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My daughter is now 18. She did not like remote learning one bit and was already out of her comfort zone in that she was doing vocational learning, so she had to make new friends after 13 years at he same school. The break form going in to school put her out too.

I appreciate how hard that all is, especially the making new friends.
Don't automatically swallow everything that comes from the Mirror's rooster.

The guidelines are very clear, I'm sure you're capable of reading them yourself. The link has been posted twice in this thread in the last few days and the relevant lines have been quoted once and screenshotted once.
I'm not interested in his reasons, mitigating circumstances or guidelines :rolleyes:
Cummings is a Tory. Tories make laws that dictate the lives of the oinks. The oinks have to do as they are told. Tories do as they please. Tory boosters look the other way. As demonstrated so succinctly in this thread.

To be fair i am only looking the other way because their pro brexit. Wanting things renationalised and big business amazon etc to be taxed properly i dont think im a tory.

Was a hairs breath from voting for Corbyn till he started to talk about a second referendum.

People have been turning a blind eye to the people they support and the brick they get up to for years. Look at Jimmy Savile.

Corbyn had some issues with the jews but overall i think we would have been a fairer society and that as i approach the twilight years is important. What sort of country we leave behind.
Following his press conference, 59% of Britons think Dominic Cummings should resign from his role as Boris Johnson’s senior adviser over his conduct during lockdown, a poll suggests.

The YouGov poll found 27% of those surveyed believe Cummings should not resign while 14% answered “don’t know”.

The data showed 52% of those surveyed who voted leave in the 2016 EU referendum want Cummings to resign, with 38% answering “should not resign” and 10% “don’t know”.

YouGov said it surveyed 1,160 adults on Tuesday.

I voted Green and want him to stay on, even though he is in the wrong. At least I don't fit in a category :)
Following his press conference, 59% of Britons think Dominic Cummings should resign from his role as Boris Johnson’s senior adviser over his conduct during lockdown, a poll suggests.

The YouGov poll found 27% of those surveyed believe Cummings should not resign while 14% answered “don’t know”.

The data showed 52% of those surveyed who voted leave in the 2016 EU referendum want Cummings to resign, with 38% answering “should not resign” and 10% “don’t know”.

YouGov said it surveyed 1,160 adults on Tuesday.

I voted Green and want him to stay on, even though he is in the wrong. At least I don't fit in a category :)

Less difference between leave and remain voters than I'd have expected - nice to see people aren't just going tribal.
To be fair i am only looking the other way because their pro brexit. Wanting things renationalised and big business amazon etc to be taxed properly i dont think im a tory.

Was a hairs breath from voting for Corbyn till he started to talk about a second referendum.

People have been turning a blind eye to the people they support and the brick they get up to for years. Look at Jimmy Savile.

Corbyn had some issues with the jews but overall i think we would have been a fairer society and that as i approach the twilight years is important. What sort of country we leave behind.
Nothing like a solid moral stance eh?
That is so self serving - you are definitely a Tory.
Nothing like a solid moral stance eh?
That is so self serving - you are definitely a Tory.
Nope brexit was the only thing i agreed with the conservatives on. Where as i agreed with several of Corbyn's policies.

I know your views on brexit and the ones that are shouting loudest like the freaks on twitter are mostly anti brexit.

The far left love having a villain and someone to blame. I reckon johnson will give him the boot a year out from the next election.

People put their morales to one side all the time like the people who voted for the war criminal Bliar.
Less difference between leave and remain voters than I'd have expected - nice to see people aren't just going tribal.

Have you ever been stopped for one of these surveys? Half the answers are insincere and half hearted. I would not even believe opinion polls. What you need is a by election in a marginal seat.
Nope brexit was the only thing i agreed with the conservatives on. Where as i agreed with several of Corbyn's policies.

I know your views on brexit and the ones that are shouting loudest like the freaks on twitter are mostly anti brexit.

The far left love having a villain and someone to blame. I reckon johnson will give him the boot a year out from the next election.

People put their morales to one side all the time like the people who voted for the war criminal Bliar.
And you have chosen to put Brexit as more important than Cummings actions in a global pandemic.
Re; Brexit. For me, it's irrelevant. Delivering Brexit is (or at least should be - otherwise we are in a whole lot of trouble) way bigger than one SPAD.
For you, it's clearly more important than your moral position.
Nope brexit was the only thing i agreed with the conservatives on. Where as i agreed with several of Corbyn's policies.

I know your views on brexit and the ones that are shouting loudest like the freaks on twitter are mostly anti brexit.

The far left love having a villain and someone to blame. I reckon johnson will give him the boot a year out from the next election.

People put their morales to one side all the time like the people who voted for the war criminal Bliar.

Yeh that’s why I maintain I would like to see a new political world because in the main or what feels like the main people vote for a party like they support a team and there is little wavering, people who get tinkled off tend to not vote like I did with Corbyn as I feel the Anti Semitism issues under him were unforgivable.

But most people can forgive things that happen to their party, it’s not a Tory thing or a Labour thing it’s a political thing.

Personally I like to see people apply the same level of expectation on their own party as they do on others, so Labour in my opinion should hound the Kinnocks of the world with the same vigour as they do Cummings, using that as recent example.

Why? Because I expect the party I vote for to apply the morals it expects to itself, it makes for a progressive and clear agenda, not mud slinging.

Like I said before I hope for a new politics but I’m not overly hopeful