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Serious question: are you trolling?

Course he is, you telling me he cant' see the dangers of your public travelling abroad for a football match and the dangers to them and others when you are midst fighting a virus, a move that contradicts the actions you are taking domestically then he has to be.

Fact is he picks the parts he wants and ignores the rest like trying to make out we were making it an Italy versus UK comparison, we were not and the fact in our posts we hold the UK culpable for the mistakes we made equally.

The bloke just uses select parts of your post to create some false posts and argument. Starting to find the bloke pathetic TBH especially with his racism slurs which were again an example of him making crap up
Course he is, you telling me he cant' see the dangers of your public travelling abroad for a football match and the dangers to them and others when you are midst fighting a virus, a move that contradicts the actions you are taking domestically then he has to be.

Fact is he picks the parts he wants and ignores the rest like trying to make out we were making it an Italy versus UK comparison, we were not and the fact in our posts we hold the UK culpable for the mistakes we made equally.

The bloke just uses select parts of your post to create some false posts and argument. Starting to find the bloke pathetic TBH especially with his racism slurs which were again an example of him making crap up

No need to resort to insults because your points don't stack up. Only showing yourself up. I have never added anyone to ignore. But to save people reading argumentative rubbish will be adding you. There was no "racist slur". Continually crying that there was every other every page is frankly a little strange. Rudigeresque.
No need to resort to insults because your points don't stack up. Only showing yourself up. I have never added anyone to ignore. But to save people reading argumentative rubbish will be adding you. There was no "racist slur". Continually crying that there was every other every page is frankly a little strange. Rudigeresque.

"only showing yourself up" that old get out. The point stacks up perfectly you just can't argue it without twisting it in your usual way.

I had plenty of DMs from people about the racism stuff that said it was hugely unfair to focus randomly on two posters saying we would remove any racist posts that may offend. Its clear as day what was being suggested, you change the explanation from the original post to justify it but its not justified.

You are a macaron, the threat of ignore bothers me none, I am more than happy for you too.
No. Are you suggesting the Italians should have locked people in Italy? Would you want the UK government to do the same?

It is an interesting question, worth pulling apart.

When you are taking measures to avoid crowds at football domestically how is that logical to then allow people to travel to the UK potentially:

- Be clear of virus and contract via fellow Italian Supporter
- Be infected and infect a healthy Italian Supporter
- Be clear and contract via social contact that comes with travel and social
- Be infected and spread to others outside the football family
- Come home and spread virus further in your own community

It hardly hard to get your head round and its not about telling people they can travel, if Juve can't sell tickets to domestic games you could maybe just maybe say "sorry you can't sell tickets to Champions League games abroad" therefore you eradicate the higher risk which people travelling in a group of 3/4000 pose.

Its common sense and its consistent based on their original plans
Explained fully on this website for those interested.


Based on figures supplied by 24 European countries, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organisation.
I understand the graph thanks, I'm trying to ascertain whether or not you do.

Given the context under which you posted it, I can only assume your understanding of it is no better than the person who tweeted it.
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No. Are you suggesting the Italians should have locked people in Italy? Would you want the UK government to do the same?

It is an interesting question, worth pulling apart.

A perfectly reasonable question to ask. I mean, it's not as if I'd previously said anything like this, for example...

Even if we accept that they wouldn't physically bar their people from travelling outward, there were other ways and means to be good citizens about this - they could have exerted pressure for the games to be called off, for example. Given the circumstances, I'm pretty sure they could've made a reasonable case.

You then go on to try to paint my point as a black-and-white defence of the UK/attack on Italy...

Are folks really blaming the Italian government for the UKs issues. That is funny. Why take responsibility when you can blame someone else!?

To be honest I am struggling to understand your and @Grays_1890 point about other nations. The UK have not locked us Brits in (thank goodness). By your logic, the UK government is therefore culpable for spreading the disease too, or its just criticism of the Italians?

...when I'd already made clear (on multiple occasions in this thread) that I consider the UK government at serious fault for it's lack of border restrictions:

I've long been critical of the lack of border restrictions imposed by the UK govt during this episode.

Are you beginning to see why I might interpret your posts as trolling...?

Why don't you put a little more thought into your posts before firing them off - you know, make sure you're responding to things people have actually said. More haste, less speed. That's assuming of course that these are innocent and/or careless errors you keep making...

Either way, I won't be responding to any more of your misrepresentations of my posts.
A perfectly reasonable question to ask. I mean, it's not as if I'd previously said anything like this, for example...

You then go on to try to paint my point as a black-and-white defence of the UK/attack on Italy...

...when I'd already made clear (on multiple occasions in this thread) that I consider the UK government at serious fault for it's lack of border restrictions:

Are you beginning to see why I might interpret your posts as trolling...?

Why don't you put a little more thought into your posts before firing them off - you know, make sure you're responding to things people have actually said. More haste, less speed. That's assuming of course that these are innocent and/or careless errors you keep making...

Either way, I won't be responding to any more of your misrepresentations of my posts.

I doff my virtual hat off to you....well said
Apart from the fact its a loan, oleary is a scum bag that is refusing to refund people.

BA announcing 12k job cuts

I bet the government are glad they paid BA staff while off so that IAG can now get rid of them and save money.

It is like the German energy companies all over again. I am opposed to us selling off companies, not for nationalistic reasons but because apart from a few shareholders and back handers to some politicians i dont see how it benefits us and often seems to harm us.
I bet the government are glad they paid BA staff while off so that IAG can now get rid of them and save money.

It is like the German energy companies all over again. I am opposed to us selling off companies, not for nationalistic reasons but because apart from a few shareholders and back handers to some politicians i dont see how it benefits us and often seems to harm us.

from a friend

obviously take with a pinch of salt.

""BA are going to use it as a way to save money. Theyll offer to do that in place of pilots on older contracts taking even more hits. This is a political move more than anything. They want rid of the expensive pilots" 'm sure. But they'll definitely so this so they can finally get what they've wanted. We took permanent pay cuts in 2009 and they went in strike we we never got it returned. Now theyll use this to get even more. Balpa are useless and wont make sure any cute are dependent on getting them back when the tide turns in 4 years time or whatever either. It's all such a mess. It's just all too much right now"

Is it a coincidence the gov seemed to have lessened to tests to go back today...
from a friend

obviously take with a pinch of salt.

""BA are going to use it as a way to save money. Theyll offer to do that in place of pilots on older contracts taking even more hits. This is a political move more than anything. They want rid of the expensive pilots" 'm sure. But they'll definitely so this so they can finally get what they've wanted. We took permanent pay cuts in 2009 and they went in strike we we never got it returned. Now theyll use this to get even more. Balpa are useless and wont make sure any cute are dependent on getting them back when the tide turns in 4 years time or whatever either. It's all such a mess. It's just all too much right now"

Is it a coincidence the gov seemed to have lessened to tests to go back today...

Got a mate who is a bus driver in Brighton and he said they do similar. Try and push out the older ones because there on better contracts. Pretty much anyone who has done over 20 years going to 30 gets a good pension which the new guys dont get.
Got a mate who is a bus driver in Brighton and he said they do similar. Try and push out the older ones because there on better contracts. Pretty much anyone who has done over 20 years going to 30 gets a good pension which the new guys dont get.
It's the only sensible thing to do.