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Black Lives Matter

I was paid more as a labourer at 18 than I am in the Travel Industry now as a director, funny old life. I say worth is what you put on yourself not what others do, I earn less now but weigh up the pros and cons, I could do less work for more money, more work for more money, two jobs, it all depends on what I see as my worth.

Conversely not to make this all about race but there are some great writings about how the Blackman exploited the Blackman and still to this day does in Africa, can’t remember the title of one but something like “black icons who betrayed their race”

Seriously...the "blackman" thing...if you're interested in the Amins and Mugabes of the world, read a book called "Dictatorland - The Men Who Stole Africa"...yup, hate to say it, but they all learnt from their colonial conquerers!!!! Fact! Would there have been bad black leaders? Of course! There's bad in all races, but when it comes to Africa, colonialism sewed some ugly seeds.

As for worth, yes, one should always know what theirs is.
"As little as it can get away with" is precisely the same as "As much as is required"

That's what a market rate is and that's what works perfectly until governments and unions get their filthy hands on it.

If this is the metric forever then we are fuuuuuuucked!
Just seen that loads of comedy shows have been pulled from free view because of race issues. Fawlty Towers and a couple of others.

Serious question, is all of this getting slightly out of hand?

It is silly. It should be plainly obvious that this is deep satire.
I mean this with sincerity and not to be inflammatory (as apparently some of it is quite divisive)....

...but it's nice to see Brexit being personified fully on the streets of Britain as we head towards a (potentially - matter of opinion, mine is known) no deal Brexit.

It's genuinely what Britain deserves and has done for a few centuries - only the luck of being on the winning side of WWII delayed it.

I was quite hoping not to live through it. But c'est la vie.
"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the......"

:rolleyes::rolleyes:...don't think Churchill had this in mind.

What a bunch of stone Island, burberry clad clams...there's no message from this lot....no different than a tinkle up at the summer football tournament...sun, beer, bravado, opportunist police bashing pond life.
Funny how some protestors in America got unnecessarily badly treated, we have a mob here who basically need wading in on to really show them that nope, we're not having this.