Vic Buckingham
We had this question posed over terrorism in the 80s. I'm sure you were around in London when bomb threats were the norm. As a nation our considered response was "fudge this, I'm off to the pub."
Given the choice between a minor increase in my safety and fundamental changes to how I go about my life, I prefer to live my life.
Indeed, I remember the bombings well. My Granny (Dublin born but not in any way an IRA sympathizer) was 2 mins from Harrods when it was bombed. I think a key, key difference back then was the flow of information. Put simply, most people shared their info via the pub and in response to the regular evening news. Just the one or two broadcasts, not 10,000 fudging jabberheads all rabbiting on and on and on with a thousand points of fear mongering. It is really very very hard to determine any sensible information right now IMO. I, like everyone, am observing social distancing and remaining practical in my compliance. Common sense counts for an awful lot IMO. The issue becomes when said-common sense is infiltrated by a thousand points of discussion with no real knowledge. As has oft been said, the world is now full of disease experts!