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And you have chosen to put Brexit as more important than Cummings actions in a global pandemic.
Re; Brexit. For me, it's irrelevant. Delivering Brexit is (or at least should be - otherwise we are in a whole lot of trouble) way bigger than one SPAD.
For you, it's clearly more important than your moral position.

He broke less rules then i did in lockdown. I isolated after being released from hospital but after that i left home more then once a day to exercise, on occasions i would go to the supermarket but also go back out in the evening to pick up fish and chips.

He drove his family to be closer to his parents should both he and his wife be ill. He got food delivered and socially distanced when out. Sounds like he took it pretty seriously.

I get you hate him and want him gone wish is fine. I hate the whole Bliar/Cameron type politicians but he aint the devil. As for my morale compass i did not risk infecting people either.
Yeh that’s why I maintain I would like to see a new political world because in the main or what feels like the main people vote for a party like they support a team and there is little wavering, people who get tinkled off tend to not vote like I did with Corbyn as I feel the Anti Semitism issues under him were unforgivable.

But most people can forgive things that happen to their party, it’s not a Tory thing or a Labour thing it’s a political thing.

Personally I like to see people apply the same level of expectation on their own party as they do on others, so Labour in my opinion should hound the Kinnocks of the world with the same vigour as they do Cummings, using that as recent example.

Why? Because I expect the party I vote for to apply the morals it expects to itself, it makes for a progressive and clear agenda, not mud slinging.

Like I said before I hope for a new politics but I’m not overly hopeful

It died with Bliar, integrity. Before that people used to resign.
And you have chosen to put Brexit as more important than Cummings actions in a global pandemic.
Re; Brexit. For me, it's irrelevant. Delivering Brexit is (or at least should be - otherwise we are in a whole lot of trouble) way bigger than one SPAD.
For you, it's clearly more important than your moral position.

Cummings is both key architect of Brexit (and Boris being PM). If he is not at the helm, do you think Boris, Patel, Hackc0ck could deliver? (Not that Brexit can really deliver anything, it is an oxymoron imo but that's another discussion). But that is what makes this more interesting, more pointed, and many many people have agendas beyond covid. For example:

  • If Brexit could not be 'delivered' without Cummings would you let him stay on? He effectively has a massive mandate from the last election, albeit by proxy of Boris.
  • Is it okay that an unelected official has so much power, uses No 10 for his conferences (that is not normal), and can essentially decide his own future without there seemingly being anyone above him to discipline misbehavious?
Yeh that’s why I maintain I would like to see a new political world because in the main or what feels like the main people vote for a party like they support a team and there is little wavering, people who get tinkled off tend to not vote like I did with Corbyn as I feel the Anti Semitism issues under him were unforgivable.

One of my brothers is a prime example of this. His two favourite politicians of all time are Blair and Corbyn. Go figure.
We are talking about two very different things. Honesty and being held to standards of behaviour are not quite the same.

We disagree on that as well, if you REALLY believe that standards of behaviour has not been poor ( for a very long time) then i can only say you have not really been taking notice. I will also say i have not a Tory so i am not biased against any party like some are.
Cummings is both key architect of Brexit (and Boris being PM). If he is not at the helm, do you think Boris, Patel, Hackc0ck could deliver? (Not that Brexit can really deliver anything, it is an oxymoron imo but that's another discussion). But that is what makes this more interesting, more pointed, and many many people have agendas beyond covid. For example:

  • If Brexit could not be 'delivered' without Cummings would you let him stay on? He effectively has a massive mandate from the last election, albeit by proxy of Boris.
  • Is it okay that an unelected official has so much power, uses No 10 for his conferences (that is not normal), and can essentially decide his own future without there seemingly being anyone above him to discipline misbehavious?
Just the modern day Alistair Campbell. I hated his master more then him.

Was good in the thick of it.
All I can say about your brother is that he was really ideologically confused.

Absolutely. But they were both Labour leaders who at one point or another gave the tories hell. And to him that was pretty much all that mattered.

As was said previously, the epitome of a football supporter-style mentality.
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Yet as far as we can tell they didn't give it to anyone. Starting to sound a little like punishing thought crimes if we get into what they may have done but didn't.

But still a very small risk - as judged by those who are required to minimise risk for large, unionised breakdown companies.

LA care? No thanks. Can't imagine Cummings would have seen that as an acceptable alternative either.

Only when the press went full retread over the results out of Professor fudgenuckle's Fisher Price modelling computer.
Tbh this is going around in circles so I am out, but only to add I suspect in the same way that public health scientists may not have expertise in recovering a car from a breakdown, your mate in the recovery field is perhaps not best placed to determine the transmission risk from an aerosolised virus in a metal box. When I read things like that it becomes clear why we have had such a tragic brush with this disease and fear we will not learn the lessons for future actions.
It comes down to what everyone else was expected to do. The message wasn’t ‘Stay at home - unless your instincts tell you otherwise.’ That narrative has been re-written to fit his actions.
'I don't care what the reasons are'.

I hope someone says that to you one day when you do something to secure the stability and welfare of your wife and son. Saying that to 100% of all fathers , would touch a raw nerve, and if what Cummings is saying is true would go along way to him digging his heels in and thinking 'you can do one'. He broke the rules (possibly didn't but let's say he did), but if I can understand the thought process, as a father, I'm not going to chastise him.
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