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Well that i agree with. We used to have a dog. Was a bassett that was always on a lead, had to be dragged for a walk. But i hate if i am on a nice walk in the countryside dogs running up to me.

You want a dog its your business but i dont inflict myself on others and feel everyone should be the same way.

It is the thing i like most about the national trust how they dont allow dogs in, except occasionally some afternoons

I am very careful with mine (a highly unthreatening spaniel). I off-leash when no-one is around and immediately on-leash whenever I see anyone around. I am disgusted by people who don't clean up their dog's brick. Disgraceful. Tilly (her name) is an excellent dog for small children to acquaint with, and often parents approach and I guide them through having their kids pet her properly. Excellent with voice control too (Tilly, the kids are not always so it appears!)...

Bassets are excellent too.

Here is Tilly!

Yeh I work for a Travel Marketing company spent 20+ years in the game. I was based in Sharm during the Thomas Cook boom period doing hotel contracts etc.

It’s a great industry, the salaries are poor in the nut and bolts end of the industry which is customer focused, in my side now the monies a lot better.

Working with travel has lots of perks like the upgrades, free stays, free trips, problem is the margins have been so small now for so long a lot of its dangling on a thread.

Companies like Virgin and Virgin Holidays have been run horrendously for years, bleeding out money, their staff culture is good and their staff defend the place but they don’t see a lot of what goes on. It’s a shame as it should be one of the true go to companies and despite people thinking it is it isn’t anymore. That’s the strength of RBs PR

Good stuff mate. I travel (traveled?!) a lot. Many trips around the planet.
One thing which remains simply mind-blowing is how much global life has been irreversibly changed by covid19. I simply do not think we are going back to what we had in the way we had it ever again. Obvious perhaps but still worth reflection.
One thing which remains simply mind-blowing is how much global life has been irreversibly changed by covid19. I simply do not think we are going back to what we had in the way we had it ever again. Obvious perhaps but still worth reflection.

In what way do you mean?
I am very careful with mine (a highly unthreatening spaniel). I off-leash when no-one is around and immediately on-leash whenever I see anyone around. I am disgusted by people who don't clean up their dog's brick. Disgraceful. Tilly (her name) is an excellent dog for small children to acquaint with, and often parents approach and I guide them through having their kids pet her properly. Excellent with voice control too (Tilly, the kids are not always so it appears!)...

Bassets are excellent too.

Here is Tilly!

View attachment 8596View attachment 8595

Right. Have we resorted to posting pics of our dogs now?

Because if so you lot are in for a whole fudging world of spam.
I am very careful with mine (a highly unthreatening spaniel). I off-leash when no-one is around and immediately on-leash whenever I see anyone around. I am disgusted by people who don't clean up their dog's brick. Disgraceful. Tilly (her name) is an excellent dog for small children to acquaint with, and often parents approach and I guide them through having their kids pet her properly. Excellent with voice control too (Tilly, the kids are not always so it appears!)...

Bassets are excellent too.

Here is Tilly!

View attachment 8596View attachment 8595

My Bassett was called columbo we will going to solve crimes together when i was a locksmith. But all he did was sleep and eat.

In chichester a artist drew his face on a large stone. I use it as a door stop in the shed.
Oh yes...Portsmouth is 30 mins to the port for us. We do it a lot, we have VW snooze wagon as well. Check the prices though it's regularly £450/500 return down this end of the channel.

It was more if one of us (or family/friends) want to hop out to Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux etc...the Flybe routes were mega convenient. Just use it as a shuttle when all of us might be on different time schedule

When I was a kid you used to be able to get the ferry as a passenger for £1, used to quite enjoy the ferry now I hate them.
I am very careful with mine (a highly unthreatening spaniel). I off-leash when no-one is around and immediately on-leash whenever I see anyone around. I am disgusted by people who don't clean up their dog's brick. Disgraceful. Tilly (her name) is an excellent dog for small children to acquaint with, and often parents approach and I guide them through having their kids pet her properly. Excellent with voice control too (Tilly, the kids are not always so it appears!)...

Bassets are excellent too.

Here is Tilly!

View attachment 8596View attachment 8595
I see a lot of Russell Brand in that picture
My Bassett was called columbo we will going to solve crimes together when i was a locksmith. But all he did was sleep and eat.

In chichester a artist drew his face on a large stone. I use it as a door stop in the shed.

Superb! I fudging love this mate. Please post a photo. My Irish relatives had a Bassett on their farm, Bill. He peed on my favorite blanky when I was 4 and I forgave him because he was the fudging business and was my friend whenever I was there.
In what way do you mean?

I feel that overall pace of life will downshift a gear or two. It is unsustainable to pick back up where we were. We will arrive at a similar place again fast. Patently, major nations are not prepared to invest in the sort of global health structure necessary to force, and have answers ready for, the emerging new viruses being uncorked thanks to things such as climate change, extreme amounts of travel and food/farming practices versus cost. So the only real answer is to slow down a bit. I sincerely hope life returns to "normal" for many, but I hope also we learn to slow down a bit AND recognize society has valuable contributions from many, many areas which have (until the last few months) been largely under appreciated and poorly rewarded. That needs to change.
Just heard an interview with a care home manager.

He said he’s irate with the media at the moment (FT mainly) giving all the care home deaths with out any context - makes it sounds like it’s out of control when realistically its less than 1 percent of the care home community and more than half of them had terminal illness/didn’t have long left/normal flu would have more than likely killed them.

Things like this need to be reported rather than the current scaremongering.
Just heard an interview with a care home manager.

He said he’s irate with the media at the moment (FT mainly) giving all the care home deaths with out any context - makes it sounds like it’s out of control when realistically its less than 1 percent of the care home community and more than half of them had terminal illness/didn’t have long left/normal flu would have more than likely killed them.

Things like this need to be reported rather than the current scaremongering.

I was thinking about this yesterday and recalling many years ago when I worked in the head office of a company that operated nursing homes around the UK. Every Monday morning I had to phone each one to get their day-by-day occupancy stats for the previous week. It would be rare that there wasn't at least one death, often more, in each home every week. That was across about 15 smallish-occupancy homes iirc, so a totally negligible sample size but it made me wonder whether the new figures are now over-counting by assuming or implying that these deaths are all from coronavirus.

In any case, I had thought that for the last month give or take, each Tuesday there has been a separate (ONS?) figure which gave the number of those who have died in nursing/residential homes or in their own home, who had covid-19 mentioned on their death certificate as a possible or linked cause. This generally covered a longer period than the previous week due to the time lag reporting in-community deaths. So what is different about the new daily figure that is being reported now? Or is it just that the system of reporting has changed and the figures are available sooner?

I heard an interview a week or so ago with a resident of a home who was saying that many of the residents where she was were suffering from early stage dementia and were getting very distressed because they didn't fully understand what was going on and thought their families had deserted them, which is incredibly sad. I am all for journalists holding the government of the day to account and not stepping back from hard stories just because we are in unprecedented times, but there has to be responsibility in the process and not just scaremongering as you say. It is a worrying enough time for all those who have loved ones in care homes, as well as for the residents themselves seeing and hearing all these reports.