David Ginola
Yeah can’t argue with any of that
Maybe the biggest issue for EVs is how dirty they are to make. Take an un-driven electric vechicle and put it up against an internal combustion engine car, and the EV has created far more carbon emmisions to build, and is involved in some pretty shady mining practices too. Once you factor in the lifetime of the vechicle this changes, but not always as much as people think. The weight of the EV, whether a nation is using coal to charge up EVs, the temperate outside etc etc all affect calculations. If the EV is effectively powered by burning coal, the carbon savings are negligable.
Long story short, at some point, environmentalists will figure out that old style EVs (what we have today) are polluting. And at that point, these current EVs will go from hero to zero. We need vechicles that are better than current EVs which are highly poluting mainly because of their manufacture.