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I thought we already appointed a new Chief Commercial Officer (Todd Kline) two years or so ago?
I didn't know about that. My guess is that the club wants to put even more emphasis in this area and this appointment is just one more resource towards that end. Which makes sense. There is only so much pie out there. You can't expect to get a larger slice of it, if you don't have the resources to go after it.
No, I just refuse to demean myself by using sportswear for anything other than sports.
I've always found that people are people, some good, some bad, most somewhere in between. What they wear or the way they speak, or where they live, or where they grew up, or where they went to school, etc have no bearing on that.

Receiving a more privileged education and/or being fortunate enough to grow up with parents who are affluent doesn't make somebody any 'better' than anybody else, it makes them luckier and more likely to succeed financially that's all. My sons have been WAY luckier than I was in terms of the start they had in life and they've had fantastic (and expensive) educations. However I very much hope that they don't share your outlook.
I didn't know about that. My guess is that the club wants to put even more emphasis in this area and this appointment is just one more resource towards that end. Which makes sense. There is only so much pie out there. You can't expect to get a larger slice of it, if you don't have the resources to go after it.
Sorry, it doesn't make sense. We already have a CCO. If wanting to beef up the commercial department then we would employ more directors reporting into him or (if we thought he wasn't good enough) would replace him. Appointing a 'Chief Football Officer' as a peer of the Chief Commercial Officer on the board at Spurs just isn't the way that a company would go about doing what you're suggesting.
They vote
And then do nothing
It’s turkeys voting for Christmas

Uefa and premier league rules so far have been different. Uefa a £35m overspend allowed over 3 years. The prem £105m. Chelsea and city both broke uefas. Only now have city and everton been charged with breaking the prem rules. So nobody has a clue what the outcome will be. Because it's the first time clubs have been charged with breaking them.

The efl (which the prem have been in negotiations to harmonise the rules) have been pretty harsh on clubs that have broken the rules. Derby for example.
Sorry, it doesn't make sense. We already have a CCO. If wanting to beef up the commercial department then we would employ more directors reporting into him or (if we thought he wasn't good enough) would replace him. Appointing a 'Chief Football Officer' as a peer of the Chief Commercial Officer on the board at Spurs just isn't the way that a company would go about doing what you're suggesting.

Thought you'd want levy to step aside from the football side?
I've always found that people are people, some good, some bad, most somewhere in between. What they wear or the way they speak, or where they live, or where they grew up, or where they went to school, etc have no bearing on that.

Receiving a more privileged education and/or being fortunate enough to grow up with parents who are affluent doesn't make somebody any 'better' than anybody else, it makes them luckier and more likely to succeed financially that's all. My sons have been WAY luckier than I was in terms of the start they had in life and they've had fantastic (and expensive) educations. However I very much hope that they don't share your outlook.
I have very little interest in whether people are good or bad, if they're not family or friends then their only measure of worth is how beneficial they are to me.

Better has nothing to do with good or bad, it's a measure of quality.
I have very little interest in whether people are good or bad, if they're not family or friends then their only measure of worth is how beneficial they are to me.

Better has nothing to do with good or bad, it's a measure of quality.
You make the point for me about hoping my sons, despite their privilege, don't grow up sharing your outlook so much better than I do.
Thought you'd want levy to step aside from the football side?
I would love that yes, though that isn't the argument here. The suggestion was that Munn had come in to concentrate on commercial deals, which just seems completely unlikely to me given his title and the composition of the board at THFC already.
I would love that yes, though that isn't the argument here. The suggestion was that Munn had come in to concentrate on commercial deals, which just seems completely unlikely to me given his title and the composition of the board at THFC already.

It's not just commercial deals though.

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Scott Munn as Chief Football Officer. Scott will be joining the Club’s Board and will take charge of all footballing departments.

Sorry, it doesn't make sense. We already have a CCO. If wanting to beef up the commercial department then we would employ more directors reporting into him or (if we thought he wasn't good enough) would replace him. Appointing a 'Chief Football Officer' as a peer of the Chief Commercial Officer on the board at Spurs just isn't the way that a company would go about doing what you're suggesting.
I don't disagree, but again, I'm just taking a stab at what one of the things that Munn would focus on would be given his background. And I wouldn't pay too much attention to the titles, especially since we do not know the exact org chart of the club. Will remain to be seen how it actually pans out.
I don't disagree, but again, I'm just taking a stab at what one of the things that Munn would focus on would be given his background. And I wouldn't pay too much attention to the titles, especially since we do not know the exact org chart of the club. Will remain to be seen how it actually pans out.
It's like any job, you might have your focus but if your skills bring more to the table and you can open up opportunities because of your relationships then its only a benefit. Doesn't mean it's their job or focus though, we are talking high level executives here who in any form of sector there is always cross over of roles.

Complimentary roles can only be a positive, we have one guy who has a huge CV for commercial in the US and another who ran football operations including commercial in HK and China...that's a major compliment to a level like they are working at.

If like Munn you have someone at the level of a Fab continuing who effectively was incharge of football operations then its hardly a huge distraction.

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Genuine question here, there is a broad spectrum of Enic views on here and varying levels of blame. My question is to all on all levels of the spectrum, why are the Enic out protests so poorly attended? For those staunch outters who go to games, what stops you attending the protest?

Genuinely interested in the views

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I'd say (and I'm not a protestor even if I understand the desire to change ownership)

- There is no coherent view to what protestors want other than "get out of my club"
- A look around the league shows ownership choices can be fraught with danger and unpleasant characteristics
- People are obviously frustrated with lack of final trophies but lets be clear, Spurs are not in "crisis", Everton are in crisis, Leicester are in crisis, Chelsea is in crisis (mitigated by the fact that they will eventually buy themselves out of it), West Ham is likely in crisis (again), Spurs is just having a mediocre season based off some bad manager calls. And our brick season will still likely end up with a European spot.
I'd say (and I'm not a protestor even if I understand the desire to change ownership)

- There is no coherent view to what protestors want other than "get out of my club"
- A look around the league shows ownership choices can be fraught with danger and unpleasant characteristics
- People are obviously frustrated with lack of final trophies but lets be clear, Spurs are not in "crisis", Everton are in crisis, Leicester are in crisis, Chelsea is in crisis (mitigated by the fact that they will eventually buy themselves out of it), West Ham is likely in crisis (again), Spurs is just having a mediocre season based off some bad manager calls. And our brick season will still likely end up with a European spot.

Great post. I've said this many times but I'll say it again. We probably need a change in ownership to push on in any consistent way. But there are very few potential owners who can push us on and a lot that can take us backwards.
I'd say (and I'm not a protestor even if I understand the desire to change ownership)

- There is no coherent view to what protestors want other than "get out of my club"
- A look around the league shows ownership choices can be fraught with danger and unpleasant characteristics
- People are obviously frustrated with lack of final trophies but lets be clear, Spurs are not in "crisis", Everton are in crisis, Leicester are in crisis, Chelsea is in crisis (mitigated by the fact that they will eventually buy themselves out of it), West Ham is likely in crisis (again), Spurs is just having a mediocre season based off some bad manager calls. And our brick season will still likely end up with a European spot.

Nice one

Im just curious on the views and opinions because there does seem an online appetite for Enic Out, especially on twitter and socials but it never translates to people showing out for the protests which I personally find odd so was interested in why people think that is. I'm not knocking people BTW, just trying to work it out and there are those that go more than me these days who probably know alot more why. On the face of it, its at the very least interesting to me that people expect alot but not of themselves to turn out for their beliefs...as I say, on the face of it, there may be genuine reasons for it. 25 odd turn out at the weekend, is there a genuine level or appetite for Enic Out as the online presence suggests or is it noise?
I don't disagree, but again, I'm just taking a stab at what one of the things that Munn would focus on would be given his background. And I wouldn't pay too much attention to the titles, especially since we do not know the exact org chart of the club. Will remain to be seen how it actually pans out.
Any role with a seat on the board and a ‘chief’ C on the front of it, would very much pay attention to their title, after all it tells their accountability. Todd Kline has a seat on the board as our Chief Commercial Officer. If Munn has been brought in with a remit of commercial deals then the CCO isn’t going to accept that person not working for them.