Garth Crooks
I don't believe that's worse than attacking police trying to go about their jobs.
The physical act from Officer Chauvin is worse, but mitigated by the fact that he was trying to stop crime, whereas this is exacerbated by the fact that they attacked police whilst committing crime.
I won't argue that attacking police outside the realm of self-defence is no good whatsoever; if police are moving forward with tear-gas and beatings to break up peaceful protestors, then I would argue that reaction is possibly a matter of survival without serious injury.
The one comparison I can find between your bordering on ludicrous equivalency, is in how each police dept dealt with their "asset".
A police officer on horseback with a horse who is not able to deal with a break-out situation (and lets face it, no horse should have to deal with being attacked by some tossers) should be removed from the fray immediately. No question. And retired to enjoy the life it deserves. Chauvin should never have been allowed in a uniform, let alone a patrol car as it was clear he couldn't handle most situations.
BTW, Chauvin was not trying to "stop a crime" he was part of a team responding to allegations of a fake $20 being passed.