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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I think that quote is an acknowledgement that in football, it doesn't make the manager bad just because his choices don't work, because there are no absolutes and nothing is certain to work. It is an acknowledgement that he tried to affect the game. I don't think he is blaming the manager in any way at all there. Certainly not any more than the players. Everyone appears to be in it together. AVB has said that he, along with the players, should be ashamed.

Totally agree with you, just thought it was an interesting point. It does come across from that statement that AVB does discuss alot with the players and ask for their feedback. I hope AVB and team have a meeting discuss what they think is going wrong.

Some might not agree but if you are old enough to remember Leeds under George Graham they had a load of young players and looked a very good side, but played poor football, when O'Leary took over it was like a giant weight had been lifted off them and all of a sudden they looked a different team, young energetic, pacey attacking team. (it was over 10 years ago so maybe the football wasn't as good I remember)

For me I think we are in a similar position now, I just want AVB to unleash the players more. By the way using Leeds as an example I don't want O'Leary as manager or think that the Leeds team at that time had the same class as players as we have now.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Avb does seem to have strange ideas on tactics/player positions and styles of play for different oppositions. Its not producing the flowing football we want or getting the results we think we deserve. But we are not cast adrift from CL places and we are still in the cups. An article points out that the new players have only been together since September and a substantial amount of that time has been away on international breaks.

International breaks are now over and the players can concentrate on a common purpose. I hope the team starts gelling and producing the play that we all dreamed of when the Summer transfer window closed.
Last edited:
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Agree with Billy - the amount of times you've completely denigrated our performances when they actually have been nowhere near as bad as you've said has made your arguments harder to take. I thought you made a really good post a page or so back that was hard to disagree with but according to you some of our performances mean our season isn't 'we played well that game'...it becomes 'the opposition had a good spell...which means we didn't play well' which is just nonsense. Most of the time every team will have a good spell in the match. Even we did against City. Doesn't mean City's victory was any less convincing. It's the Premier League.

Games this season we've played very well in: Palace - Siggy and Defoe missed as clear chances as they will get all season, and Chadli missed a pretty easy header but I won't count that as too clear. We could have easily won that game 3/4-0 because they never once made it look like we were in any danger - but you're analysis is 'we needed a lucky penalty'. We didn't, we had many more chances.

Swansea - I thought we were clearly the better team here. We looked more fluid than most other games at home to similar level teams last season. Not the best performance ever but in the first home game following pre-season it was certainly encouraging. The penalty we got was fairly lucky but we had a clear one turned down too, plus a few other good chances. Swansea never threatened us.

Arsenal - good possession but didn't create much. They are good this season. It can happen. Teams will play a lot worse.

Cardiff away - utter domination. Again we should have won that 4-0. We didn't 'need extra time', we simply battled until the end and fully deserved it.

Norwich - great performance. We didn't score more than 2 but it doesn't take away from the fact our movement and passing was excellent.

Chelsea - good first half, bad second half. Could have won it at the end with Defoe.

West Ham - pretty awful.

Villa - we were by far the better team. They had a spell because most home teams in this league will at some point. But I think beyond one Benteke header we could have racked up far more than 2 goals by the end of it.

Hull - bad performance. Not clicking.

Everton - good performance in terms of stopping them playing - which they have shown they are capable of doing - but needed to feed Soldado better. Still, teams will play a lot worse than we did on their ground.

Saudi Sportswashing Machine - bad first half but in terms of chance creation one of our best performances in the second half. Bad luck and good goalkeeping denied us the points.

Emirates Marketing Project - awful, awful, awful.

I think if you look at it like that, the season so far hasn't been as terrible as you say. But what you have been doing is painting games that are mostly positive in to overwhelming negatives. It makes it harder to have a rational discussion.

Just want to say, I agree with this.

We have not played as badly this season as some of the hawks in this thread have made out. Sure it's not as good or as consistent as it needs to be. And we DEFINITELY have not created enough chances or scored enough goals. These are all valid criticisms... but I definitely do not think it is fair to either AVB or the team to say we've been pure sh!te all season. That's not true and actually a convenient rewriting of history to suit an 'AVB Out' agenda.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I'd expect him to be a lot less forthcoming, a lot less positive that things could turn around and a lot less understanding of the manager. Basically he could choose not to give too much away - he doesn't need to say anything.

That may not have been entirely the case :)

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

That may not have been entirely the case :)


If that was the case - it shows the club is behind the manager and we are united, not about to panic as twunts like Neil Ashton would have us believe. Which I am also very happy about.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

If that was the case - it shows the club is behind the manager and we are united, not about to panic as twunts like Neil Ashton would have us believe. Which I am also very happy about.

I would agree with you in this, while I think some players might secretly harbour reservations, one thing I think AVB has done, which he has clearly learnt from his time at Chelsea, is foster good relationships with the key players in the squad. Therefore, whatever reservations they have about tactics and results, it would appear the players like AVB (as can be seen by the carribean trip pictures this summer, with AVB and the players together). I think AVB is a likeable man and I think it was only his open alienation of the likes of Terry at Chelsea that did for him, whereas he's been careful not to disregard players with strong personalities (e.g. Dawson). So I don't think we will ever see an open player-revolt like you do sometimes get with managers.

If AVB gets the boot, it will be because of poor results/performances and not down to the players making life difficult for him IMO, which was a big part of his failing at Chelsea (along with some similar failings in team selection/tactics/style
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

The evidence would suggest about 3 games.

That's kind of the point some of us are making though. It shouldn't take a season and a half almost to impose your vision and beliefs onto your team. Everton play a different style of football under Martinez, in fact I noticed within the first couple of games. Liverpool play a different style under Rodgers.

I'm not convinced this attacking revolution is ever going to surface, I'm not saying that would be all bad though. Don't get me wrong I wanna see us play good football and I want to see good performance, but more importantly I would like good results.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Wenger could right when he said we bought too many players, not enough time to gel.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Wenger could right when he said we bought too many players, not enough time to gel.

And from mostly outside England as well. I think we may have to go through 6 months of pain and look at next season as the one where we make a real challenge. Bale leaving screwed us in that regard, because it forced us into needing to replace him with the money to maintain our position.

Ultimately, our signings have been very good. But if say Sandro needed 6 months to a year before feeling totally with it, it's entirely likely that Paulinho, Lamela, etc will too. There's been a lot of change but maybe this year has the same effect that the Pleat caretaker season did. We took a step backwards that year, but it allowed us to really research our strategy and where we wanted to be after that, and we've been on an upward trajectory ever since.

We're now at the point where we got the Bale money, and we are making a lot of new signings settle in at once and grow together. I think we have to look at the New Year as the time where we need to start picking up form.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Agree with Billy - the amount of times you've completely denigrated our performances when they actually have been nowhere near as bad as you've said has made your arguments harder to take. I thought you made a really good post a page or so back that was hard to disagree with but according to you some of our performances mean our season isn't 'we played well that game'...it becomes 'the opposition had a good spell...which means we didn't play well' which is just nonsense. Most of the time every team will have a good spell in the match. Even we did against City. Doesn't mean City's victory was any less convincing. It's the Premier League.

Games this season we've played very well in: Palace - Siggy and Defoe missed as clear chances as they will get all season, and Chadli missed a pretty easy header but I won't count that as too clear. We could have easily won that game 3/4-0 because they never once made it look like we were in any danger - but you're analysis is 'we needed a lucky penalty'. We didn't, we had many more chances.

Swansea - I thought we were clearly the better team here. We looked more fluid than most other games at home to similar level teams last season. Not the best performance ever but in the first home game following pre-season it was certainly encouraging. The penalty we got was fairly lucky but we had a clear one turned down too, plus a few other good chances. Swansea never threatened us.

Arsenal - good possession but didn't create much. They are good this season. It can happen. Teams will play a lot worse.

Cardiff away - utter domination. Again we should have won that 4-0. We didn't 'need extra time', we simply battled until the end and fully deserved it.

Norwich - great performance. We didn't score more than 2 but it doesn't take away from the fact our movement and passing was excellent.

Chelsea - good first half, bad second half. Could have won it at the end with Defoe.

West Ham - pretty awful.

Villa - we were by far the better team. They had a spell because most home teams in this league will at some point. But I think beyond one Benteke header we could have racked up far more than 2 goals by the end of it.

Hull - bad performance. Not clicking.

Everton - good performance in terms of stopping them playing - which they have shown they are capable of doing - but needed to feed Soldado better. Still, teams will play a lot worse than we did on their ground.

Saudi Sportswashing Machine - bad first half but in terms of chance creation one of our best performances in the second half. Bad luck and good goalkeeping denied us the points.

Emirates Marketing Project - awful, awful, awful.

I think if you look at it like that, the season so far hasn't been as terrible as you say. But what you have been doing is painting games that are mostly positive in to overwhelming negatives. It makes it harder to have a rational discussion.

OK, well my first point in response to this was that my point still stands. I wasn't making a point stating "we've never played ok in games", my point was we've not been totally dominant from start to finish and put teams to the sword by putting a few goals past them. Yes, every team has a 'spell' in a game, but my point about the Villa match was that for all our possession etc, Villa were always in the game up until our 2nd. I.e. it was not a comfortable performance. I've seen several times this season that teams like Chelsea, Emirates Marketing Project, Liverpool, Arsenal, get 2 or 3-0 up early in a game and its game-over. They ruthlessly batter teams and end up winning 4, 5, 6 goals. They make the opposition chase shadows and its a marker put down to other teams in the division. "We're a top team, if you so much as turn up to play us an ounce under your full potential, we will steam-roller you". We very rarely, if ever, do that under AVB. Ok, actually, Villa away last season, we won 4-0. That was probably a good example. But they're few and far between, whereas, say for example, Harry's teams were always good for dishing out at least 3 or 4 utter hidings a season.

No matter how dominate you are in possession, if you don't put teams away, they're always in the game. They don't put their heads down and give up like you see some of the poorer teams do when they go 2 or 3 goals down. If you are relying on single goals or penalties to win you games, or screamers from Bale, then you're always giving the opposition a chance, you're keeping them focused on the game, you're making yourself work hard to preserve the points. No wonder the likes of Paulinho are looking so knackered, a whole first season of trying to preserve 0-0 and 1-0 scorelines against teams that still have their tails up are going to take their toll, surely?

Now, i'll move onto my own analysis of the games above, also putting my (possibly biased), but IMO no less valid slant on them. I'm feeling very negative about Spurs just now, so of course i'm looking at everything from a glass-half-empty point of view, whereas obviously you are looking for the positives in every performance. The reality is possibly in between the two view-points, but to me that doesn't make for much better reading than my own.

Palace away - well, a point against Spurs is a good point for Palace, they didn't commit any bodies forward, they allowed us the ball while we weren't threatening them with it and we did dominate possession infront of them for large periods of the game. THey were happy to sit encamped around their penalty area, so while we had a lot of "pressure" in terms of posession of the ball around their box, how many chances did we create? I think Chadli missed a good one admittedly and Sig drew a couple of good saves from outside the box, however Palace set out to grind out a nil-nil and to be fair they should have got it. The penalty call was very harsh IMO and in the opinion of most neutrals, with Palace having a good case for it to be called "ball to hand", rather than "hand to ball". So yes, we dominated possession, but didn't really look like scoring and they were clearly happy for us to pass it around their box as they were delighted with a 0-0 draw.

Swansea home - Yes, we were 'clearly the better team' in terms of possession. I actually think we did fairly ok in this game, but again looked toothless upfront apart from Townsend and the odd run from Paulinho. We had a lot of possession, but again a lot of it was passing around Swansea on the edge of their box. In the end, we got a penalty that we probably deserved (at least, Townsend had a better shout in the first half that wasn't given). But we still relied on a penalty to win the game. I don't have as many issues regarding this performance as some of others, but this kind of 'eeked out win when not playing great' is the kind of performance that is talked about as being an example of a title challenger winning while not playing well, but for us its one of our better peformances of the season, and that is worrying.

Arsenal - We did have a lot of the ball, but didn't threaten. It was a strange game as our reputation from the summer spending seemed to proeed us and Arsenal were content to park the bus and defend their 1-0 lead once they got it. We couldn't and didn't look like breaking them down. So again, we had a lot of the ball against a team that had no interest in attacking us from quite early on in the game. Not a disaster admittedly, and by this point in the season clearly I didn't have the concerns I did now and was hopeful that we were still finding our feet and would get better.

Cardiff away - It's ok saying we should have won 4-0, but we didn't. We didn't score and for all their keeper made a lot of saves, many were long-range shots or shots hit far too close to him. It certainly wasn't a Krul for Saudi Sportswashing Machine display and we were pretty fortunate to win the game. We certainly didn't utterly dominate in the sense I would expect us to at least a few times a season. It was a decent display and on the balance of course our winner was deserved, but again it was against a very poor team who were content with a 0-0 draw and so did not attack us at all, and we almost failed to beat them. Therefore, i bet they were thinking after the game that their game strategy almost paid off and they came away feeling hard done-by!

Norwich - I don't believe this was a great performance, a great performance to me is smashing Wigan 9-1 or Saudi Sportswashing Machine 5-0 or (being fair to AVB and avoiding this appear to turn into a Harry v AVB thing) the first half versus Man U at OT last season. It was a competent performance where we comfortably beat one of the poorest teams in the division at home. Again, they didn't attempt to attack us whatsoever, coming for the point. Luckily , Eriksen played well and created a couple of good chances for one of the few players in our team I feel confident of converting them (Sigurdsson).

Chelsea - I agree with your assessment of the game overall, but to say Defoe could have won it at the end doesn't really do the Chelsea performance and the concerning nature of our own performance in teh 2nd half justice. For me this was the first signs of the Emirates Marketing Project/West Ham performance coming, in that the amount of chances Chelsea created in the 2nd half with simple balls over the top of our high-defence was ridiculous. How they didn't end up battering us I will never know, they missed so many chances. We completely fell away in this game as Mourinho clearly worked out our weaknesses at half time and instructed his team to attack us more and in a more direct fashion.

West Ham - well we might have got away with it the game before, but West Ham and big Sam clearly watched the Chelsea game as they decided not to sit back, but to have a go and in a direct way. They completely wiped the floor with us in the end, which is embarissing when you consider the quality of the team we were facing.

Villa - We were not by far the better team. As I keep saying, passing the ball sideways against a team that would be delighted with a point and doesn't care to attack us much doesn't to me doesn't wash as a great performance. It was a pretty even game until we scored a fluke, then we became dominant, without creating anything, they brought on Benteke and went direct, they created all sorts of mayhem before we picked them off on the break. Their heads then went down and we saw out the game comfortably, I don't honestly regard this performance as anything other than another example a club of our quality should point to as "not our best performance of the season, but we ground out the win without playing well". Again, the fact that some point to this game as an example of one of our better displays is highly alarming.

Hull - Hull sat back, but decided to have a go on the break. How they didn't score from one of their numerous counter-attacks I don't know. They were happy to let us pass it sideways, and around and weren't interested in coming out until our passing broke down. When they did, it was one ball over the top and they seemed to be almost through on Lloris every single time! We lucked-out with a dodgy penalty call (see Palace) and won the game with Steve Bruce rightly very aggrieved.

Everton - Ok, I admit it, this was an acceptable performance, if the rest of our games weren't so poor and it was just an example of grinding out a good point away against a tough side, i wouldn't have a problem with it. In context of the rest of our games though, our inability to create anything, particularly with our possession domination of the first half is concerning.

Saudi Sportswashing Machine - Again, Saudi Sportswashing Machine were happy for us to have the ball and hit us with direct counter-attacks. Each time they attacked we looked like conceeding. They could and should have been 3-0 up at half time, had they been so, i doubt we'd have seen the performance we did in the 2nd half, but credit where its due, we got our best half of the season against them. We were very unlucky and for the first time this season created numerous good chances. Its only frustrating that this game highlighted our ability to do so, but that we often don't! We paid the price for our first-half failings as we couldn't finish one of our numerous chances, often giving the admittedly excellent Krul a chance to make the saves that he did do!

Emirates Marketing Project - The season hits a new low but to be honest, the Chelsea game in the 2nd half could easily have turned into a rout of these proportions and I think this defeat has been coming for a while as we have been shown to be very vulnerable to the direct through-ball/counter attack time and agin this season when teams have chosen to go at us.

So I think, when you look at that, then the season hasn't actually been as positive as our league position and points tally (only 2 points off 4th after all) would paint out and I would say we have done extremely well out of results this season and refereeing decisions, given the actual level of the performances.

To me, pointing to displays like beating Norwich 2-0 and Aston Villa 2-0 as being our best performances of the season and "great performances" highlights just how low our performances and expectations have dropped from when Redknapp was in charge when we probably would have punished the kind of lack-lustre display Norwich put in at WHL by giving them the complete and utter hiding they deserved!

I mean I bet their fans said "oh well, 2-0 away at WHL isn't that bad, its quite a respectable result really".
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

I don't mind being pulled up on my points. I will enjoy looking like a complete prick if AVB turns us around. I really will, because i'm first and foremost a Spurs fan. Nothing would please me more than this to happen, especially as I actually like the bloke, unlike Redknapp, who I hated.

What I don't take kindly to is being told I was calling Rogers a clown etc when I wasn't and people making assumptions such as I wouldn't give a new manager time.

I'm all for giving a new manager time, if there are signs of something good happening, or signs of progress, of them having a positive impact on the team.

Take Emirates Marketing Project, for example, they've actually been pretty inconsistent this season, but the signs are there that Pelegrini, by making them a bit more open (and thus slightly more prone to the odd lapse while they're getting to grips with the system) is building a truely frightening team.

They've taken apart both us and United this season and spannered Norwich out of sight. Yes, they might have had a few slip-ups, but if I was a City fan i'd be content to give him time as I can see the potential in the good performances.

Where are our equivalent performances? And please, no 2-0 wins over c*** teams like Villa. I mean where do we get a team rock up at WHL and truely do them 4, 5-0 like we did sometimes under Redknapp? Not every game is easy, but if you're a serious top 4 contender, which we were under Redknapp, you should spanner a good few teams over the course of a season.

Please, if you're going to take offense so quickly, read things properly. I ASKED if you WERE one of the people ****ging him off…I did not say you were one of them, I pondered whether you were or not.
For what it's worth, you still haven't answered the question! As for managers and time, it was another question and you still didn't answer it, you instead took inference…admittedly inference that was there to take with regards to a perceived lack of patience, but nonetheless, for someone who makes such strong, blunt points I'd have expected a blunt correction.

I cannot even begin to take on your questions much more because you clearly REFUSE to see that NONE of us are happy but some of us are not jumping around with a dirty great axe in our hands to chop his head off because there MIGHT be a bit more to it all…as for your comparisons with Emirates Marketing Project, ludicrous on so many fronts. I'll name a few. Aguero, Negredo, Silva, Nasri, Navas…five to start. I
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Spurs say they will take the positives from their unbeaten 13 seconds against Emirates Marketing Project.

Players have been studying the video of yesterday’s kick off to see which of their half dozen touches of the ball led to the first goal.

Manager Andre Villas-Boas said: “If we can push on from here we might be able to get a throw-in before it all turns to ****.”

Villas-Boas has also proposed that matches return to the centre circle every 10 seconds, as well as a cricket-style declaration system to end a match whenever necessary.

Meanwhile, fans have questioned the manger’s team selection which yesterday included a still-concussed Hugo Lloris playing in slippers and a dressing gown.

Villas-Boas added: “By breaking down a match into 13-second sections it’s clear we just need to work on the remaining 414 of them.

“I suspect that will be a standard quote one day – ‘it’s a game of 415 13-second sections, Brian’.”
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Spurs Managers Since 1990.

Date of Appointment Shown.

Terry Venables 1991 (appointed 1987).
Peter Shreeves 1991
Ossie Ardiles 1993
Gerry Francis 1994
Christian Gross 1997
George Graham 1998
Glenn Hoddle 2001
Jacques Santini 2003
Martin Jol 2004
Juande Ramos 2007
Harry Redknapp 2008
AVB 2012

These do not include various caretaker manager stints, such as David Pleat more than once, and Doug Livermore. Plus others.



Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I make that 12 full time managers in the last 23 years. Plus stand-ins. Roughly speaking, thats between 2 and 3 years (at absolute most) per manager, and much less in some cases. Each time a new man comes in there are costs; payoffs, wages and new appointments, principally new players that the new man wants. Plus continually paying the wages of those still there, out of favour and still under contract. Think Bentley. Think Pav to some extent. Others. They won't leave if they are on a good screw. Each time there is a managerial change this gets worse. More cost. Payoff sums. More of the previous. Unrest. Upheaval. Re-directing. New tactics. New philosophies. More transition periods. More delay in achieving the Holy Grail of success that Spurs and Spurs fans crave. How many businesses can be run in this way, indefinately, without having any extended period of stability? The disease of short-termism. Want it all now, and in footballs' case it is becoming a prerequisite, and if it doesn't happen there is hell to pay. Short-termism. Isn't it wonderful! The scourge of this country since Thatchers tenure.

Unless we break out of this cycle of haemorraging huge sums of money, repetitively and pointlessly, through short term appointments and (alleged) fixes, we will continue to take this meandering and rudderless path, with occasional periods of rosy sunshine and stormy weather, and I doubt very much whether I will see us lift the title in my lifetime, which, after just under 50 years of following Spurs will be a bit of a ****er, to say the least.

So who is it who makes the appoinments in the first place, and sanctions transfers and their payments? Why, the board of course! So my point is that maybe people are really looking in the wrong place for why Spurs continually under-achieve, screw-up and are a source of merriment to other lesser beings such as Spammers and Gooners. Our track record with managers is frighteningly bad.

The Board have appointed fan-pleasers in Ardiles and Hoddle. Jeez, have people forgotten the shambles we were under them? Hoddle's brittle and flimsy walkover side. Three consecutive 4-0 hammerings including 4-0 at Old Trafford. I was there. It was hideous. The Board have appointed dinosaurs like George Graham (thanks, Sugar; it should have been you who was fired over that appointment. Tosser.) and Redknapp (appointing a man who was shortly to be in the dock over corruption charges. Priceless!). Gross? What a complete knob-cheese he was. Ramos? He couldn't speak English!!! A colossal risk of an appointment. But we don't learn. Communicating effectively is colossally important in a group, a team game or whatever. Do we learn. Nope! We sign Pav, and now Soldado who don't speak the lingo! Benteke was far younger, Premiership-proven, cheaper(!!!) and can speak English, plus already settled in England. Santini? Solid gold that one. Remember France's World Cup, with Santini as manager? They bombed horribly. But already signed to be Spurs new manager! Poisonous infighting and relationships with the DoF structure?? Backstabbing?? An episode of Dallas could have used it all for a script. Or, The Office.... Or Comedy Playhouse (for those well over 40).

Yet on here, I hear people wanting the likes of Redknapp back. Some people have very short memories. His behaviour at this club was appalling. We should have walked top 4 in his final season. We didn't, and he clearly thought of his own pocket with the last game against Villa. Perhaps we should re-appoint Gorgeous George while we are at it, too. I'm sure he wouldn't lose by 6, but the football would be less appealing to watch than paint drying.

The shambles that is THFC's managerial recruitment history over the last 23 years is a horror story in itself. And that is down to the Board. Pure and simple. Too many times they have deflected blame away from themselves and onto the manager to carry the whole can, when things have not gone well.

At long last a manager has been appointed who is a modern man with an impeccable cv of influence and experience. Mourhinos understudy, and Bobby Robson. Age on his side. Prepared to be different. Not a dinosaur. Not just there because of the old school tie. Hopefully we are not a stepping stone.

So we should get rid of him now? Another short-term attempt at grabbing success, and if we are not Barcelona overnight, we implode (again), sack and start again from scratch (very expensively). Great. SAF might have got a long time to get it right at Man Utd (much in the 'old world' maybe) but our 'policy' is completely the other end of the spectrum. We CANNOT go on like this.

We will get success at this club in one of two ways:

1. By getting the right man in as manager, giving him the resources to do the job, the right support and it will take time. Predecessors were not the right man (Jol excepted, IMHO, and he wasnt supported properly either).

2. By getting in a mega bucks man prepared to spend to make us supreme again. With the right reasons. Judging by peoples comments on here about that route i.e. it not being cricket/not the Tottenham way/distasteful etc etc, I cannot see it happening.

I believe that - long-term - AVB is a man for the future. The critical issue is his working relationship with the DoF, as well as the Board, obviously. We still need some new players too: a left back, and playmaker, too.

Grow some titanium ******** Spurs fans, and rough it out. We already have a reputation of spoilt brats; don't add fuel to the fire. Disagree if you wish, but please give an indication of your age. Nothing to do with age = better fan, or any nonsense like that, but I'm interested to see if there is a distinction between the younger, and ummm, not so young fan.

Onwards and upwards..... eventually.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Can anyone give a definitive assurance that our performances and results will improve under AVB?

No, I thought not.

Lets try an easier one, that no one has yet addressed.

What areas of improvement can anyone point to (if you take Bale out of the equation)?




Set pieces?

Style of play?

Substitutions that change games?

Individual players? (forget Bale, who I would argue was largely responsible for his own development)

Ade? BAE? Defoe? Lennon? Any of our new signings? Has anyone IMPROVED under AVB? Townsend, possibly.

Where are the improvements anyone can see. Please help me understand what underpins your confidence that AVB has what it takes to turn it around?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Spurs Managers Since 1990.

Date of Appointment Shown.

Terry Venables 1991 (appointed 1987).
Peter Shreeves 1991
Ossie Ardiles 1993
Gerry Francis 1994
Christian Gross 1997
George Graham 1998
Glenn Hoddle 2001
Jacques Santini 2003
Martin Jol 2004
Juande Ramos 2007
Harry Redknapp 2008
AVB 2012

These do not include various caretaker manager stints, such as David Pleat more than once, and Doug Livermore. Plus others.



Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I make that 12 full time managers in the last 23 years. Plus stand-ins. Roughly speaking, thats between 2 and 3 years (at absolute most) per manager, and much less in some cases. Each time a new man comes in there are costs; payoffs, wages and new appointments, principally new players that the new man wants. Plus continually paying the wages of those still there, out of favour and still under contract. Think Bentley. Think Pav to some extent. Others. They won't leave if they are on a good screw. Each time there is a managerial change this gets worse. More cost. Payoff sums. More of the previous. Unrest. Upheaval. Re-directing. New tactics. New philosophies. More transition periods. More delay in achieving the Holy Grail of success that Spurs and Spurs fans crave. How many businesses can be run in this way, indefinately, without having any extended period of stability? The disease of short-termism. Want it all now, and in footballs' case it is becoming a prerequisite, and if it doesn't happen there is hell to pay. Short-termism. Isn't it wonderful! The scourge of this country since Thatchers tenure.

Unless we break out of this cycle of haemorraging huge sums of money, repetitively and pointlessly, through short term appointments and (alleged) fixes, we will continue to take this meandering and rudderless path, with occasional periods of rosy sunshine and stormy weather, and I doubt very much whether I will see us lift the title in my lifetime, which, after just under 50 years of following Spurs will be a bit of a ****er, to say the least.

So who is it who makes the appoinments in the first place, and sanctions transfers and their payments? Why, the board of course! So my point is that maybe people are really looking in the wrong place for why Spurs continually under-achieve, screw-up and are a source of merriment to other lesser beings such as Spammers and Gooners. Our track record with managers is frighteningly bad.

The Board have appointed fan-pleasers in Ardiles and Hoddle. Jeez, have people forgotten the shambles we were under them? Hoddle's brittle and flimsy walkover side. Three consecutive 4-0 hammerings including 4-0 at Old Trafford. I was there. It was hideous. The Board have appointed dinosaurs like George Graham (thanks, Sugar; it should have been you who was fired over that appointment. Tosser.) and Redknapp (appointing a man who was shortly to be in the dock over corruption charges. Priceless!). Gross? What a complete knob-cheese he was. Ramos? He couldn't speak English!!! A colossal risk of an appointment. But we don't learn. Communicating effectively is colossally important in a group, a team game or whatever. Do we learn. Nope! We sign Pav, and now Soldado who don't speak the lingo! Benteke was far younger, Premiership-proven, cheaper(!!!) and can speak English, plus already settled in England. Santini? Solid gold that one. Remember France's World Cup, with Santini as manager? They bombed horribly. But already signed to be Spurs new manager! Poisonous infighting and relationships with the DoF structure?? Backstabbing?? An episode of Dallas could have used it all for a script. Or, The Office.... Or Comedy Playhouse (for those well over 40).

Yet on here, I hear people wanting the likes of Redknapp back. Some people have very short memories. His behaviour at this club was appalling. We should have walked top 4 in his final season. We didn't, and he clearly thought of his own pocket with the last game against Villa. Perhaps we should re-appoint Gorgeous George while we are at it, too. I'm sure he wouldn't lose by 6, but the football would be less appealing to watch than paint drying.

The shambles that is THFC's managerial recruitment history over the last 23 years is a horror story in itself. And that is down to the Board. Pure and simple. Too many times they have deflected blame away from themselves and onto the manager to carry the whole can, when things have not gone well.

At long last a manager has been appointed who is a modern man with an impeccable cv of influence and experience. Mourhinos understudy, and Bobby Robson. Age on his side. Prepared to be different. Not a dinosaur. Not just there because of the old school tie. Hopefully we are not a stepping stone.

So we should get rid of him now? Another short-term attempt at grabbing success, and if we are not Barcelona overnight, we implode (again), sack and start again from scratch (very expensively). Great. SAF might have got a long time to get it right at Man Utd (much in the 'old world' maybe) but our 'policy' is completely the other end of the spectrum. We CANNOT go on like this.

We will get success at this club in one of two ways:

1. By getting the right man in as manager, giving him the resources to do the job, the right support and it will take time. Predecessors were not the right man (Jol excepted, IMHO, and he wasnt supported properly either).

2. By getting in a mega bucks man prepared to spend to make us supreme again. With the right reasons. Judging by peoples comments on here about that route i.e. it not being cricket/not the Tottenham way/distasteful etc etc, I cannot see it happening.

I believe that - long-term - AVB is a man for the future. The critical issue is his working relationship with the DoF, as well as the Board, obviously. We still need some new players too: a left back, and playmaker, too.

Grow some titanium ******** Spurs fans, and rough it out. We already have a reputation of spoilt brats; don't add fuel to the fire. Disagree if you wish, but please give an indication of your age. Nothing to do with age = better fan, or any nonsense like that, but I'm interested to see if there is a distinction between the younger, and ummm, not so young fan.

Onwards and upwards..... eventually.

Great post.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Can anyone give a definitive assurance that our performances and results will improve under AVB?

No, I thought not.

Lets try an easier one, that no one has yet addressed.

What areas of improvement can anyone point to (if you take Bale out of the equation)?




Set pieces?

Style of play?

Substitutions that change games?

Individual players? (forget Bale, who I would argue was largely responsible for his own development)

Ade? BAE? Defoe? Lennon? Any of our new signings? Has anyone IMPROVED under AVB? Townsend, possibly.

Where are the improvements anyone can see. Please help me understand what underpins your confidence that AVB has what it takes to turn it around?

Precisely, my point precisely, he's done NOTHING. He inherited a side that finished 4th and id say top 5 was the minimum objective. He achieved it, good for him, but it was no more than we should have achieved given IMO we were the 5th best squad.

This season we will struggle to finish top 7 despit IMO having one of the strongest squads in the Premiership.

We're regressing, players are regressing. Even Vertonghen is starting to look clueless!
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Can anyone give a definitive assurance that our performances and results will improve under AVB?

No, I thought not.

Lets try an easier one, that no one has yet addressed.

What areas of improvement can anyone point to (if you take Bale out of the equation)?




Set pieces?

Style of play?

Substitutions that change games?

Individual players? (forget Bale, who I would argue was largely responsible for his own development)

Ade? BAE? Defoe? Lennon? Any of our new signings? Has anyone IMPROVED under AVB? Townsend, possibly.

Where are the improvements anyone can see. Please help me understand what underpins your confidence that AVB has what it takes to turn it around?

Just for the fun of it to play your game - can you give me definitive assurances that we will not?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Great post.

'Twas a great post indeed, and it brings up a good point. This could very well be a painful season for us, certainly a painful next few months. That is the consequence of Bale deciding he didn't want to be here anymore and forcing us to strengthen, with entirely young or non English speaking players from abroad.

We could decide to jack it all in despite the fact that I don't think any other club has undertaken such a project of purely young players and tried to integrate them all in such a short space of time. Chelsea and Emirates Marketing Project have signed a lot of experienced winners, and in City's case it took them a few years before they made a real challenge.

Now, all these young players are going through the same transitional phase in their lives together. They will fail together. But they will also succeed together once they settle. I think the club is fully behind this from board down to players and they must have all acknowledged that doing something like this wouldn't be easy. We haven't made dud signings. There is not one player that I was underwhelmed with that we signed. They are quality. They will get better. If we sack the manager they would likely only demonstrate the improvements they would have shown eventually anyway.

If you check the 'how long will we take to gel' thread, I was stupid and got it massively wrong. I thought we would gel in a couple of weeks because DOF and head coach were on the same page and all players were signed for a purpose. But I massively underestimated the scale of change we were undertaking and how difficult that would be.

I'm prepared for a tough season this time around. Whatever happens I'm backing the manager. However if next year we have largely the same squad I will be demanding him out if a year older and wiser these players look no closer to performing to their level.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Just for the fun of it to play your game - can you give me definitive assurances that we will not?

Of course he can't, in fact I'm sure we will improve - we can hardly get any worse than v City. The only way is up, I'd be shocked if we don't play better versus United!
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

'Twas a great post indeed, and it brings up a good point. This could very well be a painful season for us, certainly a painful next few months. That is the consequence of Bale deciding he didn't want to be here anymore and forcing us to strengthen, with entirely young or non English speaking players from abroad.

We could decide to jack it all in despite the fact that I don't think any other club has undertaken such a project of purely young players and tried to integrate them all in such a short space of time. Chelsea and Emirates Marketing Project have signed a lot of experienced winners, and in City's case it took them a few years before they made a real challenge.

Now, all these young players are going through the same transitional phase in their lives together. They will fail together. But they will also succeed together once they settle. I think the club is fully behind this from board down to players and they must have all acknowledged that doing something like this wouldn't be easy. We haven't made dud signings. There is not one player that I was underwhelmed with that we signed. They are quality. They will get better. If we sack the manager they would likely only demonstrate the improvements they would have shown eventually anyway.

If you check the 'how long will we take to gel' thread, I was stupid and got it massively wrong. I thought we would gel in a couple of weeks because DOF and head coach were on the same page and all players were signed for a purpose. But I massively underestimated the scale of change we were undertaking and how difficult that would be.

I'm prepared for a tough season this time around. Whatever happens I'm backing the manager. However if next year we have largely the same squad I will be demanding him out if a year older and wiser these players look no closer to performing to their level.

So his second year is a transitional year again? or shall we call it a 'bedding in period'?

What if we lose a very good player in the summer again...shall we write of his third year and maybe we can judge his 4th season? but then again if we lose a good player again in the 4th season it will have to be the 5th season we start judging him?