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I know of fans of Woolwich and West Ham who take their kids to watch Orient instead. I guess a lower league team as an alternative is more likely than another PL team.
I was going to say that, I know some that go to Bromley or the Daggers as an alternative, can't imagine them going yo West Ham, there might be some for sure but I can't see it being vast numbers

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Is it limited now, though? Or has ENIC put us now in an even better position than we think we are? FFP, toothless and bypassable as it was, mandated that a club not spend more than it earns. "Earns" is not a rich owner pumping unlimited cash into the club. It's the revenue a club generates. And with the new rules taking effect this summer, it will become even more important because spend on the squad (wages + transfers) will be limited to 70% of revenue. The only way to spend more will be to increase revenue and ENIC has been masterful in that area. These silly F1 Kart deals all count towards revenue. Appointing this Munn guy is also geared towards revenue expansion. And the fact that we have kept our wages-to-turnover ratio low gives us more wiggle room to increase our spending than any other club. Chelsea, Arsenal, and even Saudi Sportswashing Machine and Brighton, who are currently past that threshold will need to cut back, if they can't increase their revenues.

Technically, the only thing a rich owner would do would be to pay the infrastructure financing costs out of his own pocket, but we still won't be able to go over 70% of our turnover on wages and transfers. So as long as the remaining 30% covers all other expenses, it really doesn't matter if the financing costs are paid out of revenues or out of the owners' pockets. Which means it doesn't matter how deep the owners' pockets are, but it does matter how good the owner is at growing revenue. If there's someone better than ENIC at that, that's the one I would want. But I don't think there are many. Bottom line, I think we're fine with the current ownership in this regard. Now if they get their act together and set up a proper football structure, then we'll be cooking.
I don’t trust any FFP measures at all. I’ve met a few UEFA lawyers and their focus is on commercial agreements, not ensuring real competition

So for us to go to the next level we need additional money… city levels or fakery
And we’re miles ahead of where they were so it’s easier to hide
I agree with your argument on prices stopping people going but I don't think in a game with such territoriality it means you choose a cheaper club, generally you just stay home.

I can't see someone who is a Spurs fan deciding to go to West Ham because its cheaper, could be wrong of course I just don't think it works like that.

They might be able to vacuum up more hard up West Ham fans with their £15 european cup tickets

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According to kumb they do.
I don’t trust any FFP measures at all. I’ve met a few UEFA lawyers and their focus is on commercial agreements, not ensuring real competition

So for us to go to the next level we need additional money… city levels or fakery
And we’re miles ahead of where they were so it’s easier to hide

Premier league are meant to be matching the new spending rules. We also have the independent regulator coming in.
Genuine question here, there is a broad spectrum of Enic views on here and varying levels of blame. My question is to all on all levels of the spectrum, why are the Enic out protests so poorly attended? For those staunch outters who go to games, what stops you attending the protest?

Genuinely interested in the views

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Genuine question here, there is a broad spectrum of Enic views on here and varying levels of blame. My question is to all on all levels of the spectrum, why are the Enic out protests so poorly attended? For those staunch outters who go to games, what stops you attending?

Genuinely interested in the views

Sent from my SM-A127F using Fapatalk

Combination of things but too many bad decisions in the last 5 years. If a manager or player had been that bad for the same length of time we would want them sacked or sold. I don’t get why the same standard isn’t applied to the chairman and the ownership. Arsenal fans weren’t wrong to want Wenger gone after years of failing to challenge for the top honours let alone win any of them. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a brilliant manager for the first 7-10 years of his Arsenal career. I don’t see why it should be different for ENIC. Regardless of which manager they get or how much money they give them, I don’t trust them to get the big decisions right, they don’t give managers time to work through bad seasons like Liverpool did with Klopp or like Arsenal when they showed faith in Arteta. It’s miss out on top 4 once, then if it looks like you’re going to miss out again then you’re gone. That’s before we get into sacking Jose before a final or the never ending search for a manager in 2021.
Combination of things but too many bad decisions in the last 5 years. If a manager or player had been that bad for the same length of time we would want them sacked or sold. I don’t get why the same standard isn’t applied to the chairman and the ownership. Arsenal fans weren’t wrong to want Wenger gone after years of failing to challenge for the top honours let alone win any of them. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a brilliant manager for the first 7-10 years of his Arsenal career. I don’t see why it should be different for ENIC. Regardless of which manager they get or how much money they give them, I don’t trust them to get the big decisions right, they don’t give managers time to work through bad seasons like Liverpool did with Klopp or like Arsenal when they showed faith in Arteta. It’s miss out on top 4 once, then if it looks like you’re going to miss out again then you’re gone. That’s before we get into sacking Jose before a final or the never ending search for a manager in 2021.

You didn't answer the question.
Combination of things but too many bad decisions in the last 5 years. If a manager or player had been that bad for the same length of time we would want them sacked or sold. I don’t get why the same standard isn’t applied to the chairman and the ownership. Arsenal fans weren’t wrong to want Wenger gone after years of failing to challenge for the top honours let alone win any of them. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a brilliant manager for the first 7-10 years of his Arsenal career. I don’t see why it should be different for ENIC. Regardless of which manager they get or how much money they give them, I don’t trust them to get the big decisions right, they don’t give managers time to work through bad seasons like Liverpool did with Klopp or like Arsenal when they showed faith in Arteta. It’s miss out on top 4 once, then if it looks like you’re going to miss out again then you’re gone. That’s before we get into sacking Jose before a final or the never ending search for a manager in 2021.
I agree with alot of that, I do also believe though that there is a different dynamic on owners though as you can't really sack them, you need a viable exit plan for a new owner based on them wanting the club and being well heeled enough to buy it, that means there is a certain element of howling at the moon when it comes to it to some extent IMO

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Premier league are meant to be matching the new spending rules. We also have the independent regulator coming in.
Don’t trust any of it
I mean they have had measures for years they can’t enforce
Independent regulators exist for so many aspects of life yet have no impact im afraid
Don’t trust any of it
I mean they have had measures for years they can’t enforce
Independent regulators exist for so many aspects of life yet have no impact im afraid

The premier league is run by the 20 clubs. You think 19 clubs will allow one to cheat, if they have evidence they are doing so?
I agree with alot of that, I do also believe though that there is a different dynamic on owners though as you can't really sack them, you need a viable exit plan for a new owner based on them wanting the club and being well heeled enough to buy it, that means there is a certain element of howling at the moon when it comes to it to some extent IMO

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That’s true, you can’t sack owners but I do think the same logic should apply, If a manager was underperforming for a number of years and you couldn’t see progression I would want a new manager. Liverpool finished 8th in their first season under Klopp. Arsenal finished 8th in Arteta’s first two seasons and blew 4th place last season. Can you imagine a scenario where Levy would allow a manager to finish 8th two seasons running and then blow 4th place in a pretty embarrassing fashion to their fierce rivals and still let them keep their job?
That’s true, you can’t sack owners but I do think the same logic should apply, If a manager was underperforming for a number of years and you couldn’t see progression I would want a new manager. Liverpool finished 8th in their first season under Klopp. Arsenal finished 8th in Arteta’s first two seasons and blew 4th place last season. Can you imagine a scenario where Levy would allow a manager to finish 8th two seasons running and then blow 4th place in a pretty embarrassing fashion to their fierce rivals and still let them keep their job?
Agree, ironically though I think our best route forward is back to go forward. Need a real clean up at our club from medical to players and more. I would take 8th if it meant a real clear plan of a mix of good youth and players like Romero level lads who maybe took a year to blend but really had that bit about them and grew into their skin.

Sent from my SM-A127F using Fapatalk
That’s true, you can’t sack owners but I do think the same logic should apply, If a manager was underperforming for a number of years and you couldn’t see progression I would want a new manager. Liverpool finished 8th in their first season under Klopp. Arsenal finished 8th in Arteta’s first two seasons and blew 4th place last season. Can you imagine a scenario where Levy would allow a manager to finish 8th two seasons running and then blow 4th place in a pretty embarrassing fashion to their fierce rivals and still let them keep their job?

So would you like levy to step aside and let someone else take over the football side of the club?

Even if they are australian?
The premier league is run by the 20 clubs. You think 19 clubs will allow one to cheat, if they have evidence they are doing so?
How long until enough clubs are built on dirty oil money to block any significant changes? IIRC you need 14 teams to vote for anything significant - that means we need less than 6 to be in cheat mode.

Villa, Everton, Leicester, City and Saudi Sportswashing Machine are unlikely to vote for and kind of spending restrictions. I'm sure there's at least one more I've forgotten - Chelsea probably wouldn't be too keen.
How long until enough clubs are built on dirty oil money to block any significant changes? IIRC you need 14 teams to vote for anything significant - that means we need less than 6 to be in cheat mode.

Villa, Everton, Leicester, City and Saudi Sportswashing Machine are unlikely to vote for and kind of spending restrictions. I'm sure there's at least one more I've forgotten - Chelsea probably wouldn't be too keen.

They've already voted. Just waiting for a deal with the efl over parachute payments etc...
Is it? How on earth can you know that?
In a lot of his past positions, including CFG, one of his primary responsibilities was commercial expansion, sponsorships, and corporate partnerships. That's where his primary experience is in and I'm guessing this is one of the main reasons why Levy appointed him.