arms flapping about. Yet a guy who is running at full pelt waves his arms whilst falling - that gets questioned haha.
Yeah but can't you see the Bale issue has nothing to do with anything else going on on the pitch. It has everything to do with the media circus following the tabloid /Sky brou-ha-ha over the Villa 'dive.' that wasn't. Think about it: refs don't like the perception the media think they are mugs too easily conned. So they're now puffing their chests out trying to show they're streetwise to Bale's perceived antics and there's no way he's going to make them look idiots. It's all about egos I tell you.
Re: Gareth Bale

From another angle you'll see that his right foot never touches the ground. He lands on his knees instead.
Re: Gareth Bale

From another angle you'll see that his right foot never touches the ground. He lands on his knees instead.

This micro analysis is totally pointless. He was caught by Sidwell. He was fouled by Sidwell. He didnt dive.
Re: Gareth Bale

From another angle you'll see that his right foot never touches the ground. He lands on his knees instead.

His left leg was behind him (due to the long strides Bale has) so to try to evade the challenge and not get a whack he is trying to get that leg out the way. Unless we all try it and see how we would fall in that EXACT same situation we cant say whether its natural or not.

What is natural to someone is not natural to the other. To a leftie writing left handed is natural - to me its not.
Re: Gareth Bale

Yeah but can't you see the Bale issue has nothing to do with anything else going on on the pitch. It has everything to do with the media circus following the tabloid /Sky brou-ha-ha over the Villa 'dive.' that wasn't. Think about it: refs don't like the perception the media think they are mugs too easily conned. So they're now puffing their chests out trying to show they're streetwise to Bale's perceived antics and there's no way he's going to make them look idiots. It's all about egos I tell you.

Youre correct - it is a media circus. By the same token a lot fo people will have watched goals on sunday and Kamara will have changed that perception and hopefully those ****s we call refs are educated a little bit today and learnt something new.
Re: Gareth Bale

It was risky but I understood why he did it. So no, you're not alone. But there are a lot of people today who 'play' football like a text-book, from the exact form and posture one must adopt when a foul/obstruction is perpetrated to the reactions one must have...apparently opposition payers are largely immune. I'm delighted to be cast as supporting a diver if it means Gareth Bale avoids injuries.

The bigger question is why so many defenders cannot tackle him properly? But, as is the way in our weird world, the onus now lies on Gareth Bale to 'fall properly' when fouled/obstructed/hacked/no attempt to play the ball against him is made...

Fair enough. But don't have a go at opposition players who do the same as Bale then.
Re: Gareth Bale

Yeah but can't you see the Bale issue has nothing to do with anything else going on on the pitch. It has everything to do with the media circus following the tabloid /Sky brou-ha-ha over the Villa 'dive.' that wasn't. Think about it: refs don't like the perception the media think they are mugs too easily conned. So they're now puffing their chests out trying to show they're streetwise to Bale's perceived antics and there's no way he's going to make them look idiots. It's all about egos I tell you.

Sorry, but the Villa one was a dive 100%, no contact whatsover, not even close. The two from this week were fouls though, I haven't tried to argue that they weren't.
Re: Gareth Bale

I don't think there's much wrong with the way he goes to ground. He's already off balance and is trying to pull his left foot up because Sidwell is coming in late.

He does need to shoulder some of the blame for these yellow cards though, he has earned himself a reputation by going down too easily and without any contact. Once you get that reputations refs won't give you the benefit of the doubt and they will also make mistakes.


There doesn't have to be contact for it to be a foul, but at the same time it's not always a foul just because there's contact.
Re: Gareth Bale

By definition it can't be a foul AND a dive.


It was a foul whether he fell 'theatrically' is kinda irrelevant as Bale did not try to gain anything out of it because it was a foul in the first instance.

I guess it just boils down to the definitions people have of what is a foul, what is a dive and what is theatrical
Re: Gareth Bale

He isnt pretending to be fouled - HE IS FOULED. Can you not see that? The player made a challenge and didnt get the ball... hence FOUL.

And for the avoidance of any doubt - Bale did not feign injury.

Hence yellow card bang out of order.

Well said.