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That’s the best you could do? Communist and poorer nations in particular tend to have strong elites and a type of class system - the haves and have nots. They are not fair societies that give people opportunities and stay poor because of it. Thank you for backing up my point [emoji295]️

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
Ah, OK. So the tiny minority of lefty countries that suit your point are indicative but all the others are irrelevant?
It doesn’t matter what his reasons were. He was doing something that was against the rules espoused time and time again to the public; rules which he helped to design. The fact that history is being re-written to fit his narrative doesn’t change the facts, I’m afraid.

For me the crux of all of this, which you haven't mentioned, is that the government rules on self-isolating with symptoms (published in March) say 'If you are living with children keep following this advice to the best of your ability, however, we are aware that not all these measures will be possible':


So it does matter what his reasons were, because he says his reasons were related to living with children. I agree that this guidance on living with children wasn't very well-publicised, and so I can understand people feeling that what he did was against the rules, but technically I don't think you can say definitively that it was.
Fair enough. Could be. I don't feel convinced beyond reasonable doubt though - I think his explanation is very plausible too.

I do, however, think his drive to Barnard Castle is more suspicious - largely because he took his wife and child with him. Wish one of the journalists had asked him why he did that.

Both Cummings and his wife wrote about having Covid. Though traveling 260 miles is apparently completely above board, neither mentioned this 500 mile round trip during their account. Coincidence?
As I said I don't know the full details as I have not followed the entire story. I understood the purpose of his visit was to be near his parents to give the child over if necessary. If it was to be close to his nieces though, it would have been better to bring one of them down to London than take 1 potentially two infected individuals up north. With his power and influence he would have been able to arrange that. Plus it's the sort of thing ordinary families would have been arranging.

Fair suggestion. Shame none of the journalists asked him about that.
Both Cummings and his wife wrote about having Covid. Though traveling 260 miles is apparently completely above board, neither mentioned this 500 mile round trip during their account. Coincidence?

I also thought that to begin with, but he covered that in his press conference - said he and family were already being harassed outside London home, and so didn't want to draw attention to his parents' home too. Again, feels to me like this casts reasonable doubt on accusations.
If you don't want attention, perhaps don't write about your life rather than writing about it is a dishonest manner.

idn't one refer of them refer to emerging to the London lockdown uncertainty? Hardly the same as emerging to the lockdown in a small village in the north of England, driving to a castle to test your eyesight, and then driving to London and its lockdown uncertainty.
This has nothing to do with left and right, that is your construction. You said a class system and elites had merits for education.
And only two countries in the world operate a class system, so you don't have nearly enough data points to make an analysis like that.
Walking passed my local station and looking at the construction works being beavered away at and I was wondering.

Wouldn’t lockdown have been the perfect chance for us to get ahead on projects like cross rail and M25 works whilst the networks not used?
I also thought that to begin with, but he covered that in his press conference - said he and family were already being harassed outside London home, and so didn't want to draw attention to his parents' home too. Again, feels to me like this casts reasonable doubt on accusations.[/QUOTE

Did he not inform the police? Most would?

Would be pretty easy to spot them as the streets would have been empty

Also it’s pretty difficult to feel sorry for him complaining about Something he was fuelling last year.

I just find the whole thing odd, I just want to know what hold he has over Johnson.
I also thought that to begin with, but he covered that in his press conference - said he and family were already being harassed outside London home, and so didn't want to draw attention to his parents' home too. Again, feels to me like this casts reasonable doubt on accusations.

...and casts absolute doubt over his story.

The account was retrospective - they were no longer in Durham - and they didn't have to publish the location. Why omit a key part of thier covid story? "We were both sick, so traveled 500 miles under lockdown to ensure we had childcare" It doesn't sound too good. Apparently it is all permissible though, so why hide it?

The whole thing should have been dealt with with a fine, him explaining mitigating circumstances, also apologising and showing contrition. Boris should have looked strong and disciplined his deputy.
And only two countries in the world operate a class system, so you don't have nearly enough data points to make an analysis like that.

What analysis? It was your assertion that a class system gives us something within education. I pointed out that the nations where there are the richest people have the opposite of class-based education. They have exceptional levels of education for everyone regardless of background, wealth, race etc.
At the risk of going over old ground, social distancing is never 400%, because, among other things Muppets, like Cummings, will not adhere to it. It is always preferable to stop the virus coming into new areas. Had we locked down properly at the beginning when cases first arose we may have exerted a greater amount of control over the outbreak like Germany, like South Korea. We have done it before with Typhoid, shigella and E.coli 0157.
Yet as far as we can tell they didn't give it to anyone. Starting to sound a little like punishing thought crimes if we get into what they may have done but didn't.

It's low if the occupants are not infected, but the afflicted person(s) will be breathing coronavirus all over the inside of the car. You now effectively have a Covid box. In addition if Cummings can do it other people will make the same decision and bingo the risk is now greater because more afflicted people are travelling. It is the reason the lockdown was put in place.
But still a very small risk - as judged by those who are required to minimise risk for large, unionised breakdown companies.

It's an emergency nanny to cover the Covid arrangements. You are not choosing a life partner for your child. Didnt the deputy CMO suggest LA help would be available if you were not able to look after your children? I mean this would have to be a very extreme situation. Cummings said he didn't look into local child care arrangements. A temporary nanny is better than killing your parents by transmitting the virus to them.
LA care? No thanks. Can't imagine Cummings would have seen that as an acceptable alternative either.

Yes his decision, alongside Boris, was to implement the lockdown which he then broke. Astonishing really.
Only when the press went full retread over the results out of Professor fudgenuckle's Fisher Price modelling computer.
It doesn’t matter what his reasons were. He was doing something that was against the rules espoused time and time again to the public; rules which he helped to design. The fact that history is being re-written to fit his narrative doesn’t change the facts, I’m afraid.
Don't automatically swallow everything that comes from the Mirror's rooster.

The guidelines are very clear, I'm sure you're capable of reading them yourself. The link has been posted twice in this thread in the last few days and the relevant lines have been quoted once and screenshotted once.
Plenty of countries dealing with this have done so in a unified (and much more successful) manner - see New Zealand. The difference being that they have been shown leadership.
Can sheep transmit COVID-19?

I suspect any of us could manage a country of 20 people on a land mass the size of the UK fairly well.
...and casts absolute doubt over his story.

The account was retrospective - they were no longer in Durham - and they didn't have to publish the location. Why omit a key part of thier covid story? "We were both sick, so traveled 500 miles under lockdown to ensure we had childcare" It doesn't sound too good. Apparently it is all permissible though, so why hide it?

Artistic license like the press adding parts that didn’t happen to their stories....almost daily
How is she handling the lockdown?

My 9 year old has settled fairly well but it’s going to hit the fan when it’s time to return to school.

My daughter is now 18. She did not like remote learning one bit and was already out of her comfort zone in that she was doing vocational learning, so she had to make new friends after 13 years at the same school. The break from going in to school put her out too.
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