Vic Buckingham
You were defending Dier and stating that Romero doesn't get criticised despite not being available so I responded directly to that comment. Hence the mention of Dier which was exactly who you were talking about exclusively. If you had mentioned any other players they would also have been mentioned.
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I know what I am saying mate. You chose a specific goal to comment on, frankly you could've chosen Dier's mistakes against Sporting and Liverpool and I'd have agreed with you. Instead, you chose a specific goal where several players were accountable, yet you only named him. BTW, I did not start with a ‘desire’ to ‘defend Dier’, however when increasingly faced with people (not necessarily you) who approach matches with the idea that he will be at fault/is at fault based on the internet, I can’t let it go. And I won’t. Either here or in person I won’t personally tolerate idiotic torrents of vitriolic abuse, racists or homophobes when I go to games (I always speak up), and won’t do it here either mate. You can add Royal to the list, some of our ‘finest’ did it to Winks, the abuse Sissoko got for nearly 12 months was madness, and hear me on this, I am not ‘anti-criticism’, I am anti-spacegoating. Anyway, I feel we will get nowhere with this conversation, so all good and onwards mate…
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