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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Creates chances? That's laughable. He takes the ball, runs with it and shoots. Three steps, rinse and repeat.

Adebayor is unfortunately the best striker we currently have, so we can only hope that he's not all talk and steps up against his previous employer.

Now about comments, seriously?
I don't think Defoe would start ahead of Ade. In fact when they have both been fit it's been Ade getting the green light.

He's worse than inconsistent. He's detrimental to our all round play. Even when he plays well (scores a goal) he's not particularly good.

But the facts do not support your statements
Funny how Defoe gets almost no credit for scoring goals which helped the team maintain a top 4 push until Decmeber, whereas Adebayor gets credit for "creating space" but scoring no goals and missing chances my mum would score in the second half of the season when it's obvious that Bale was carrying the team and we were winning in spite of Ade :lol:

Ain't that the truth
I'm not defending him. I'm just not basing my assumptions on his current form on his performances for the season. I'm basing his current form on well, his recent performances, which have actually not been that bad.

Whereas Defoe's recent performances have left a lot to be desired.

Pretty simple really.

Where it seems Defoe's recent form is improving :lol:
But the facts do not support your statements

The facts?

Ade and Defoe were fit. Ade started. Sounds like a fact to me.

Defoe had the same game again today. He scored a goal. Other then that did he even touch the ball? In twenty minutes? Maybe three times?

You can't have a starting striker that gets involved that little.
When making comparisons with Defoe and Ade you have to remember the other players on the pitch at the time. Ade might have looked poor but he had sod all support and looked quite isolated at times. Defoe came on with Holtby and Huddlestone and we had a creative spark. It would be better to make a comparison if Ade had got the chance to have had the more creative midfielders supplying him.
The facts?

Ade and Defoe were fit. Ade started. Sounds like a fact to me.

Defoe had the same game again today. He scored a goal. Other then that did he even touch the ball? In twenty minutes? Maybe three times?

You can't have a starting striker that gets involved that little.

Yet you appear to be satisfied with a striker who has scored just 3 league goals all season; Who continually fails to hold the ball up or win the ball from goal kicks when competing with opposing central defenders up top.

So Defoe does fudge all but score a goal today as oppose to Adebayor who expended a lot of effort but never at any time looked remotely like scoring, suffice to say Defoe is not the second coming but I think he was more effective today. Again I say 3 league goals simply does not cut it at this level. Besides if we need a journeyman to just ran around there are a lot of cheaper options that will give the same mediocre return
Yet you appear to be satisfied with a striker who has scored just 3 league goals all season; Who continually fails to hold the ball up or win the ball from goal kicks when competing with opposing central defenders up top.

So Defoe does fudge all but score a goal today as oppose to Adebayor who expended a lot of effort but never at any time looked remotely like scoring, suffice to say Defoe is not the second coming but I think he was more effective today. Again I say 3 league goals simply does not cut it at this level. Besides if we need a journeyman to just ran around there are a lot of cheaper options that will give the same mediocre return

Adebayor gets more involved. Defoe usually does better as a substitute.

I don't see where the problem is really. It's the best of both worlds in my view.
When making comparisons with Defoe and Ade you have to remember the other players on the pitch at the time. Ade might have looked poor but he had sod all support and looked quite isolated at times. Defoe came on with Holtby and Huddlestone and we had a creative spark. It would be better to make a comparison if Ade had got the chance to have had the more creative midfielders supplying him.

The problem with your argument is that for Adebayor this afternoon was not a one off, he has been consistently poor and pathetic all season
Spursalot, if Ade is so good with his link play how come he has does not have a single assist in any competition this season? When you combine that with just 3 goals in the league it just illustrates how ineffective he is
I do agree to some extent. Ade links our play together and helps use build through possession. Defoe is much more direct and the consquence is we give away possession far more, and thereby end up doing much more defending.

I watch Spurs play a lot I see little of this link play you talk off. I saw fukk all today for a start
Spursalot, if Ade is so good with his link play how come he has does not have a single assist in any competition this season? When you combine that with just 3 goals in the league it just illustrates how ineffective he is

That's almost as good as 'If Modric is such a good player, why does he not get many assists?'
He didn't have a bad game. He put himself about and contributed in the thankless lone forward role. People are just on his back because Gary Neville made a cheap shot at him.

Yes, Defoe was better to run at tired legs. But I would never start with Defoe against a top team - we'd be on the back foot straight away without that ability to retain possession up the field.

Or you could bring Defoe on with 15 minutes to go and slag him off if he does not score in his allotted 15 minutes, claiming that he is no better than Adebayor. Yeah I see how your mind works
Adebayor was shown up when Defoe came on. Not that Defoe was unbelievably good. It was simply the difference between having a striker prepared to work for his team mates and posing a geniune threat vs another waste of space display from Ade. I dont know why some people continue to defend his shocking performances, but the "he wore down their defence" comment is certainly the most inventive explanation of his (lack of) contribution to date.

Agree totally and completely
If he spent the whole game lumbering around near the penalty spot, waiting for the others to pass the ball to him, would that mean he had a great game? No wandering into wide areas. He would achieve fudge all as Kompany and Nastasic would have blocked or tackled almost every shot, but at least he got into scoring positions. Pretty much what Defoe offers, except he's a little further out so he can blast it into the stands instead.

Why not accept the fact that Adebayor isn't some towering beast that will score 25 goals. Instead we're using him as part of a team, set up to get the most out of some of our other players. Ade ran his socks off today. Claiming otherwise just means you didn't watch the game. We put on 3 subs perfectly suited to take advantage of the situation. More space opening up, more time on the ball.

Apart from the first quarter of the season Defoe has been abysmal. Contributing not much more than giving away possession. Dempsey and Ade get nothing but grief, but over the course of whole season they have been more important to the team.
That's almost as good as 'If Modric is such a good player, why does he not get many assists?'

Good point well made.

But if you are a striker and you are not assisting, not scoring goals, not holding the ball up or tormenting defenders what exactly are you doing?
Neither are good enough, no point arguing over who has been slightly less disappointing this season. I still think Defoe has a role to play next season as an impact sub maybe. Ade needs to go though.
Obviously a new striker is priority #1 this summer.
If he spent the whole game lumbering around near the penalty spot, waiting for the others to pass the ball to him, would that mean he had a great game? No wandering into wide areas. He would achieve fudge all as Kompany and Nastasic would have blocked or tackled almost every shot, but at least he got into scoring positions. Pretty much what Defoe offers, except he's a little further out so he can blast it into the stands instead.

So Adebayor gets into all these wonderful goal scoring positions yet has managed just 3 league goals all season? Methinks that is pretty poor

Why not accept the fact that Adebayor isn't some towering beast that will score 25 goals. Instead we're using him as part of a team, set up to get the most out of some of our other players. Ade ran his socks off today. Claiming otherwise just means you didn't watch the game. We put on 3 subs perfectly suited to take advantage of the situation. More space opening up, more time on the ball.

Sure he ran about without the ball but there was no end product whenever he had the ball

Apart from the first quarter of the season Defoe has been abysmal. Contributing not much more than giving away possession. Dempsey and Ade get nothing but grief, but over the course of whole season they have been more important to the team.

If you think Adebayor has contributed more to our cause this season than Defoe then I cannot take you seriously