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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

He has shortchanged us all season. I really hope he comes good, but based on his lack of willingness to compete so far, I have severe doubts.

In today's paper he comes out and blames the Spurs supporters for his lack of form. I have heard a bevy of excuses from others on here as well as now from Ade himself. What I havenvt heard is his graditude to Spurs for rescueing him from oblivion in Manbricky's reserves and his dedication to pay us back for his frigging us about all season. He needs to take a good hard look at himself and stop blaming everyone else.

He owes us big time so I really hope he delivers over the next 12 games.
I think Ade is player who needs some cuddling. Despite his poor goalscoring form, we still look a better side with him, as runs the channels and holds the ball up. If AVB keeps building his confidence I'm sure he will come good on the goals at some point. And personally I don't think he is a greedy/mercenary type player. If he has family and friends in Togo he has probably got other stuff to worry about besides football, Togo is not exactly in one of the most politically stable or wealthiest parts of the world

the bolded bit gave me a really good laugh!
He has shortchanged us all season. I really hope he comes good, but based on his lack of willingness to compete so far, I have severe doubts.

In today's paper he comes out and blames the Spurs supporters for his lack of form. I have heard a bevy of excuses from others on here as well as now from Ade himself. What I havenvt heard is his graditude to Spurs for rescueing him from oblivion in Manbricky's reserves and his dedication to pay us back for his frigging us about all season. He needs to take a good hard look at himself and stop blaming everyone else.

He owes us big time so I really hope he delivers over the next 12 games.

Do you have any quotes of what he said?
I have never understood this whole fudging cuddling business - heard it from lots of people (so not picking on you or anything). Didnt realise we brought a fudging boy and not a man. The guy is 27/28 he is a fudging MAN. Babies need cuddling. fudges sakes.

In my experience, there are a lot of 'men' who need a lot more than they get...and others suffer for the lack of...
In my experience, there are a lot of 'men' who need a lot more than they get...and others suffer for the lack of...

Look if the guy is suffering from depression then fine or any issues then yeah cuddle the brick outta him. Im more concerned with the guy needs to be mollycoddled in order to perform - thats my gripe.
Do you have any quotes of what he said?

Under the headline "Adebayor has a swipe at Tottenham fans", he said among other things:

"I've seen people dying in front of me. I've seen people with guns, so I take 30,000 people abusing me as a joke. Its a part of life. Im used to it already."

"We went out on Sunday, then we tried to find a plane to go to Togo. It took us four days to get a plane. On Thursday I had to call the President to tell him we had to leave South Africa. He told us to get to the airport at 4pm. We did and ended up staying at the airport for more that 10, 12 hours. Thats not my fault. I couldnt do anything. I couldnt just abandon my team. We went to the Qfinals of the ANC, which was historical for my country. I could not just jump on a plane and come back., because the President of the country wanted to see us and congratulate us. I am the captain so have to be there. So thats what I did. Then I got the flight the club sent for me."

unbelievably he also said " People can have their own opinions but players got a lot of time off after the European Championship". This statement shows that he felt some sort of entitlement to have time off and not get back to the Club that pays his wages. Shocking behaviour in any other walk of life imo.
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He goes on to say "You want to be able to concentrate on your football. The ANC is a tough tournement, with different weather, food and culture. When you come back to England, you're going from very hot temperatures to playing in minus 3 or 4 degrees. I came back and people started blaming me, so its not easy".

FFS, doest he know who is paying his wages. To also say " (in Togo) you have to concentrate on what you are going to eat, where you are going to sleep. Thats what I have been doing for the last 10 years". yeah , sure you have!!!
Under the headline "Adebayor has a swipe at Tottenham fans", he said among other things:

"I've seen people dying in front of me. I've seen people with guns, so I take 30,000 people abusing me as a joke. Its a part of life. Im used to it already."

"We went out on Sunday, then we tried to find a plane to go to Togo. It took us four days to get a plane. On Thursday I had to call the President to tell him we had to leave South Africa. He told us to get to the airport at 4pm. We did and ended up staying at the airport for more that 10, 12 hours. Thats not my fault. I couldnt do anything. I couldnt just abandon my team. We went to the Qfinals of the ANC, which was historical for my country. I could not just jump on a plane and come back., because the President of the country wanted to see us and congratulate us. I am the captain so have to be there. So thats what I did. Then I got the flight the club sent for me."

Don't see him blaming supporters for his form, he does however acknowledge the supporters have been getting on his back with regards to his late return from the ANC. I read the the same article as you and he does not mention form in his quotes.
Under the headline "Adebayor has a swipe at Tottenham fans", he said among other things:

"I've seen people dying in front of me. I've seen people with guns, so I take 30,000 people abusing me as a joke. Its a part of life. Im used to it already."

"We went out on Sunday, then we tried to find a plane to go to Togo. It took us four days to get a plane. On Thursday I had to call the President to tell him we had to leave South Africa. He told us to get to the airport at 4pm. We did and ended up staying at the airport for more that 10, 12 hours. Thats not my fault. I couldnt do anything. I couldnt just abandon my team. We went to the Qfinals of the ANC, which was historical for my country. I could not just jump on a plane and come back., because the President of the country wanted to see us and congratulate us. I am the captain so have to be there. So thats what I did. Then I got the flight the club sent for me."

unbelievably he also said " People can have their own opinions but players got a lot of time off after the European Championship". This statement shows that he felt some sort of entitlement to have time off and not get back to the Club that pays his wages. Shocking behaviour in any other walk of life imo.

Are we reading the same article?
he also says " The most important thing is to get my form back. Physically, I'm looking better and when I am good physically, I know the rest will follow"

so is he saying he hasnt been fit all season?
Are we reading the same article?

Direct quotes taken from papers. Tom Collomosse in the Evening Standard on Friday 22nd Feb and Pat Hirst in today's Daily Telegraph.

For a comprehensive indictment of Adebayor's behaviour, I would also refer you to James Olley in the Evening Standard on Wednesday 20th Feb, under the title "Stop kidding everyone, Ade"
Pirate55, tbh it would seem as though you are reading about Adebayor with your mind already made up about him. You seem to take everything written in a negative context whereas most others don't.
Under the headline "Adebayor has a swipe at Tottenham fans", he said among other things:

"I've seen people dying in front of me. I've seen people with guns, so I take 30,000 people abusing me as a joke. Its a part of life. Im used to it already."

"We went out on Sunday, then we tried to find a plane to go to Togo. It took us four days to get a plane. On Thursday I had to call the President to tell him we had to leave South Africa. He told us to get to the airport at 4pm. We did and ended up staying at the airport for more that 10, 12 hours. Thats not my fault. I couldnt do anything. I couldnt just abandon my team. We went to the Qfinals of the ANC, which was historical for my country. I could not just jump on a plane and come back., because the President of the country wanted to see us and congratulate us. I am the captain so have to be there. So thats what I did. Then I got the flight the club sent for me."

unbelievably he also said " People can have their own opinions but players got a lot of time off after the European Championship". This statement shows that he felt some sort of entitlement to have time off and not get back to the Club that pays his wages. Shocking behaviour in any other walk of life imo.

But nothing there which says anything about us as supporters...other than an unscrupulous headline! Come on fella, it's clear you have no time for him but youre stuck with him for a while, so why bother fighting it? Maybe if you show him a bit of love it will all change! Imagine the headline

Ade indebted to Pirate's Love!

But nothing there which says anything about us as supporters...other than an unscrupulous headline! Come on fella, it's clear you have no time for him but youre stuck with him for a while, so why bother fighting it? Maybe if you show him a bit of love it will all change! Imagine the headline

Ade indebted to Pirate's Love!


apart from saying that 30,000 people abusing him is a joke!! ;)

I really want him to succeed for us I really do. I am just incensed by his attitude, laziness, lack of committment and lack of respect for the club and supporters.

His actions will speak louder than his words. Lets all hope he extracts a digit in the last 12 games and starts repaying us all for the time and money we have invested in him.

Pirate love out. COYS
Direct quotes taken from papers. Tom Collomosse in the Evening Standard on Friday 22nd Feb and Pat Hirst in today's Daily Telegraph.

For a comprehensive indictment of Adebayor's behaviour, I would also refer you to James Olley in the Evening Standard on Wednesday 20th Feb, under the title "Stop kidding everyone, Ade"

I know they're direct quotes. What is quite clear by now is that you will take any quote from Adebayor and twist its meaning to satisfy your own agenda and understanding of what he is and what he does.

You have somehow taken him explaining why he came a few hours late (because, as he has done in the past, he has gone to represent his national football team in his role as captain) as a negative.

The second quote in no way indicates that he feels he is entitled to time off after the ANC.

No-one thinks Adebayor has been good this season. In fact, I think he's been abysmal. But some people seem to have been waiting for this with him and are picking up n things that aren't there to be picked up on.

Anyway, think we can all agree that we hope and need Adebayor to come back into some form over the next 12 games.
I know they're direct quotes. What is quite clear by now is that you will take any quote from Adebayor and twist its meaning to satisfy your own agenda and understanding of what he is and what he does.

You have somehow taken him explaining why he came a few hours late (because, as he has done in the past, he has gone to represent his national football team in his role as captain) as a negative.

The second quote in no way indicates that he feels he is entitled to time off after the ANC.

No-one thinks Adebayor has been good this season. In fact, I think he's been abysmal. But some people seem to have been waiting for this with him and are picking up n things that aren't there to be picked up on.

Anyway, think we can all agree that we hope and need Adebayor to come back into some form over the next 12 games


He has my support. He is our player!
apart from saying that 30,000 people abusing him is a joke!! ;)

I really want him to succeed for us I really do. I am just incensed by his attitude, laziness, lack of committment and lack of respect for the club and supporters.

His actions will speak louder than his words. Lets all hope he extracts a digit in the last 12 games and starts repaying us all for the time and money we have invested in him.

Pirate love out. COYS

He doesn't specify which supporters he's talking about. He was talking generally about having a better perspective on life after what happened to him with the Togo team. Seems to me that he's just talking generally about abuse from fans. I think it's only the hacks (not untypically) sensationalising the story by claiming that Ade was talking about Spurs fans.
He doesn't specify which supporters he's talking about. He was talking generally about having a better perspective on life after what happened to him with the Togo team. Seems to me that he's just talking generally about abuse from fans. I think it's only the hacks (not untypically) sensationalising the story by claiming that Ade was talking about Spurs fans.

Even giving him the benefit of the doubt over this issue, do you feel he showed the club and the supporters much respect following the ANC?
He doesn't specify which supporters he's talking about. He was talking generally about having a better perspective on life after what happened to him with the Togo team. Seems to me that he's just talking generally about abuse from fans. I think it's only the hacks (not untypically) sensationalising the story by claiming that Ade was talking about Spurs fans.

Spot on.