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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Even though Defoe has scored against both Emirates Marketing Project and Chelsea? Both big teams and generally played better against the big teams than Ade has.

You know the funny thing mate? Over the years I have tirelessly supported Defoe! This is getting funny again. I'd love a list of everyone who has called him a 'flat-track bully' while we're at it LOL...
You cant say Ade didnt put a shift in yesterday, he didnt get a sniff of the goal, mainly because everything was all compacted up in the centre, I was annoyed he got taken off and not Dempsey but fair play to AVB his subs were magnificent and won us the game
NOT this.

defoe's hold up play this season has been twice that of ade's

If you think Defoe is the man to lead our line if we are missing natural width and we have Parker and Dembele in the middle, could you explain how he will even get the necessary service to stand a chance of holding it up? He won't be winning much in the air! He has got a lot stronger on the ball for sure, but he still needs quick early service to score...like today for example!
You cant say Ade didnt put a shift in yesterday, he didnt get a sniff of the goal, mainly because everything was all compacted up in the centre, I was annoyed he got taken off and not Dempsey but fair play to AVB his subs were magnificent and won us the game

But if Defoe isn't scoring he contributes very little. He doesn't score in every game. When Ade doesn't score, his contribution can still lead to goals for us, whereas often Defoe's inability to keep possession in the opposition's half often in fact leads to goals for them.

I shudder to think if that had been Ade @ Anfield...

...I think the overkill on the bloke is ridiculous. I actually like him and I also have always loved JD. The manager seems to like them both, and the manager continually chooses to start Ade. I would have to assume that the manager and his staff know a little more than most here about what it takes to win. They rate him...good enough for me! And they know how to give JD the games his skill deserves...
I find it similarly strange that so many have nothing better to talk about than spewing hate about the same player week after week, day after day, regardless of what has or hasn't happened.

Ironic considering you general comments on Defoe in this thread, following yet another superior display to Ade in yesterday's game

Why shouldn't posters be able to discuss Adebayor in the Adebayor thread?

Or are only certain kind of opinions allowed on here?

I don't hate Ade if this what you're implying - if you look a few pages back you'd see my reaction to those knocking him for the pre-match interview - which I thought he did nothing wrong.

What I do find bizarre is the continuous victimisation of Defoe IRRESPECTIVE of how he performs, coming out with the tired old punch-lines of 'goals only, creates little, flat-track bully, etc.

I think Ade is a better all-round outlet to Defoe on a good day, but I will happily hold my hand up and admit the latter had a good impact on out games yesterday while the former was invisible throughout. For some bizarre reason however - that can never be accepted by some or even tolerated as an opinion on a discussion board.
Seriously, yet another 'Ade vs Defoe' debate?!? Neither are good enough if we want to be CL regulars and we've got where we are not because of them but in spite of them

Frankly I would ideally sell both in the summer however I cant imagine that will happen so would sell Ade and keep Defoe simply because I think Ade could potentially be more trouble when not playing than Defoe
If you think Defoe is the man to lead our line if we are missing natural width and we have Parker and Dembele in the middle, could you explain how he will even get the necessary service to stand a chance of holding it up? He won't be winning much in the air! He has got a lot stronger on the ball for sure, but he still needs quick early service to score...like today for example!

Remind me, how many times did Ade win the ball in the air yesterday?

By the way Parker in the middle, methinks that needs to change
Some of the excuses for Adebayor are comical. "Defoe only contributes when he scores". I'd rather have that then Ade who rarely scores AND contributes nothing. How many points has Ade's play won us this season? Call me old fashioned, but I want my strikers to be a goal threat. If we want a striker who does nothing but runs around a lot, we may as well just buy Heskey or Welbeck.

Hilarious that Jordinho doesn't rate players that simply work hard and offer nothing else, and yet he rates Adebayor! Players like Tevez has been called a "headless chicken" on this forum.

I don't rate Defoe highly either, but to say Ade has been better than him this season is macaronic.
Seriously, yet another 'Ade vs Defoe' debate?!? Neither are good enough if we want to be CL regulars and we've got where we are not because of them but in spite of them

Frankly I would ideally sell both in the summer however I cant imagine that will happen so would sell Ade and keep Defoe simply because I think Ade could potentially be more trouble when not playing than Defoe

Neither are good enough no. But the vitriol that Ade gets is completely over the top.

People refuse to see his good performances when he does put them in, and return with the 'but over the season he's not been good enough!' Which is irrelevant in terms of each particular game.

They refuse to see that the support he gets from team mates sometimes isn't good enough, and then they resort to the ironically laziest argument of all. That Ade is 'Lazy', like they haven't been watching him chase the defenders in possession all game.
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I shudder to think if that had been Ade @ Anfield...

...I think the overkill on the bloke is ridiculous. I actually like him and I also have always loved JD. The manager seems to like them both, and the manager continually chooses to start Ade. I would have to assume that the manager and his staff know a little more than most here about what it takes to win. They rate him...good enough for me! And they know how to give JD the games his skill deserves...

I personally, albeit not validated, believe that AVB doesnt really rate Ade and may not be happy with him BUT AVB doesnt really have a choice but to play him.

I personally am disgusted by his performances and me paying 900 quid a season and about to pay another 900 quid I think I have every right to voice my displeasure.

I would like Defoe to start against Wigan as this could be the start of one of his 'streaks'... and would be fudging timely to have it.
Ah yes, i clearly forgot a team is made up of one player.

Where exactly in my post does it imply that i do? All i see is a table disproving your point.

You made the point that we cannot afford to have Defoe in our line-up whereas stats up until his goal drought, for both club and player, prove otherwise. His productivity, both goals and assists, played a large part in setting us up for the second half of the season. Thankfully when the goals dried up for Defoe Bale picked up the baton and then some.
Where exactly in my post does it imply that i do? All i see is a table disproving your point.

You made the point that we cannot afford to have Defoe in our line-up whereas stats up until his goal drought, for both club and player, prove otherwise. His productivity, both goals and assists, played a large part in setting us up for the second half of the season. Thankfully when the goals dried up for Defoe Bale picked up the baton and then some.

It doesn't disprove my point though. The table isn't 'Defoe's contribution to the side', It's 'The eleven players we were playings results'.

He had a purple patch at the start of season that helped the team. He wasn't winning the games all on his own. Then he returned to his usual inconsistent self goal wise.
It wasn't as bad, the change was part of the game changer. Defoe is usually good off the bench.

It was more that Defoe's movement gave City different problems and gave the midfield something to aim for. Rather than playing in front of the defence like we do with Ade, we started trying to play it behind them. Ade is often looking for the ball to feet, Defoe is looking for balls to run on to and that made the difference from where I was sitting.