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Black Lives Matter

I honestly think their protesting as much about 10 years of conservative rule and about the idiot in the white house. Which i get and to a degree go along with. If you go back over the generations when the traditional left have been out of power for a bit they get a bit uptey.

Starmer will win the next election and the idiots will think he will change things when he is just another Blair/Cameron.
Yep. As with most protests, they're about people not having what they want when they want it. This is a convenient excuse for many.
I honestly think their protesting as much about 10 years of conservative rule and about the idiot in the white house. Which i get and to a degree go along with. If you go back over the generations when the traditional left have been out of power for a bit they get a bit uptey.

Starmer will win the next election and the idiots will think he will change things when he is just another Blair/Cameron.

I’d take that over what we’ve had since thanks.
I’d take that over what we’ve had since thanks.

Im pretty sure you will get your wish. I worry what will come 10 years down the line.

My own choice would be as long as we leave and stay out the EU, a liberal government with a clear brief to support new and emerging industries and markets.

One idea i have seen recently that i liked was a new sovereign fund set up to support business starting out in the UK.
If they were THAT concerned with "direct contravention of the current health guidelines" then they should've stopped it from happening at all on PRECISELY those grounds from the get-go. My POINT was that with a peaceful protest in place, it is not the police's mandate to suddenly decide that a peaceful protest has run its course. As long as it remains peaceful, and is not causing harm, it is allowed to continue.That is why we had people living in trees for months at a time in the '80s, and that is what Greenham Common, the Miners Strike, etc was all about.

IF demonstrators turn violent, absolutely deal with it. IF demonstrators attack police without provocation or reason, absolutely deal with them; those are the rules of such engagement, and if someone is stupid enough to fight a copper unprovoked then they have to expect what will happen. That is life.

That you chose to address one line, and go into semantics, says a lot. I think you simply don't like any of the protestors and want them all dispersed. Is that is the case, just say that mate.

I chose to address one line for the simple reason that was the part of your post I found questionable. Isn't that how these things work?
I don't think it was his speech, he just read it out.
Although he isn't actually saying it, it does sound like he didn’t know what was in the speech when he agreed to read it out.

I don't know the full details of what happened, but that sounds like an incredibly weak defence to me.
Did you? Did anyone here? So that's my point, that statue's purpose did f*** all to tell people about what he did. You didn't know until they binned in him the river.

Tell you what, let's build a statue to Bin Laden, so people can be reminded. How does that sound to you, a good idea? I'm just concerned people might forget he wasn't a nice person, so let's immortalise him in bronze so people can be reminded of him and what he did? Future generations might not know, so i cannot for the life of me think of any other way to remember his atrocities than by putting a statue of him standing proudly. Let me know your thoughts, maybe write to your MP and suggest it?
I think he 'cleansed' himself by tossing his fortune on the Bristolonians ,post dying...Even then money talked and got you a statue in the city centre.

Think a few (or more than a few) have not been happy about it, and if that's your heritage, the statue might as well be tinkling on you. But even if it's not your heritage ffs, 'do the right thing'.
Were they? Care to name names on who this was? Because it certainly doesn't include me.

I dont think i ever criticised the beach people more just posted in dismay at how many i would see at the beach when im out on my rides.

Big difference to me cycling past as to people crammed like sardines on Brighton beach.
An excerpt from Sapiens book, https://www.dancollinsandapiano.com/purity-in-america

Its an interesting account/history of the origins of racism in the US. The whole thing is worth a read, but this conclusion indicates why we need to preserve and understand history.

Most sociopolitical hierarchies lack a logical or biological basis – they are nothing but the perpetuation of chance events supported by myths. That is one good reason to study history. If the division into blacks and whites or Brahmins and Shudras was grounded in biological realities – that is, if Brahmins really had better brains than Shudras – biology would be sufficient for understanding human society. Since the biological distinctions between different groups of Homo sapiens are, in fact, negligible, biology can’t explain the intricacies of Indian society or American racial dynamics. We can only understand those phenomena by studying the events, circumstances, and power relations that transformed figments of imagination into cruel – and very real – social structures.
Sapiens is well worth a read. I highly recommend it.
I know people that went. It's literally what happened.

I'm not disputing that.

What I'm not entirely clear on is whether or not he'd seen the comments before he read them out, and then whether he said anything at the time to denounce the comments in question after he read them.
But how many ‘Good old Brits’ have been like that with the ‘ Pakies on the corner‘ and the like!
There is an element of ‘why not’ Imho and what’s good for the goose etc.
Being discriminated against funnily doesn’t leave you with a balanced warm fuzzy feelings. I can assure you!

Yeh irony is he was a gang member and realised that the only person discriminating against him was himself with his actions. From then on he became a multi millionaire boxer promoted by a white man and by a channel whose boxing schedule is chosen by a white man. Ohhhhhhh the shame of it all