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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Statistics mean very little, I'm afraid - else Verts should be lining up alongside Bale upfront

You cannot base your starting choices on games which happened 1+ month ago
Statistics mean very little, I'm afraid - else Verts should be lining up alongside Bale upfront

You cannot base your starting choices on games which happened 1+ month ago

I'm not. I'm basing my decisions on Ade's performances against Basel and Everton. Not a month ago.

What i'm not going to do is base my views on starting on a twenty minute cameo role. No matter how good or bad that cameo role is.
We can't play for 70 minutes carrying Defoe and hope Ade comes off the bench to save us either. As a number of recent games showed.

Neither of them are great. One of them is extremely effective in a substitute role. So why not make use of that?

I understand the reasoning behind that, but I don't agree. Reason being we may be struggling for a goal, missing chances and instead of being 1-0 down, we could be 2 or 3-0 down and the game is essentially over. I know Defoe's overall game isn't great, but he's more likely to get us a goal and his general play in the first half of the season was far better than anything Ade has done this season. I'm not saying he's done it lately, but I think he is more likely to play better and score more goals than Ade for the remainder of the season.

I can't believe the levels people are sinking to to devalue Defoe yesterday. Claiming the system suited him better, he still had a hell of a lot to do to beat Joe Hart, can you honestly say Ade would have even troubled the keeper in the same position let alone scored?

I would say Ade's performances this season have earned him an E grade, and that's being generous.

Here's a question: People reckon AVB is asking Ade to play a different role and go wide more often, do you think that's because AVB wants Bale and the other midfielders to get the goals and for Ade to stay the hell out of the way?
Defoe always seems to put in a decent performance after being out for a while. Passes the ball, makes decent runs. But he then reverts to type - shoots every time, runs offside, fails to hold ball up.
I reckon we will get one more surprisingly good Defoe game and then back to his usual frustrating performance.
Defoe always seems to put in a decent performance after being out for a while. Passes the ball, makes decent runs. But he then reverts to type - shoots every time, runs offside, fails to hold ball up.
I reckon we will get one more surprisingly good Defoe game and then back to his usual frustrating performance.

As opposed to Ade who does not shoot, fails to hold the ball up and seems to have been caught offside more times than Defoe this season
Funny how Defoe gets almost no credit for scoring goals which helped the team maintain a top 4 push until Decmeber, whereas Adebayor gets credit for "creating space" but scoring no goals and missing chances my mum would score in the second half of the season when it's obvious that Bale was carrying the team and we were winning in spite of Ade :lol:

I understand the reasoning behind that, but I don't agree. Reason being we may be struggling for a goal, missing chances and instead of being 1-0 down, we could be 2 or 3-0 down and the game is essentially over. I know Defoe's overall game isn't great, but he's more likely to get us a goal and his general play in the first half of the season was far better than anything Ade has done this season. I'm not saying he's done it lately, but I think he is more likely to play better and score more goals than Ade for the remainder of the season.

I can't believe the levels people are sinking to to devalue Defoe yesterday. Claiming the system suited him better, he still had a hell of a lot to do to beat Joe Hart, can you honestly say Ade would have even troubled the keeper in the same position let alone scored?

I would say Ade's performances this season have earned him an E grade, and that's being generous.

Here's a question: People reckon AVB is asking Ade to play a different role and go wide more often, do you think that's because AVB wants Bale and the other midfielders to get the goals and for Ade to stay the hell out of the way?

Ignoring the attacking argument for a second, although I agree with Spursalot, with Defoe on the pitch we are more likely to concede than with Adebayor on the pitch.

The second point in bold is obviously an over-simplification. He wants Adebayor to create space and score goals. To an extent, yes I think AVB wants Adebayor to 'stay the hell out of the way', certainly more than he would want Defoe to. But that is because there are several bigger goal threats in our team (Sig, Bale and Dempsey for starters - the trio who started behind Adebayor yesterday) and we have no wingers to stretch the opposition defence, only narrow 'goalscoring' midfielders, which arguably all of the 3 above are. Obviously he is still expected to chip in goals but I think this is far lower on AVB's list of priorities for him than it is for Defoe.
Neville mentioned the lack of width across the midfield about 20 times in the first half yesterday, it is a clear problem atm and without Lennon there is no way that Defoe could play up top. Even with him his utility is questionable, although I really miss the classic Lennon cutback from the byline for Defoe to finish after a near-post run (see the 9-1 vs Wigan). I think if Lennon is fit Defoe has to be in with a shout for starting at Wigan, but otherwise starting him over Ade would be a huge mistake.
I'm not. I'm basing my decisions on Ade's performances against Basel and Everton. Not a month ago.

What i'm not going to do is base my views on starting on a twenty minute cameo role. No matter how good or bad that cameo role is.

But Ade was poorer even in those 2 games compared to Defoe yesterday?
What never ceases to amaze me is the way people slag of Defoe for not holding up the ball as if Adebayor has been excelling at holding up the ball when it is blatantly not true
No point arguing over which of our strikers is the best option when clearly neither has been this season. Defoe is best used as an impact sub and Ade has failed miserably this season in playing the role of lone striker.

I can only hope our 2013/14 striker lineup doesn't just rely on these two again.
I say neither starts, play Bale up front with Lennon coming in on the right.

Leave Ade and Defoe on the bench bitching.
Blimey have people on here not got jobs? How can you keep writing on a forum all day. Especially you Spuralot you seem like a clever bloke (except where ade is concerned).
lol.. I work. Split between home and work, but I'm not a prolific poster, I swear most people on here who post a lot are just repeating themselves over and over till they beat down other posters to agree.

At the minute though I am doing neither, at work or working from home as I am in a walking boot.. had a problem with my left ankle this past week sprained it (hoping).

A couple or so years ago I broke both ankles and had pins etc. Think I might need a scope.. need to see the specialist this week.

Been watching the Wire all day.. will be watching the Wire all day tomorrow too and the next. :)
lol.. I work. Split between home and work, but I'm not a prolific poster, I swear most people on here who post a lot are just repeating themselves over and over till they beat down other posters to agree.

At the minute though I am doing neither, at work or working from home as I am in a walking boot.. had a problem with my left ankle this past week sprained it (hoping).

A couple or so years ago I broke both ankles and had pins etc. Think I might need a scope.. need to see the specialist this week.

Been watching the Wire all day.. will be watching the Wire all day tomorrow too and the next. :)
ah beating down others with our opinions. The greatest contribution glory glory has made to spurskind. Hope all goes well with the ankles.
Blimey have people on here not got jobs? How can you keep writing on a forum all day. Especially you Spuralot you seem like a clever bloke (except where ade is concerned).

Well no. I'm a trainee accountant, so no job. Only in three days a week, spend the rest 'revising'.. 8-[
lol.. I work. Split between home and work, but I'm not a prolific poster, I swear most people on here who post a lot are just repeating themselves over and over till they beat down other posters to agree.

At the minute though I am doing neither, at work or working from home as I am in a walking boot.. had a problem with my left ankle this past week sprained it (hoping).

A couple or so years ago I broke both ankles and had pins etc. Think I might need a scope.. need to see the specialist this week.

Been watching the Wire all day.. will be watching the Wire all day tomorrow too and the next. :)

That is what happens. It's not intentional though. I have a discussion with one person, and answer his/her questions. Then someone else asks me the same question. It would seem flippant to me to just tell them i already explained it, so i explain it again.