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Black Lives Matter

Disgraceful behaviour for sure, no denying that, but why even bother trying to equivalize it with Floyd's murder? Two entirely different scenarios. You're just looking to score some sort of point.
Not that different really.

An attempt to cause harm but without the intent to kill. Taking an action that one knows could result in serious injury.

If anything this was worse - at least Chauvin was attempting to stop crime, however bad his methods.
They look to me like a bunch of kids who have been let off school and uni due to COVID and are bored and want a ruck for the experience
The worrying aspect now is that cnut Steven Yaxley-Lennon is rallying go his band of merry nazis to fight back

Absolutely THIS!

Saw some bits on twitter about the Football Defence League or something mobbing up to not let damage be done to monuments, etc

Another reason why imo prolonged protests like these are a bad idea.
Have your day, two days maybe, and then capitalise on the good feeling by mobilising on other fronts. In this day and age it shouldn't be hard to do.
Once it descends into a ruck you've lost.
Another reason why imo prolonged protests like these are a bad idea.
Have your day, two days maybe, and then capitalise on the good feeling by mobilising on other fronts. In this day and age it shouldn't be hard to do.
Once it descends into a ruck you've lost.

Not necessarily, if that was your initial aim. Which I have absolutely no doubt was the case for a portion of those involved.
Not necessarily, if that was your initial aim. Which I have absolutely no doubt was the case for a portion of those involved.

True, but I would think most of those don't really care about the meaning of the protest.
They've turned up in the hope it kicks off.
Win win situation for them, good old punch up, maybe a bit of thieving and undermine the protest. Job done.
True, but I would think most of those don't really care about the meaning of the protest.
They've turned up in the hope it kicks off.
Win win situation for them, good old punch up, maybe a bit of thieving and undermine the protest. Job done.
And that will be the same Saturday when the FLA or the NF or whatever their calling themselves now turn up
First off, again I ask, what happens in San Francisco?

Secondly, racism is an international issue.
Thirdly, with covid19 and Brexit, there is frustration and anger everywhere.
So fourthly, if something positive can come from all this then maybe it is a sustained push against racism in society and law enforcement!

sorry missed this one from the other day, probably because I’m not a prolific poster!

I’ve been to San Fran twice, first time in 2011 not long before our London riots.
Going around 5th street, Mission and the so called tenderloin part of the downtown area and it struck me a fair number of black people were hanging around on the streets every night, some with drug issues, others with mental issues. Very sad. But the one thing I never felt was threatened or intimidated - there was no aggression whatsoever. Unlike over here where people expect and resort to violence when they don’t get their own way.
But they have no safety net, no help from the state like we do over here.
Yet people think they are hard done by over here and are treated unfairly.

I’ve been to a fair number of countries and see first hand what people live there and what their lives are like. There aren’t as many nice places out there like the uk.

Someone please tell me which country they can be held up as a better example of equality than the uk?

There is no example of an African nation, state or any other country where you have the same rights as any other ethnicity.
Rioting was pretty indefensible this weekend. Such a shame the good will this worthy cause had has been tarnished.
I’ve been to San Fran twice, first time in 2011 not long before our London riots.
Going around 5th street, Mission and the so called tenderloin part of the downtown area and it struck me a fair number of black people were hanging around on the streets every night, some with drug issues, others with mental issues. Very sad. But the one thing I never felt was threatened or intimidated - there was no aggression whatsoever. Unlike over here where people expect and resort to violence when they don’t get their own way.
But they have no safety net, no help from the state like we do over here.
Yet people think they are hard done by over here and are treated unfairly.

I’ve been to a fair number of countries and see first hand what people live there and what their lives are like. There aren’t as many nice places out there like the uk.

Someone please tell me which country they can be held up as a better example of equality than the uk?

There is no example of an African nation, state or any other country where you have the same rights as any other ethnicity.

This is interesting.

In one of the looting videos I saw last week, what appeared to be a homeless black American man was sitting outside one of the stores that was being attacked. When the windows or doors were smashed in and the mob descended, he got up and walked away with his hands in the air - the 'nothing to do with me, I want no part of this' pose - as looters streamed past him to get inside.

The contrast.
sorry missed this one from the other day, probably because I’m not a prolific poster!

I’ve been to San Fran twice, first time in 2011 not long before our London riots.
Going around 5th street, Mission and the so called tenderloin part of the downtown area and it struck me a fair number of black people were hanging around on the streets every night, some with drug issues, others with mental issues. Very sad. But the one thing I never felt was threatened or intimidated - there was no aggression whatsoever. Unlike over here where people expect and resort to violence when they don’t get their own way.
But they have no safety net, no help from the state like we do over here.
Yet people think they are hard done by over here and are treated unfairly.

I’ve been to a fair number of countries and see first hand what people live there and what their lives are like. There aren’t as many nice places out there like the uk.

Someone please tell me which country they can be held up as a better example of equality than the uk?

There is no example of an African nation, state or any other country where you have the same rights as any other ethnicity.

We actually treat people coming into the country through asylum or immigration better thrn any other European country bar perhaps Germany.

It may not be 100% perfect but to make out we have the Americans issue with race is just wrong.

Seeing how oddly liberal we are towards the traveller community makes me shake my head.
Rioting was pretty indefensible this weekend. Such a shame the good will this worthy cause had has been tarnished.

Yep and a lot of people who could have been swayed to back them will now be indifferent.

I agree with their cause but im going to say it. I hated those ones at th weekend as i hate everyone under 30. Working out how to love my son is 15, but all other under 30s are stupid annoying cnuts.
We actually treat people coming into the country through asylum or immigration better thrn any other European country bar perhaps Germany.

It may not be 400% perfect but to make out we have the Americans issue with race is just wrong.

Seeing how oddly liberal we are towards the traveller community makes me shake my head.

Caught a little bit of a BBC piece on the South Korean response to covid the other day. It showed staff at an airport telling arrivals very bluntly, this is the policy, violate it and you'll be deported.

Just imagine the uproar if UK border staff gave instructions even half as strong as that...
Someone please tell me which country they can be held up as a better example of equality than the uk?

There is no example of an African nation, state or any other country where you have the same rights as any other ethnicity.

Happy to. I can name 10, based on the Legatum Prosperity Index (no, don't be fooled by the name) covering a wide sector of countries across a range of factors inclduing health, employement etc inclusive of equlity scoring. As I am sure you know, the Scandinavian countries consistently top some of the best and importantly most equal places to live. Of course nowhere is perfect, but these studies are conducted to showcase exactly the breakdown you require.

Of course, you said the word equality, so not sure where that stick lies. If you want to go with say Gender for example, then again, the work is done as any quick Google will tell you, there's a Global Gender Gap Report conducted and shock horror, the UK is not the best place in the world. Who knew? Not the Daily Mail that's for sure.

As you can see clicking here, once again the Scandinavian countries tend to fare highest for equality, in fact on Gender the UK comes in 21st, so there's 20 countries ranked higher. Hope that helps.
Caught a little bit of a BBC piece on the South Korean response to covid the other day. It showed staff at an airport telling arrivals very bluntly, this is the policy, violate it and you'll be deported.

Just imagine the uproar if UK border staff gave instructions even half as strong as that...

Well Trump who i am no fan of was accused of racism when he wanted to shut off travel from China.

Think Johnson was worried about appeasing his business chum airline buddies and also looking racist in front of the Guardian and BBC. You need a prime minister who does not follow what focus groups think.

Doubt the will ever be a prime minister like that again. It is what upset me about Corbyn someone who spent his whole life criticising the EU to backtrack at the last election broke my heart.
Caught a little bit of a BBC piece on the South Korean response to covid the other day. It showed staff at an airport telling arrivals very bluntly, this is the policy, violate it and you'll be deported.

Just imagine the uproar if UK border staff gave instructions even half as strong as that...

Spot on. There is the problem in a nutshell, pointless posturing by Boris's scout group. Half arsed planning and fudge all authority.
They are today going 'naughty rioters' after letting them do exactly what they wanted Saturday and Sunday. Now they say 'it is not our fault' as we are the good guy, what could we do?
Caught a little bit of a BBC piece on the South Korean response to covid the other day. It showed staff at an airport telling arrivals very bluntly, this is the policy, violate it and you'll be deported.

Just imagine the uproar if UK border staff gave instructions even half as strong as that..

That's not a UK Border Staff point, it's government legislation right? If we passed stringent laws during coronavirus like you mention, like New Zealand who restricted access to their little island to benefit their health, we could have done so. NZ has 0 recorded coronavirus cases now.

We didn't lockdown or quarantine people, that's not Border force's job, it's government legislation and we chose not do it or enforce it.

It's like that whole EU Citizens issue. Legally, under The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006, we can legally deport EU citizens without a job after 6 months. We just chose not to, the regulation existed to do it, we just didn't. Comes down to Government policy.
sorry missed this one from the other day, probably because I’m not a prolific poster!

I’ve been to San Fran twice, first time in 2011 not long before our London riots.
Going around 5th street, Mission and the so called tenderloin part of the downtown area and it struck me a fair number of black people were hanging around on the streets every night, some with drug issues, others with mental issues. Very sad. But the one thing I never felt was threatened or intimidated - there was no aggression whatsoever. Unlike over here where people expect and resort to violence when they don’t get their own way.
But they have no safety net, no help from the state like we do over here.
Yet people think they are hard done by over here and are treated unfairly.

I’ve been to a fair number of countries and see first hand what people live there and what their lives are like. There aren’t as many nice places out there like the uk.

Someone please tell me which country they can be held up as a better example of equality than the uk?

There is no example of an African nation, state or any other country where you have the same rights as any other ethnicity.

Wife and I were in New York a couple of years after 9/11.
Met up with a mate and his wife for a day out/night out. The girls went shopping and we tried to get a game of golf.
Went into a golf store beside macys and asked for advice. They sent us to the public course at van court land park, in the bronx.
We got the subway out, off the train, down the stairs and walked through the park. This was a lovely July afternoon and the park was busy, honestly felt as if we were the only white people in the park. No one gave us a second glance, even though being Scottish and almost allergic to the sun and have a peculiar "blue white tinge".
After the golf we strolled back to the train, on the steps up to the platform there were three young girls 19/20 maybe and one had a baby in a pram.
Before I realised what I was doing I asked if they needed a hand getting up the stairs, the girl accepted, I lift the bottom of the pram and up we went. After a few steps I began to wonder if I had done the right thing.
We got the top they thanked us, I said you're welcome and we went our separate ways.
My mate said are you mad, I know I said.
Now, the concern wasn't because of the colour difference, or chatting to girls 20 years younger than us but just a feeling that maybe we were intruding. I would have felt exactly the same in some of areas of Glasgow, probably worse actually, because it is their area. Doesn't matter where you go in the world there are people on the streets and in public places, it's natural as a stranger you feel uncomfortable, you feel everyone is watching. 9 times out of 10 you probably haven't even been noticed, usually people are to caught up with their own lives.
There's parts of Glasgow I couldn't walk round and not get accosted, because it be seen as an incursion into their territory.
Drop a tourist who is lost and there would be no problem, they would be courtesly helped back to wherever they wanted to go. Because people want to portray their home in a good light.
Last thing, with all the stuff going on in the world today I would think twice about stopping to ask those girls if they needed help, but I still would I reckon.
Older men and young women are becoming too dangerous a mix.
Happy to. I can name 10, based on the Legatum Prosperity Index (no, don't be fooled by the name) covering a wide sector of countries across a range of factors inclduing health, employement etc inclusive of equlity scoring. As I am sure you know, the Scandinavian countries consistently top some of the best and importantly most equal places to live. Of course nowhere is perfect, but these studies are conducted to showcase exactly the breakdown you require.

Of course, you said the word equality, so not sure where that stick lies. If you want to go with say Gender for example, then again, the work is done as any quick Google will tell you, there's a Global Gender Gap Report conducted and shock horror, the UK is not the best place in the world. Who knew? Not the Daily Mail that's for sure.

As you can see clicking here, once again the Scandinavian countries tend to fare highest for equality, in fact on Gender the UK comes in 21st, so there's 20 countries ranked higher. Hope that helps.

Isnt that first index based on prosperity? Economics?
Happy to. I can name 10, based on the Legatum Prosperity Index (no, don't be fooled by the name) covering a wide sector of countries across a range of factors inclduing health, employement etc inclusive of equlity scoring. As I am sure you know, the Scandinavian countries consistently top some of the best and importantly most equal places to live. Of course nowhere is perfect, but these studies are conducted to showcase exactly the breakdown you require.

Of course, you said the word equality, so not sure where that stick lies. If you want to go with say Gender for example, then again, the work is done as any quick Google will tell you, there's a Global Gender Gap Report conducted and shock horror, the UK is not the best place in the world. Who knew? Not the Daily Mail that's for sure.

As you can see clicking here, once again the Scandinavian countries tend to fare highest for equality, in fact on Gender the UK comes in 21st, so there's 20 countries ranked higher. Hope that helps.

I certainly don't think the UK is anywhere the best, just as I doubt we are near the bottom.
What makes me dubious of these indexes is that Scotland is often quoted pretty well, when they are included, and to be honest I don't see it here.
Not that I think Scots are any worse than anywhere else in general but we do have a very laughing at/with name calling fine line that others not familiar with it would find offensive in the extreme.
There is a very acerbic sense of humour in scotland, taken out of context it must seem brutal.