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Cheatski are still scum

It is hardly surprising. Most of the current Spurs players don't have the real passion for the club.

You can include the manager in on this one as well; he seems to think he is above Spurs when we have a much bigger pedigree than he has. Anyone who isn't committed to the club, be it a trainee all the way up to the manager shouldn't be at Spurs.
At least the Beeb know the score, if Sky dont. The reporter at the Open top bus parade "Chelsea proving money does buy success, not that Chelsea fans worry about that"
Defoe's was much worse - he didn't congratulate Chelsea, he retweeted, and responded with a "hahaha" to a photo that mocked his own club/fans, then pathetically tried to backtrack by saying his account got hacked. Yes, that's right, someone hacked his account just to retweet a picture.

I guess this evidence of a single-digit IQ explains why he never mastered the offside rule.
That said, BAE's pre match tweet was awesome, it broke my heart more to see his tweet at the end of the match than actually watching the entire match. It was like seeing a small child watch his dog get hit by a truck.

Nooooooooooooooooooo -(
Defoe's was much worse - he didn't congratulate Chelsea, he retweeted, and responded with a "hahaha" to a photo that mocked his own club/fans, then pathetically tried to backtrack by saying his account got hacked. Yes, that's right, someone hacked his account just to retweet a picture.

I guess this evidence of a single-digit IQ explains why he never mastered the offside rule.

Especially as Defoe has been at Spurs for a long time and he normally gets a good reception from the fans (lots of chants for him even when he's not on the pitch).

Just to play devil's advocate, I think fans (in general) play their part in the lack of 'connection' between themselves / the club and the players. Fans are very quick to give out abuse to players, and don't hesitate to want to get rid of current players to make way for better options. We prioritise success over players with a connection to the club. If we sell Modric, will anyone be calling for Livermore to get a chance to take his place? fudge no. We want success for our team, and players are only of use to us insofar as they can give us that success.

Look at the abuse Saha gets on here; why would he care about the club?!
I reckon Defoe could genuinely have got hacked tbh. Read somewhere he's out in Cannes with some lads. Would be easy for one of them to nick his phone and put that on twitter as a bit of a laugh.

Would be very surprised and disappointed if it was Defoe. Can understand him having a problem with Harry, but not the club as a whole, or the fans who have always been great to him. But I don't think it was him.
Footballers really are as thick as brick aren't they. There's no microphone being shoved in their face and a panicked response coming out here. Instead they're actually going out of their way to essentially celebrate the fact that we won't be playing in the CL next season.
I doubt if it was hacked but I'd be even more certain that Defoes not being malicious to the club there. Probably just taking the banter on the chin, if you can laugh at yourself it takes the sting out of whatever people throw at you.

He's had a raw deal from the management but I am in little doubt he will always appreciate the fans. Just a moment of poor judgement, which twitter etc is very unforgiving towards, wouldn't want to jump on the media bandwagon over that.

Pienaar in a similar way, thats little more than acknowledgement of fellow professionals, not much more than shaking hands at the end of the game. I didn't really want to congratulate any Chelsea yesterday but a couple of mates sent texts saying "unlucky, a bit harsh on your boys" and so I just replied with "well done, enjoy your moment".

Saha was stupid because it was so over the top and looks like a real mercenary but like Defoe, possibly just not well thought out. Professionaly it's not helping any chance of getting an extension at Spurs.

It's not as if any of them are slagging off THFC or the fans, outright. Quite possibly just trying to deflect the banter.
I'm embarrassed as a spurs fan for the reaction of the majority. It's completely uncalled for.

They are just professional footballers with no real affiliation to our club. I don't think they disrespect the club by congratulating chelsea. We need to get a grip
I'm embarrassed as a spurs fan for the reaction of the majority. It's completely uncalled for.

They are just professional footballers with no real affiliation to our club. I don't think they disrespect the club by congratulating chelsea. We need to get a grip

I disagree. There are lot of disappointment and anger among Spurs fans for the way our CL place taken over by Chelsea. If the players don't have the same sentiment, the least they could do is keep their opinion in private. They don't have to use twitter to let the whole world know.

IMO, all the players should be banned from using twitter. It is causing unnecessary problems for their clubs.
Just saying whoever merged. Try reading the last 10 pages, then tell us it was a good idea. lol

Seriously that was hard reading.

Can I suggest locking and redirection to mother thread instead.

No surprise the thread is pretty much dead since.