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Nice one

Im just curious on the views and opinions because there does seem an online appetite for Enic Out, especially on twitter and socials but it never translates to people showing out for the protests which I personally find odd so was interested in why people think that is. I'm not knocking people BTW, just trying to work it out and there are those that go more than me these days who probably know alot more why. On the face of it, its at the very least interesting to me that people expect alot but not of themselves to turn out for their beliefs...as I say, on the face of it, there may be genuine reasons for it. 25 odd turn out at the weekend, is there a genuine level or appetite for Enic Out as the online presence suggests or is it noise?
Is it ENIC out or Levy out? I noticed at the stadium on Saturday the calls were Levy out and not ENIC out.
Is it ENIC out or Levy out? I noticed at the stadium on Saturday the calls were Levy out and not ENIC out.

So the majority of fans want Levy gone and not Enic and thats why they don't join the protest as its more focused on Enic? I personally see them as one and the same but its interesting if true
So the majority of fans want Levy gone and not Enic and thats why they don't join the protest as its more focused on Enic?
No idea. I can’t speak for anyone else…. I’ve just noticed that in the last few games the chanting seems to be specifically aimed at Levy and not ENIC.
No idea. I can’t speak for anyone else…. I’ve just noticed that in the last few games the chanting seems to be specifically aimed at Levy and not ENIC.

Its interesting, that could be because he is the most visual. I have definitely seen alot of online talk of Lewis and Enic too which does not translate to the numbers on the street still but your reasoning could well explain it.

Would be interesting if, as you say its a Levy centric view and if the same fans would accept another chairman coming in working under the Enic model, I am not so sure they would but would certainly be interesting.
No idea. I can’t speak for anyone else…. I’ve just noticed that in the last few games the chanting seems to be specifically aimed at Levy and not ENIC.

I think the chanting during games tends to be Levy-focused (probably because he is usually present), whereas banners, placards at protest gatherings, seem to concentrate on the ENIC-out message. Twitter hashtags seem to be both LevyOut and ENICOut.
I'd say (and I'm not a protestor even if I understand the desire to change ownership)

- There is no coherent view to what protestors want other than "get out of my club"
- A look around the league shows ownership choices can be fraught with danger and unpleasant characteristics
- People are obviously frustrated with lack of final trophies but lets be clear, Spurs are not in "crisis", Everton are in crisis, Leicester are in crisis, Chelsea is in crisis (mitigated by the fact that they will eventually buy themselves out of it), West Ham is likely in crisis (again), Spurs is just having a mediocre season based off some bad manager calls. And our brick season will still likely end up with a European spot.
It’s 100% that
There is no focal point and no view in a viable alternative
Add in the cost of rickets and the way fans are “protesting” is by selling their tickets
The club don’t lose. They make maker as the tourists buy stuff the regular fan wouldn’t

really isn’t helped by the anti Semitic trope that gets dragged in calling levy names… it’s just daft and much more negative than good
I'd say (and I'm not a protestor even if I understand the desire to change ownership)

- There is no coherent view to what protestors want other than "get out of my club"
- A look around the league shows ownership choices can be fraught with danger and unpleasant characteristics
- People are obviously frustrated with lack of final trophies but lets be clear, Spurs are not in "crisis", Everton are in crisis, Leicester are in crisis, Chelsea is in crisis (mitigated by the fact that they will eventually buy themselves out of it), West Ham is likely in crisis (again), Spurs is just having a mediocre season based off some bad manager calls. And our brick season will still likely end up with a European spot.

It’s not just one bad season though. Granted last year we exceeded expectations by finishing 4th, I’d put that down to Kane and Son having great seasons and carrying us. The last 5 years in general have seen us finish 6th and 7th after finishing in the top 3 under Poch. No team has a divine right to finish in the top 4 or to win trophies but just pointing out this season isn’t a one off. It’s been exacerbated by a series of poor footballing decisions by the club. I’m fully aware their reign has seen the club grow on and off the pitch and don’t wish to sound ungrateful or lack perspective, just been too many bad calls made by them in the last 5 years. If a manager was making a series of bad calls that led to us regressing a lot of people would be calling for a change. That’s my reason for wanting them to go.
It’s not just one bad season though. Granted last year we exceeded expectations by finishing 4th, I’d put that down to Kane and Son having great seasons and carrying us. The last 5 years in general have seen us finish 6th and 7th after finishing in the top 3 under Poch. No team has a divine right to finish in the top 4 or to win trophies but just pointing out this season isn’t a one off. It’s been exacerbated by a series of poor footballing decisions by the club. I’m fully aware their reign has seen the club grow on and off the pitch and don’t wish to sound ungrateful or lack perspective, just been too many bad calls made by them in the last 5 years. If a manager was making a series of bad calls that led to us regressing a lot of people would be calling for a change. That’s my reason for wanting them to go.

I think you have to be fair on last season - we were floundering even with Kane and Son until the club appointed Conte. Yeah, he created a mess with Nuno but, to be fair, he rectified it and we probably overachieved by finishing 4th. Levy deserves credit for that if he's going to take the criticism for our current plight.

On a related note, I saw an "ENIC Out" banner in the South Stand on Saturday before kick off that didn't reappear. Was it confiscated or did they just put it away after they made their point does anyone know?
I think you have to be fair on last season - we were floundering even with Kane and Son until the club appointed Conte. Yeah, he created a mess with Nuno but, to be fair, he rectified it and we probably overachieved by finishing 4th. Levy deserves credit for that if he's going to take the criticism for our current plight.

On a related note, I saw an "ENIC Out" banner in the South Stand on Saturday before kick off that didn't reappear. Was it confiscated or did they just put it away after they made their point does anyone know?

Getting Conte was the best thing Levy has done in years. I still think on balance he’s got more calls wrong than right over the last 5 years or so.
Getting Conte was the best thing Levy has done in years. I still think on balance he’s got more calls wrong than right over the last 5 years or so.

The Conte situation though is one thats contentious in the end, I think he has more to answer for than not in the end, others think the board do but the truth is the fault in the end probably lies somewhere in the middle with that one
Just had a little gander at the online views and one lad on Youtube and I quote "I hate our owners because all the care about is making money and I saw today that we were named in the top ten UK attractions" I mean on a scale of fans, what a weird thing to be upset about, making money which is proven to go back into the club and increase our spend. I get people are upset at the lack of success but I never understand why people get upset about the revenue making and activities outside of match days? Again just sounds like confused anger to me. Want the club to spend more but moan about making money to do so? Anger for sake of anger or relevant?
Just had a little gander at the online views and one lad on Youtube and I quote "I hate our owners because all the care about is making money and I saw today that we were named in the top ten UK attractions" I mean on a scale of fans, what a weird thing to be upset about, making money which is proven to go back into the club and increase our spend. I get people are upset at the lack of success but I never understand why people get upset about the revenue making and activities outside of match days? Again just sounds like confused anger to me. Want the club to spend more but moan about making money to do so? Anger for sake of anger or relevant?
Yeah but those fans can’t see the money going in
They never get that side
They see it he country backed sides spending money they haven’t earned and think we should too
Yeah but those fans can’t see the money going in
They never get that side
They see it he country backed sides spending money they haven’t earned and think we should too

Thats why I respect those who at least have the honesty to say they want more money spent and admit to just purely that. Its the half truths and conjecture that is baffling for me. Seems to be an all or nothing attitude on the club, can't sit in the middle and acknowledge the club has done alot of good and alot of wrong. Everything looked upon with suspicion and then fuelled by half truths
Just had a little gander at the online views and one lad on Youtube and I quote "I hate our owners because all the care about is making money and I saw today that we were named in the top ten UK attractions" I mean on a scale of fans, what a weird thing to be upset about, making money which is proven to go back into the club and increase our spend. I get people are upset at the lack of success but I never understand why people get upset about the revenue making and activities outside of match days? Again just sounds like confused anger to me. Want the club to spend more but moan about making money to do so? Anger for sake of anger or relevant?

Yeah, it's pretty clueless stuff. I'm frustrated by the lack of success, I'm massively frustrated by the managerial situation and I have serious questions over Levy's ability to bring us much further. However, he's brought us to the top table of European football, he's increased our revenue hugely and that has been reflected in our transfer spend which, over the past 4 years since the stadium opened, has been the 3rd or 4th highest in the league. In many respects, he's done an absolutely unbelievable job and has shown more vision than any other owner in the league. He's just managed to botch the bit that most people see and care most about.
Yeah, it's pretty clueless stuff. I'm frustrated by the lack of success, I'm massively frustrated by the managerial situation and I have serious questions over Levy's ability to bring us much further. However, he's brought us to the top table of European football, he's increased our revenue hugely and that has been reflected in our transfer spend which, over the past 4 years since the stadium opened, has been the 3rd or 4th highest in the league. In many respects, he's done an absolutely unbelievable job and has shown more vision than any other owner in the league. He's just managed to botch the bit that most people see and care most about.

Agree with all of that, would be much better to focus on the botch of the football side than create botches especially when making a fortune for the club being touted as a botch is baffling.....
It’s not just one bad season though. Granted last year we exceeded expectations by finishing 4th, I’d put that down to Kane and Son having great seasons and carrying us. The last 5 years in general have seen us finish 6th and 7th after finishing in the top 3 under Poch. No team has a divine right to finish in the top 4 or to win trophies but just pointing out this season isn’t a one off. It’s been exacerbated by a series of poor footballing decisions by the club. I’m fully aware their reign has seen the club grow on and off the pitch and don’t wish to sound ungrateful or lack perspective, just been too many bad calls made by them in the last 5 years. If a manager was making a series of bad calls that led to us regressing a lot of people would be calling for a change. That’s my reason for wanting them to go.

Last 5 seasons fwiw :

17/18 3rd
18/19 4th
19/20 6th
20/21 7th
21/22 4th

It's unquestionably been a slog since moving in to the new stadium (19/20 first full season) but the last 5 years have not been 6th-7th in general as you put it.
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